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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. Required updates for Team Fortress 2 are now available. The specific changes include:

    - Updated the Pilotka so it can be crafted, traded, and gift-wrapped

    - Updated the Stahlhelm so it can be crafted, traded, and gift-wrapped

    - Updated the physics for the Sticky Jumper projectiles so they behave like regular sticky bombs

    BLU will auto-update shortly. RED... well, the event version of RED doesn't auto-update, so I need to manually update it when BLU is done.

  2. I was just about to make a post about this.

    Could I get my reserved slot on the new servers? I did pay for it back when you had to, and I have been playing on the server recently.

    I added it several days ago. I don't post about every person I add, only if I add them and they have no way of knowing I added them.

  3. Something I've been curious about:

    Suppose a server has the built in vote system enabled as you described, activating when the server map time has 2 minutes left, but the round ends with anywhere between 5 and 2 minutes left. (In other words, the map's supposed to change but the next map hasn't been decided.) What happens?

    It goes to the next map on the map list, whatever that may be.

  4. An update was pushed since my previous message:

    A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. Please download the update from the hldsupdatetool. The specific changes include:

    - Fixed the Demoman not being able to charge while in the air

    - Fixed items not drawing correctly on disguised Spies

    BLU and RED have been updated and restarted.

  5. Or you could just use the default votes for scrambling that have been in the game for 5 months now.

    I've considered it, but chose not to because in the past people have complained when someone arbitrarily starts a vote.

    And it doesn't steal your keyboard input. I don't know why you still have the terrible 4-8 vote screen.


    And now you're getting into the map vote issue, as it's the only one that uses 4-8.

    I know about the TF2 built-in map vote. I also know about its drawbacks, namely that it always raises the end of map vote when 2 minutes are left on the clock, despite TF2 changing maps if a round ends with 5 minutes or less on the clock (except on Arena). You also can't nominate maps to appear on the built-in vote thing.

    Believe it or not, I'm the person who reverse engineered the TF2 vote system for the SourceMod Wiki. The problem is that the Builtin Votes extension I'm writing is taking longer than expected to write due to SourceMod extensions being a PITA and several mistakes I made early on while writing it.

  6. RED has been switched back to a normal server.

    Also, Valve is going to patch CS:S later today. No clue if TF2 will have a required update too or not.

    I may be doing some work on the server tomorrow. At present, votemelee and votescramble are not working as their respective plugins were disabled a while back due to crashing issues. I'm either going to install new versions of them or search for replacements.

  7. So, new versions of Goldrush and Upward have been. One of the changes is a fix for Upward ending early! \o/

    Required updates to Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch are now available. The specific changes include:

    Shared Source Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

    - Added a server command line option called "-dumplongticks" which will generate minidumps when there are long server frames

    - Fixed startmovie failing for the raw, tga, jpg, and wav options

    - Fixed some HUD messages not displaying properly on widescreen resolutions

    - Updated the localization files for all games

    Team Fortress 2

    - Fixed Demomen with the Persian Persuader equipped picking up ammo crates when they're already at full health

    - Fixed hatless headgear not removing the player's hat

    - Fixed Natascha's bullets preventing Scouts from using Bonk and Crit-a-Cola

    - Fixed teleporter progress being displayed incorrectly after upgrading a teleporter while it was recharging

    - Fixed a rare server crash related to assists

    - Fixed FCVAR_NOTIFY chat messages being clipped and not displaying the new value for the cvar

    - Purchased items are no longer announced in the chat text

    - Reduced the amount of server console output when client commands are out of sync

    - Added the following ConVars for proxy support for replay FTP offloading: replay_fileserver_offload_useproxy, replay_fileserver_offload_proxy_host, and replay_fileserver_offload_proxy_port

    - Removed replay_port ConVar (and the need for replay to open a port)

    - Updated the matchmaking filtering to speed up searches and reduce the number of pinged servers

    - Updated Pl_Upward

    - Fixed ending the game mid-round when mp_timelimit has been reached

    - Fixed several exploit areas

    - Updated Pl_Goldrush

    - Stage 1 : Fixed overlapping train track models

    - Stage 1 : Fixed terrain seam by red spawn exit

    - Stage 1 : Fixed red spawn room door going through ceiling

    - Stage 1 : Light fixture on roof structure of red's first spawn building switched to non-solid

    - Stage 2 : Added func_nobuild under bridge that would get teleported players stuck

    - Stage 3 : Added invisible func_brushes above roofs to block blind demo grenade spam

    - Stage 3 : Fixed wood structure by main gate entrance so it doesn't destroy teleport buildables

    - Stage 3 : Added clip brush to top of main gate entrance

    - Stage 3 : Extended red's respawn room brushes to enclose entire interior

    - Stage 3 : Added respawn visualizer material to back face of blocker that prevents red from entering blue's respawn area from the top route

    - Updated Items

    - Added the Killer Exclusive

    - Added the Mask of the Shaman to the droplist and made it craftable

    - Added the El Jefe to the droplist and made it craftable

    - Added two new styles for the Large Luchadore

    - Fixed the Industrial Festivizer sometimes turning white

    - Updated the shading on the Crusader's Crossbow

    - Updated the Magnificent Mongolian texture and made it paintable

    - Updated the Carouser's Capotain with an improved appearance

    - Updated the Whiskered Gentlemen with an improved appearance

    - Updated the particle effects for the Cow Mangler 5000 and the Righteous Bison

    - Updated the Stickybomb Jumper

    - Now uses a unique texture and projectile

    - No longer causes the wielder to take increased damage from other sources

    If that looks mangled, sorry... posting from a text web browser.

    I believe the update has completed on BLU, but the server may not have restarted yet... it checks twice more to see if the update succeeded before it restarts.

    RED is still running prop hunt, and I'll start a manual update as I leave here.

  8. Just an FYI:

    We have mandatory updates coming tomorrow for TF2, CS:S, DoD:S, and HL2:DM.

    The update for CS:S is a major one. Lots of the changes from the CS:S Beta are being shipped.

    More details tomorrow.

    Also, should I keep RED as Prop Hunt or switch it back to normal? I haven't really seen people on it since last week.

  9. I had a really weird TF2-related dream last night.

    For whatever reason, my house or apartment had a little U-shaped dead-end. I was carrying the Sniper's Kukri for whatever reason.

    As I was leaving with someone else (Melissa, I think), I told her "excuse me a second" and went to Spy-check the corner. I ran into a cloaked Spy, and clubbed him to death with my Kukri.

    Next thing I remember from the dream is that we put a recliner in front of the U-shaped dead-end and I was sitting in it. For whatever reason, I got up to get a drink, came back with it, decided to club the air behind the chair to Spy-check, then stabbed the Spy that was there through the heart.

    Then I woke up.

    Not really that exciting I suppose, but it's not every day one has a TF2-related dream, right?

  10. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Gamemaster1379/ Here's my ID for the private group invite.

    ALSO, for all of you who are not aware, I just released version 1.3 of my taunt modification. It now includes custom animations. You can take a look at it here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxoVtBSSQBs

    I see two things I consider deal breakers (one in game, one in the notes):

    1. Some of the new taunts make the heads move around wildly, making headshots much harder to pull off on the person doing the taunt. The only taunts in the game that do this now are the Schadenfreude's taunt, and those stay in roughly one place after the taunt starts. The Pyro's Shoryuken taunt is by far the biggest offender here, followed by the Spy's new "dancing" fencing taunt.

    2. The new taunts don't do taunt kills even when they should. This means that the Flare Gun, Detonator, Your Eternal Reward, and Big Earner all lose their taunt kills. Ironically, those are the same taunts I just complained about in #1.

  11. A number of people have been complaining about lag recently. I personally have been experiencing very little lag, but the lag others are experiencing may be due to changes I made in the server's minimum rate I made a few weeks ago.

    I've now restored it to its old setting of 3500 (or 3.5kbps). I had changed it to 30000 (or 30kbps).

  12. Just got the message on the public OCR group about the private one. Could I ask for an invite, please? I'd love it if you guys invited me. :oops:

    Here's my profile link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/kinofourpaws

    That's why I sent that message... I'm the only person who is an admin in both groups, and that actually happened after the problem someone else described where it was discovered that anyone could send announcements.

    Also, invitation sent.

    I would like to join the private group too,seeing as I pretty much only play on the OCR servers.

    here is my steam ID page. http://steamcommunity.com/id/HoopyFrood42

    Invitation sent.

    Didn't realize there was a private group til now. Here's my infoz: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197971015845

    Invitation sent.

  13. I have a f2p account. ;_; which means I basically live off of Necro's generousity. :P

    I had a Jarate, but I didn't like it, so it was one of the pieces that made the secondary token :)

    Jarate is extremely useful, if not to get kills, but to get assists (worth half a point each). You can also use it to expose cloaked spies. Using Jarate with a Bushwacka melee is a one-hit kill on just about every class but Heavy or Dead-Ringer Spy.

    Are the new deus ex weapons craftable yet?

    Yes, they are. Valve's currently policy is to make weapons craftable the day they come out. This doesn't necessarily apply to hats.

    P.S. If you have a valid PayPal account, just buy a map token for $0.99 in the store to upgrade to a full account. This also gives you the World Traveler hat.

  14. I have a scrap metal and a secondary slot token. Any suggestions on a really good weapon I should craft? I play sniper/scout/demo/pyro/heavy,

    I would recommend seeing if you can trade another weapon for the weapon you want rather than crafting it.

    The Degreaser flamethrower is a good one to combine with the Axtinguisher and Flare Gun, both of which you already have. (Note: The Postal Pummeler is just an Axtinguisher reskin, but I use it for the comedy value).

    If you melee a lot as Sniper (i.e. more common for Huntsman Snipers), the Bushwacka works great. Provided you have a Jarate as your secondary item, that is. Having said that, Jarate is an achievement unlock that you don't have.

    The Demoman has a bunch of interesting items if you want to play Demoknight. My favorites are Ali Baba's Wee Booties, Splendid Screen, and Persian Persuader (which are all fairly new).

    The Demoman also has the Ullapool Caber melee weapon... which does a lot of damage to one enemy at melee range, but also damages you.

    Heavy... well, it looks like you have most of his best items already. Keeping in mind that Heavy is my least played class, the only two miniguns I ever use are the stock Minigun and the Tomislav. Secondary, the best items are likely the Sandvich or Shotgun depending on what you intend to do with them. The GRU is the best non-Medieval melee weapon. For Medieval mode, the KGB is the best (which is an achievement unlock).

    Scout... his most powerful primary is the default one, the Scattergun. Secondary is a tough choice. I tend to use Bonk Atomic Punch (an achievement unlock) so that I can use it to avoid sentries and annoying enemies that would otherwise mow me down (read: Heavies, Demomen, and Soldiers). Melee weapons is a toss up. All the Scout melee unlocks except the fish have a downside. I'm currently using the Fan O' War, just because it applies a Jarate-like effect to a single person I hit with it.

  15. I sent out a bunch of group invites. Everyone above should have gotten one from me.

    As a reminder, the Prop Hunt Weekend event that began last week, officially begins today.

    Except it's already been running for a week, so try to act surprised.

    However, I may add some more... novelty maps this week.

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