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Claado Shou

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Everything posted by Claado Shou

  1. Ooh, DJP! An honor it is. About the domain...I fully intend on dismantling that as soon as the project has the OCR subdomain for its address. I mean, I only set it up because of the convenience of the addy (considering the drawn-out name of StarZander's hosting) but believe me when I say I have NO intention on using that as the website placeholder. In fact, whatever you will as to its existence, DJP, I will fully abide by. Totally your call. I await further instruction. ~.C.S.~
  2. Yeah...well, if your tools aren't available yet, then please take a few extra days. But if you're doing the piano thing, and the piano font is already at your disposal, then I would REALLY LOVE to see the piece next Friday. Remember, I'm expecting a lot of stuff to NOT be turned in, which means a lot of makeup work previous to release, and that means a big crunch time for me, the website, and everybody. This plus school (for me) equals painful. So yeah, we're all trudging ahead. Anything you can get in on time, please do...if not, keep me informed. I don't want to kick you off the project - you WERE the first person I asked to join - but there isn't any room for error here. Sorry. ~.C.S.~ P.S. "Claado of the Past" sounds badass. I'll use it somehow elsewhere. Thanks.
  3. Cool beans. We got some news. So, every song has been claimed, and they're all in the process of being done. Hopefully. End of August, finished songs. August 19th for some, a little later for others. Whatever. WORK. Also, Compyfox, a really professional mixer, has offered to master the ENTIRE project previous to release...but he needs help. So he'll be releasing some instructions in a few days for all mixers to read and attempt to abide by, which will make this process much more efficient, and make the overall product incredible. So please send what he asks for - ALL MIXERS - and if you can't, then we'll figure something out. It'll ALL be good, don't you worry. :D:D:D:D:D That's all I've got. Congrats to DSOP and MythNaz (plus his team of mixers) for making a great project, and go download it now! Excellent work, everybody. ~.C.S.~
  4. Yep yep yep. Definitely worth it. FAVORITES: -The Dark Side of Phobos: Awesome. What can I say? Convincing, powerful, evocative orchestral. A great namesake piece. -The Glass Moon: Very entrancing song, this one is. Just a lot of really good ideas, all combined to form an amazing work of musakz. -Aria of the Damned: Oh, pixietricks, how you make me glad...that you were on my project first. But your talents are not wasted here, and they enhance an already Doom-esque piece into a truly, terrifyingly beautiful ensemble. -The Leaning Tower of Babel: Incredible intro. Like capturing the thrum of the project itself and putting it into a single sonic form. By far the most danceable, lively piece herein. Other honorable mentions for great pieces: Infiltrator, Jade Spawn, Mystery Meat, and ElectroCute Bunny. Excellent work, everybody...this is the best project yet. ~.C.S.~ P.S. However, soon to be surpassed...click below...
  5. How can we REST assured when the project is being released tonight???!!! I'm TWITCHING assured, right, but not RESTING, that's for sure.
  6. The torrent is gone. Why, God, WHY?!!! Just heightened the tension, myth. ~.C.S.~
  7. (Answer to the ultimate question plus 20) posts remaining. ~.C.S.~
  8. Sitty phi posts left. Get 'em while they're hot!!
  9. That's really gross. And I PROUDLY present post 932, meaning we have 68 left. Not much time, people! POOOOOOOOST!!!!!!!! P.S. Myth got the "69" post. Bastard. ~.C.S.~
  10. I know, Kyle is being reckless with his threatening behavior. Perhaps we should fine him. How does this sound? Let us fine him... 10 million dollars! Or something along that line. 72. ~.C.S.~
  11. That's some pretty cool stuff, SOC. And yes, Claude, we must duel. But not until after Monday. 74.
  12. And I COULD always delete yours as well. So let's agree to disagree and keep doing what we were doing. 78. ~.C.S.~
  13. 81 and counting. BTW, is this considered trolling?
  14. Thanks, Evilhorde. Now we only have 8.6 x 10 to the 1st posts remaining. Keep it going, people! ~.C.S.~
  15. 44 times 2 remaining. Heheheheheh....
  16. Apology accepted. 93. ~.C.S.~
  17. Yeah, haven't updated in a while...every one of the open songs has someone on it, but right now they're still not set in stone, so names are being withheld. Just know that everyone -- EVERYONE -- is still on point. Right, EVERYONE? ~.C.S.~
  18. Claude? Who the hell is Claude? I'm Claado. There's a difference. Isn't there? 95 posts left. ~.C.S.~
  19. New goal...get this thread to 1000 posts before Monday. Only 97 posts left to go. FIGHT!!
  20. Alright...I've heard word back from everybody, but I've heard actual progress from everybody except for Kanjika...so I'm sorry Kanjika, but your three songs are now up for grabs. Additionally...for all the mixers that have at least one song already partially-done but are not yet completed with anything, which is Rellik and DarkeSword, you have one more week to show me an outline, actual music, etc. before those songs are closed out and sent up for the taking. And now, we have a deadline...AUGUST 19TH. Read the front page for more information. So now...mixers, grab your songs! ~.C.S.~
  21. Yes, indeed, that is very random Ben. Thanks for sharing. And sephfire...I honestly can't hear much difference between this master and the last. The drums seem a bit heavier, sure, and the flute seems a bit more withdrawn, but nothing much else. Care to elaborate on what was changed? ~.C.S.~
  22. Just post it somewhere online and then send me the link in private. PM, e-mail, whatever, it all works. ~.C.S.~
  23. Eeeexcellent... Remember, August 1st. Only a few days left, everybody. Get your updates in. ~.C.S.~
  24. Kewl. Thanks for the updates. Others?
  25. Excellent. Thanks for replying, Rellik...I love the song you have now, but if you think the new one will be better, by all means, continue. Any other updates? ~.C.S.~
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