Claado Shou
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Everything posted by Claado Shou
So far, my only responses have come from Reuben Kee, Mr. Wu, mv, sephfire (as if it were a surprise), SirRus, and Unknown. I asked a mixer a short while ago about joining the project (FM, an incredibly talented orchestrator), and he is considering the task, so we may have a "replacement" (if you can call him/her that) for Unknown rather soon. Otherwise...I've been having second thoughts about making this a Site Project, or rather, waiting to do so. At the moment, this is the only established project that ISN'T in that section of the site, and while that sets us apart, it also makes us much less visible, and it requires that we bump this thread constantly. So, my question is, to all the mixers on this project: should I ask for this to be moved to the Site Projects forum forthwith? Please post your responses here, and I'll see what happens. Anyway, school beckons, so... ~.C.S.~
Hm...no posts for four days...this seems very strange... Anyway, I have a few things to put out there for everyone. As you all know from the topic already made about it, Chrono Trigger turned 10 years old only yesterday, which makes the year 2005 the 10th anniversary. This may not seem like a big deal to everyone here, but I think it would be phenomenally rewarding to a majority of the Chrono Trigger fanbase out there to receive something so substantial - the movie soundtrack to their favorite game, just in time to celebrate an occasion of this size. We already have 51% of the game done, as you all know, and if we can get the rest done within a reaosnable amount of time, we're well on our way to giving CT a great birthday present. Also, you have all certainly seen the third and newest Site Project be released, Hedgehog Heaven. Though there are bound to be many, many Sonic fans in the audience, including some of the people that participated on the project, I can tell you right now that the work displayed in Chrono Symphonic is much more impressive than what the completed whole of that project has. This project is DESTINED to succeed. Pretty soon, we'll be the ones with our names on the front page, the ones getting all sorts of fan letters from unknown listeners, the ones whose works will cause a Slashdot effect and shut down the site for a day. That can - and WILL - be us, and very soon. I've not had much luck or time finding anything that will host a site for free with the things we would need. Perhaps the best thing to do, and all we can do for now, is wait until the project has reached 75% or above in completion, and then ask DJPretzel for some hosting space. With its completion practically ensured, I'm positive he would consider the option. For now, I think the best idea, to get every song into the same space, would be to submit them all to SoundClick under the band name "Chrono Symphonic", to allow for one page in which all songs would be available. It would only be temporary, and wouldn't have an interface or a design, but without webspace available...I'm afraid options are limited. Also, what I'm about to do right now is start super-editing the script, while I have some free time. I'll let you know right now that I do intend to add one of the removed main characters, but in an altered form, so please don't read the new script expecting Ayla to come punching onto the scene or Robo to malfunction and save the group from a collapsing building. That type of comic-book stuff was removed for a reason...what I plan to add will be adhering to the feel that the CT movie has already established, a serious and epic persona. Just remember that as this new draft emerges in the near future. Anyway...that's all I have. Edits must be made, and all that good stuff. So I shall say goodbye... And happy (belated) birthday, Chrono Trigger! ~.C.S.~
Before I address sephfire's questions, let me say this... I posted this last night, but considering the occurrences of March the 7th, the message was erased, and I don't particularly have time to rewrite the entire thing. So, here's the bad news: Unknown is off the project. Many reasons were cited, some of which were lack of inspiration, lack of time, and a general disinterest in the project. He did, however, say that he had confidence that this team of fine mixers would be able to take up the slack and probably accomplish his song better than he could have himself, a high compliment from a famous name. So consider yourselves stronger for this, and not weakened...Unknown may be gone, but we all remain. Onto sephfire's question...it has always been my intention to get this moved to the Site Projects forum once we have a website and some hosting space, so that instead of posting dozens of different web addresses for song links, they can all be downloaded off of a single site, and so we can also have something to show for the title "OCR Site Project". I take that distinction very seriously, and once I think we deserve it, I'll renew my request to be moved to that forum. Believe me, it will all come in due time. Anyway...I have to go sleep (goddamn you, night study watch!) so I shall biddeth thee good night. And remember that this is a team effort as well...though I consider it my responsibility to procure webspace and do the initial design, some pointers in the right direction would be nice. Know of some free space with unlimited bandwidth and unlimited filespace that will actually host MP3s? Please drop me a line. The help will be appreciated, trust me. ~.C.S.~
Wow, Mr. Wu. This is...amazing. Beyond perfect. In fact, the product you have right now, despite being 2:00 under the time roof, is absolutely perfect for the scene. And I'll tell you why. There are several points in your song (2, really) where I envision the song cutting off and then picking up several moments later, where no music fills the scene at all. PLUS, I think I may have miscalculated the time a bit, since most of the scene is fast-passing dialogue, and it just sounds so complete and perfected the way it is right now that I'm afraid you accenting it or extending it will ruin it. So, if you so desire (which I hope you do), consider your song finished. I will update accordingly. Also, would you please re-render the song without any lyrics and put it up somewhere online so that I can hear what the in-movie version would be like? It would be very helpful. Kthnx. ~.C.S.~
Alright, every mixer (except Rellik, since I IMed him) has been sent a PM about the project's direction, and you should all check out the front page as well. It has some new info, and other cool stuff like that as well. So please, once again, continue working. Update, update, update. Fifty posts about one song's progress is better than no posts until it's done. You're leaving your fellow mixers in the dark, and that's just being unkind. Also, my next priority is to get free hosting, so I'm off to see the Google, the wonderful Google of Oz. Or something. ~.C.S.~
Yes! Finally, regular internet access, my own room, my own phone, and some music to listen to! I've listened to all of the new/updated pieces, and though it is a bit disappointing, after almost three months of available remixing time has passed, to see only a few additions to the plethora of music already created for this project, I am nonetheless very happy to see progress has been made, and good progress at that. I think the overall feel of epic-ness has been masterfully achieved, one mixer at a time, one mix at a time. I don't intend for this to be a very short process, and quality is key - it seems we've established that. That said, I don't intend for this to be an incredibly lengthy endeavor either. My max time limit before I hit the Fleet is around 16-20 months (depending on additional schooling - Naval Nuclear Power Training Command is a bitch), and though that is the MAXIMUM, I'd like for the actual mixing to be done much sooner...somewhere in the 6-8 month mark, preferably. 4-6 is good as well, but...we'll see. Anyway, as I said, schooling is a bitch, so my free time (roughly -4 hours a day, which cuts into my sleep time) will be only on the weekends. Errands/studying/school will be my life during the week, and as a result, Friday evening to Sunday morning will be my only window for anything related to Chrono Symphonic. Sadly, my life in the Navy will be rather stressful the next few years. However, the money and education make up for it. My first plan of action (this weekend) is to reconnect with everybody that is related to this project. PR is a big step towards getting this back together around a singular goal, and focusing the now-defunct inspiration for this project back on music. Also, I want to try and organize some new efforts (such as website layout/structuring and database construction) in order to better accent the music, since this is going to be more than just an album by the time we're done. It's going to be a movement. My second plan of action, as the weeks pass, is to address the script. With nearly four or five months of no access to the script, many things will change, all for the better. Hopefully. I'll minimize the change this makes to the music's input, and since the music has now influenced my own perception of the movie, believe me...the script will better reflect the soundtrack accompanying it. So, yeah. Everybody involved, expect some sort of communication in the next few days. To all of the mixers that have continued to put forth effort into the project, even while I was incapacitated in Great Lakes, IL, I thank you beyond all measure of appreciation. You have helped defend the reliable nature of all OCReMixers and helped this project forward through dark times. Congratulations. With all of these things said, please feel free to post and contact me even when I may not be looking. The weekend is a long time during which I can do many things. And every person counts. So for now, I bid you adieu and goodbye. ~.C.S.~
Alright, people. This is not ZeaLitY. This is the actual Claado, and he is pleased. Yes, Boot Camp sucked. Yes, I just graduated today. Yes, I'm posting this from an Internet Center in some mall just outside Chicago. And yes, this will be the only post I can make in the next week or so, until I have something set up in South Carolina, where I plan to make my home for the next year or two. But yeah, enough about me. I want to put Basic Training behind me and move onto other things...things like Chrono Symphonic. I'm loving what I'm hearing. It's a bit strange to see what's happened to something I put so much effort into before, realizing that it's moved forward without me. But no longer. The basic plan of action in the next few weeks and months to come is simple, as long as nothing comes along to complicate it. I plan to drastically revise certain aspects of the script (dialogue, some of the minor actions, perhaps addition of scenes and maybe even small-part characters) to better adjust to what the music is now saying. It's pretty obvious that you can't expect the music to meet the text and then not have the text return the favor. So...edits are on the way, when time permits. The second part of the basic plan is a continuing support, critique, and creation of the music that is being put forth. That doesn't seem to be making itself a problem, however...from what my ears are detecting, it's very obvious that the people involved here are capable of making decisions for themselves. Of course, overseeing is still necessary, and when the opportunity arises for me to resume that position, I will. The third and final part of the plan involves the creation and maintenance of some auxiliary aspects of the project. File databases, banners, CD covers, website layouts, bandwidth security, etc. Music and words alone make not a project great...this thing will have to have some serious downloadability (not a word, I know) and some serious visual accompaniments if we plan to get everything up to par with other site projects OCReMix has previously encountered. I'm glad to see that the GameFaqs community is so supportive of what's going on, and I'm thrilled to hear some interest from people with something to add to the project, namely Eon_Blue, whose coding skills would be a magnificent aid. But what I'd like to make the point of most is how amazing it is to see a group of people bound only by their loves of music and Chrono Trigger pull together from something as expansive as this entire, spanning server full of remixers and pull off a product like this. With this much talent going forth into the project, I'm positive beyond any doubt that sometime in the near future, Chrono Symphonic will be on the forefront of the CT universe, finding its way diligently into legend, and all of us with it. That said, congratulations, thank you, and I'll see you peeps in a week (or thereabouts). Cya. ~.C.S.~
Alright, done. This is ZeaLitY speaking, still.
Alrighty then. This will be my last post in this thread for quite a while, so I'm leaving some guidelines for everybody. Sadly, by the time finals are over and work can resume unhindered (is that a word?) I will be gone (two days, folks), and I won't be able to do anything. Fortunately, the very respected and well-rounded ZeaLitY has been left in charge until my eventual return, in two to three months. Additionally, I've decided on the official name of the project, something that will hopefully appeal to more than just rabid CT and CC fans. Chrono Symphonic - A Cinematic Interpretation There yar. CTcronoboy will be the one doing the banner work, and all other stuff I leave to the community that has shown an interest in this and supported it. Thank you all. So, for awhile... Sincerely, ~.C.S.~
Yeah, I heard the new version. Very good as well...though there is a minute of silence at the beginning, which is why I think a cleaner version hasn't been posted here yet. When Mr. Wu wants the song to be updated, he'll come here to do so (at least, I would hope).
... ... ...BUMP.
Something like this, but with the music notes in the background, plus words (those'll be added later, though). BTW, I did Magus' face in the flames and the shadows.
Hrmm...I dunno...seems a bit off somehow... First off, it needs a border. Secondly, the music lines need to come out a bit more so it doesn't seem like leftover design material, so they're recognizable. Thirdly, it's too dark now...and fourthly, both Robo and Ayla are in it, two characters that happen to not exist in the script. Keep at it, dude. Very nice concept.
Hmm...I'm gonna redirect you to the front page, first post, which makes it rather clear that only remixers who are invited or accepted through the now-over audition process are being used in this project. If you have an exceptionally good ready-made CT piece for me, then maybe I can pull a Russell Cox or an mv for you, and let you in. Basically, I'll need to see your credentials. And since you asked, the song starts off slowly and more emotional, considering that Crono is tending to Marle's wound, and then becomes the more action-driven song where Lucca blows the enemy away. So, both.
OCR01281 - Dragon Warrior IV "The Grief of Aktemto"
Claado Shou replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
There is absolutely no reason this song should have been kept off the site. This is perhaps the single most emotional, well-orchestrated, and deeply involving song I've ever downloaded from OCR, and if it had been denied the chance to be posted, my opinion of the judges' panel would have decreased significantly. Glad you made the right decision, judges. And glad you made this song, Ryan. Awesomeness. -
Once again, second-page bump. I only have 8 days left to keep this alive...what's gonna happen when I'm gone?!
Honestly, it wasn't so much a patriotic choice as it was a "They're giving me money to do the same thing I would do at a normal college and then paying me to travel the world" choice. Plus, womenz luv da hawt menz in uniform!
Bumpity bump.
Yeah, I'm joining the Navy. I'll have two years after boot camp that I'm in school before I join the fleet, so I'll have a good long while to make sure this project gets thoroughly finished. Here's to hoping it doesn't take two years to finish.
Alrighty then. I've pretty much come to the conclusion that finals, as well as several other undesirable events, have made the Dec. 1 deadline...well, somewhat inopportune. And since finals won't be over for several more weeks, I suppose now's as good a time as any to tell you guys something that's rather important. From December 15th through somewhere near mid-to-late February, I will be totally unavailable. The reason for this is that I will be headed off to Navy boot camp in the Great Lakes. Actually, my absence will begin the afternoon of December 14th, since I will have to stay the night at a hotel for an early rise, checkup, and then departure. I started this project October 15, hoping that in the two months that I would have to get things in place, we would have several of the songs done (which we do), a good portion more of them started (which we do), and basically every mixer having a great concept of their position (which I'm confident you all do). I started it hoping that when I left in two months, it would be moving forward with enough momentum to keep itself going...which I think it does. I still have close to two weeks left to make sure everything is straightened out, so if you have any questions, please let them be asked now. PM me or IM me or post them in here, but I want to clear up anything previous to my leaving, so you all have your own clear vision of what to do next. Sadly, by the time finals are over, I will be gone, and not have access to anything even remotely electronic. That means that as songs finally begin to get posted, I will be unable to comment on them, and unable to upload them to the server space. However, I have asked ZeaLitY to do both of these things for me, and he has agreed to do so, so at least everything will be kept in order. ZeaLitY is familiar with the script and what's going on, so he is very able to do the job. That said, I'm sorry I won't be able to hear all of your amazing work when it first comes out. I won't be able to see it improve, and see you all improve with it. On the bright side, when I get back, I'll have a good amount of listening to do and a good amount of praise to hand out, so at least there's a little bit of light at the end of my tunnel. So, anything that needs said, say it. I'll be listening (er, reading...whatever). ~.C.S.~
Very good opening. That's exactly what I had in mind...a peaceful awakening. Good shtuff. Other previews?
If somebody wants to use the source tune, that's up to them. Song usage is entirely up to the remixer. BTW, that is an interesting song. It would be a nice addition, if somebody would be so bold as to include it...
As I said before, It's for my own personal reasons (which will soon be made clear) that I want something to work with, but if you have shit that needs done (you and SirRus are in the same boat, apparently), don't worry about it. School comes first, period.
That's awesome, dude. Very, very nice work. Definitely coming damn close to being perfect. Anybody else?