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Claado Shou

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Everything posted by Claado Shou

  1. Sorry for the "not being here" thing, but other duties have called me lately. School, other music (check the WIP: Other forums), and additional responsibilites have kicked me in the face recently, but now onto business. Remember, August 1st. Mixers, I'll be sending you PMs in a short while with further information, so please check your mailboxes. That is all for now. ~.C.S.~
  2. Well, not necessarily due...it would just be very nice to have them in so everything can be set up for the launch. We only have a little more than two months left, everyone. I know other things may be popping up here and there and everywhere, but this should be a priority when it comes to your free time. We NEED THOSE SONGS in order to keep this rolling, so please...get moving. I've also decided on a deadline... Either show some progress by the end of July (which would be August 1st) or the song is going to be up for grabs. Please don't let this succumb to atrophy...we're all just about ready for it to be over. That's all I've got. Thanks for listening. ~.C.S.~
  3. I would personally submit the orchestrated version to OCR, since it is much more of an adaptation than a retelling of the source material. But anyway... Please get those WIPS in, people. Another PM and some e-mails will be going out soon, but it's all up to the remixers at this point. The rest is eye candy. ~.C.S.~
  4. Is there any way to make the audio stream not directly associated with the Flash video, so that the sound quality isn't reduced? Perhaps, for instance, having two streams, one audio and one video, and then having the viewer cue them up at the beginning? Each page could have its own chapter/song, and you could have a little note that says when to begin the audio, so they work together. That way (and I know this happened to me a lot) if you have a slower download connection and BitTorrent isn't your friend when it comes to albums, you can still listen to the music online without having to DL the songs, and without the video attached. Just a suggestion. ~.C.S.~
  5. The lyrics can be found in the WIP forums, in the actual critique thread, found here: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=61274 Which brings me to my point: please save the long write-ups about this one particular piece - or even the multiple small ones - for that thread, where it belongs. This thread here is not for analysis of the song, and Reu doesn't even look here for critiques, so you're really just wasting your time. Go visit the WIP thread and post away, where it's wanted. Any other critiques will be deleted post-haste from this thread, so...just a friendly reminder. And also, the decision is ultimately up to ME about which version is used on the project. I'll try listening to the two opposing sides of the argument by visiting the WIP thread, but please don't attack/convince Reu on this issue. It's not his problem, people. ~.C.S.~
  6. Damn Usa, your WIP does really sound good. I personally think the violin segment, despite some of its technical faults, sounds PERFECT for the style. And also, great drum intro - enjoyable to teh maxx00rz. ~.C.S.~
  7. I'm a bad, bad bear... [/southparkjoke] Yeah, didn't read enough, apparently. Alright. Well, I'm going to do my best to get acquainted with the game and try to hone my skills for this particular endeavor. Easy, children's writing is not. ~.C.S.~
  8. Awesome banners. Now, just waiting for an assignment, or I'm gonna start writing something. Arek? Anyone? ~.C.S.~
  9. Very nice interface. Now comes the writing part. BTW, what's my assignment? ~.C.S.~
  10. Yes...but ask in the message that it not be posted previous to the release of the project. Then it can be posted whenever after that. ~.C.S.~
  11. Song download on the website is updated. Also, just want to say again, GREAT SHTUFF. I didn't think the song could sound better with anything other than piano, but I guess I was wrong. Congratulations on a job well done. ~.C.S.~
  12. Niiiiiiiiiiiiice. A few issues I mentioned in my PM to you, but otherwise, OCR-worthy. SUBMIT DIS MIX IMMEDIATELY. ~.C.S.~
  13. No, there is no movie. Just the soundtrack for one. ~.C.S.~
  14. Remember mixers, post in here with status updates! Just because you can't SHOW us the work doesn't mean you can't TELL us about it. Also, the site has been getting a lot of hits lately, so thanks to everyone visiting. Everyone here appreciates it. Now...POST! ~.C.S.~
  15. Thanks for the compliments. It's updated, with better timing near the end and smoother (read: still blocky) text. But it works. ~.C.S.~
  16. True about the quality issue. Problem is, that was the feed from the PS1 cutscenes, and it looked that way on the console, so...that was an accurate version of the anime. I wish I had something better, but Squeenix probably won't give me the original files, so...tough luck. And the text, yeah...of course, I'm a simple person, so it doesn't matter so much to me. I'll update it later, maybe. For now, enjoy the editing, at the least. And credit to sephfire for providing the song...I thought it worked well. ~.C.S.~
  17. HHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! I have something sweet as hell to show you guys. Well, I figured that since this project is based on a script for a MOVIE - and movies usually have PREVIEWS to advertise - that maybe Chrono Symphonic needed its own TRAILER. So I made one! Here it is: http://symphonic.herograw.com/Chrono-Symphonic-Trailer.mpg And...commence enjoyment!!!!!! ~.C.S.~
  18. Ehh. When I get paid tomorrow, I'll spend another couple of bucks and switch it then.
  19. I would like to find somebody who can play the Ocarina well with a good recording setup, and who also has some free time on their hands in the coming months. I can't really divulge what this is all for at the moment, considering the nature of the subject, but for whoever volunteers themselves, I promise it will be worth it. WELL worth it. ~.C.S.~
  20. Very cool. Very cool. Well...I went to Yahoo.com and bought a domain name, so here it is. http://www.chronosymphonic.com It links to the old site, but with an advertisement bar at the bottom, so...I guess we can deal with it. It's still a very cool way of attracting visitors, eh? Enjoyxx0r. ~.C.S.~
  21. Wow. I never expected the enemy to destroy itself from within! :maniacal laughter: j/k ~.C.S.~
  22. Where is the Slashdot effect? When does that happen?
  23. I concur. Headphones and contollers are for, as they say in the west, "fags." Only two things come out of Texas.
  24. Your siggy is dancing to Kirby...tacular.
  25. REEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYY? Well, consider me tuned in. BTW, check the VGDJpodcast email. I'm in there. ~.C.S.~
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