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Claado Shou

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Everything posted by Claado Shou

  1. Well, everything seems to be going nicely. Everything is in place... I'm going to be away from my normal computer for a while (2, close to 3 weeks) so I won't have the option of using AIM anymore, which means that any files that need to be transferred or whatnot will have to be done through e-mail. If you have something to send me, send it to claadoshou@yahoo.com and I'll get it. Or if it's an image or a VGMix WIP, you can just post it in here. That'll be cool too. Anyway, I'm on leave for the moment, but I will be checking in hopefully every night, so...ciao for now. ~.C.S.~
  2. Yeah, I guess I totally deserved that...that was freaking rude of me to forget your generosity. StarZander is fixing the coding right now, so...again, very sorry, herograw. Never again shall I forget to give credit where credit is due. BTW, when is your site going to be fully operational? And what all will it be? It looks pretty cool, what with the floating icons and all. ~.C.S.~
  3. Hmm...that's strange... I don't know what the problem is, but until I do, just hold on. ~.C.S.~
  4. Ah, yes, very true. Very true. I will change that. As for an instrumental version of Reuben's song, the old version was instrumental, and I'm sure somebody saved it and could upload it, but I'd rather not place it on the project website/webspace, considering it isn't something we're using. I personally deleted it and replaced it with the vocal-laden, much better version including pixietricks, so...can't help you there at the moment. Sorry. Also, aside from art for the project and all, i would like it very much if people that like this project...how should I say..."pimp" it out on other websites, to boost awareness and all. That would be very cool, unlike my hesitation with the word "pimp". Continue to enjoy. ~.C.S.~
  5. Thanks for all the compliments, everyone. Here are the links to the new/updated songs if you want just those: -Track 11: http://symphonic.herograw.com/11%20-%20The%20Masamune%20(ellywu2).mp3 -Track 16 (w/lyrics): http://symphonic.herograw.com/16%20-%20Schala%20and%20the%20Queen%20(ellywu2-pixietricks).mp3 -Track 19: http://symphonic.herograw.com/19%20-%20The%20Rising%20(DarkeSword).mp3 -Track 21: http://symphonic.herograw.com/21%20-%20The%20Chrono%20Trigger%20(Russell%20Cox).mp3 -Track 25 (w/lyrics): http://symphonic.herograw.com/25%20-%20To%20Far%20Away%20Times%20(Reu-pixietricks).mp3 Indeed, they are not. But they are here (the Japanese is translated in parentheses). TO FAR AWAY TIMES Somewhere/ Beyond the rain and autumn plains, the snow/ That litters the countryside/ I find a piece of you And somewhere/ Beyond the frozen fields, I clearly see/ The end of our misery/ A part of the place we knew And slowly down through the fire, burning/ Into this darkness I fall/ Your presence right here beside me, yearning/ Through it all dokoka ame to aki matsu no mukou inaka no yuki ni anata mitsukeru (Somewhere/ Beyond the rain and autumn plains, the snow/ That litters the countryside/ I find a piece of you) dokoka kotta hara no mukou, atashi mijimesa musabi shiteta dokoro ni (And somewhere/ Beyond the frozen fields, I clearly see/ The end of our misery/ A part of the place we knew) And as the shadow dawns upon us/ All I seem to think about is/ Where our hope has faded away/ Into kage wo miedashitara kangaeru dake wa shioreta nozomi doko ni... (And as the shadow dawns upon us/ All I seem to think about is/ Where our hope has faded away/ Into) And somewhere/ Beyond the hills below the horizon sun/ A life that has just begun/ A life we’re meant to know dokoka ame to aki matsu no mukou inaka no yuki ni anata mitsukeru (Somewhere/ Beyond the rain and autumn plains, the snow/ That litters the countryside/ I find a piece of you) SCHALA AND THE QUEEN un no kage chiheisen ni (wa) mukashi no hi ni miru (Shadows of fate/ On the horizon/ Looking into a past of flame) un no kage chiheisen ni (wa) namae nashi mono miru (Shadows of fate/ On the horizon/ Looking to something that has no name) mou ikkai ikezu no doutei kongo towa houyou (Never again shall we take this journey/ Hold me forevermore) mou ikkai, kishi miru dokodemo kurai (Once again, we see the shore/ Darkness everywhere) mou ikkai, matsu yume sagasu (Once again, we pause/ And relive the dream) mou ikkai, matsu (Once again, we pause) hinode minagara arashi ura (As the sun begins to rise/ Backs against the storm) mou ikkai, matsu yume sagasu (Once again, we pause/ And relive the dream) yurushite kudasai... (I’m sorry for everything...)
  6. Hmm...everyone else has it working fine. I don't know... What browser do you use? Firefox or IE?
  7. I'm a couple of minutes early, but CHECK THE FRONT PAGE!!! You CAN'T MISS IT!!! Be sure to ENJOY THE MUSIC!!! ~.C.S.~
  8. Just so everyone knows, the announcement and all will be made tonight at 10:00 P.M. ET (2200, since I'm in the Navy) and it will include, but not be limited to: 1) a brand new website designed and built by our beloved StarZander 2) the inclusion of pixietricks' vocals into two songs, ellywu2's "Schala and the Queen" and Reuben Kee's "To Far Away Times" 3) some new music from some old artists for your listening enjoyment Just a little longer, people...just a little longer... ~.C.S.~
  9. Kewl. Well, I think I can safely say that the new songs and other items will be introduced in the next day or two. The majority of the updates are ready now, but we're just waiting for a few other things to trickle in. Don't worry, everything is under control. In the meantime, KEEP MIXING! We're almost done! ~.C.S.~
  10. We actually had someone named Soraya come by and ask for the song, but since I don't have any indication of what Soraya's music is like, and I remember vividly being stunned by yours, I think I can make you the mixer on that particular song. So, lemme send you some stuff and have at it. AAAAAALLLLLLLSSSSSSSOOOOOOOO...I'm thinking it would be best to only have one set of pictures for the CD art and CDs themselves, so I've put together what seems like a good setup. CD Cover: Eon_Blue's Lavos picture with the logo in the center CD Back: Kanjika's picture with the stopwatch on the table CD Insert: Kanjika's picture with Frog and Crono in the rain Now I just need some art for the first and second CDs, preferably something simple that just identifies the CDs as being Chrono Symphonic. Anything cool and aesthetically pleasing. Just post your stuff here, if you have any. ~.C.S.~ ~.C.S.~
  11. Same to you with Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Symphonia. Make it happen, dude. ~.C.S.~
  12. Thanks, man. It's all of my dreams come true, and you had BETTER stay tuned! ~.C.S.~
  13. Good luck, dude. I'll see you someday in Site Projects, though, you'll have a better name by then. ~.C.S.~
  14. Yeah, I forgot about everything in that paragraph. Sorry. BUT!...I can make up for it with some good news. We're welcoming two new mixers to the project, both of them very well known - Daniel Baranowsky and GrayLightning. It's really cool, I know. Also, several new songs are already ready for revealing, but we're waiting for some other things to fall into place really quickly before the big reveal sometime this next week, so just you wait. ~.C.S.~
  15. Well, that's cool and all, but do you have any work that I can see, to determine what your music is like? I'll give you the song if I'm convinced you can make it sound good, so send something my way. Otherwise, we got some good stuff going on right now. The next few days/week will be magnificent, to say the very least. ~.C.S.~
  16. You mean this one? Yes, indeed, it is awesome. But we need MORE.
  17. Well, I plan on the sidebar linking to the following sections: -Main Page -Remixes -Remixers -Project History -Project Files -Project Art -Affiliates Also, I want the design to be a mixture of real life and Chrono Trigger (no sprites or anything like that, something more realistic). The banner on the site now is a good example of this, if you can see what I mean by that. Thanks for the offer. Just post whatever whenever. ~.C.S.~
  18. I believe that doesn't quite express the strength with which this project is about to be pushed forward. It will be GLORIOUS. Just you wait, my friend...just you wait and see. Oh, and the call is still going out for any sort of CD/sig/banner art that is Chrono Symphonic related. We're needing it now more than ever, especially website offerings. Any takers...er, givers? ~.C.S.~
  19. Glad to see that yet another project is almost completed entirely. Glad to see, especially, that Kirby gets some lovin'. God knows he experiences all sorts of hate because of the color of his skin. Keep this shit up. ~.C.S.~
  20. This is it, people...despite some personal issues and some late nights thinking, not working towards the ultimate goal, the project has bounced back. We're on our feet again, chugging onward. Music is coming our way in so many fashions I can't even begin to describe my excitement. Let me just say this: WE'RE A SITE PROJECT!!!!! But don't go getting all misbehaved on me...we're still looking at our larger picture here, which is completion of the project. And with this new boost of energy, let's try and make it last as long as possible. Some things to expect in the next few days: 1) custom lyrics written by me, translated to Japanese by Evilhead, and sung by pixietricks in two songs on the ST 2) new music by ellywu2, Russell Cox, and DarkeSword (at the least) 3) updates to the site and thread in general 4) a revamping (albeit slight) of our roster, and messages to all of our mixers This is just a taste, people. It's all coming together, and once Chrono Symphonic is finished...there's no telling what we'll have really accomplished. Let's just enjoy the ride. ~.C.S.~
  21. Very smooth, very nice. Very nice indeed...especially hitting that 2:30 mark. Great stuff. Thread and file server updated. Site updates to come. ~.C.S.~
  22. I deleted the "WIPs" subfolder, and I replaced the old "Denadoro Climb" instead. It's in the normal http://symphonic.herograw.com directory now.
  23. Niiiiiiice. This is sounding much better than the previous Denadoro track, that's for sure. I just have one issue with the harp that's being strung in the background...I think that if it were an octave or two lower, it would sound much better than it does now. Other than that, this is going to be very nice. Oh, and I hope you don't mind, but the name "Wind" lacks a sort of cinematic name...for now, I'll just put it under the old title of "Denadoro Climb" and when you have another name you'd prefer, let me know. ~.C.S.~
  24. Really? Well...oops. I'll correct that once I get back from school. Sorry.
  25. Good shtuff. Front-page bump.
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