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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. Sorry, OCR decided it wasn't going to give me new message notifications.

    Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but are you giving away reserved spots free, or must we still pay for them?

    If it's free, heck yes I want one.

    if not... :cry:

    Only 3 hours played on the server? Clearly, you'll need to use this slot to play more.


    I would like to second this; I'd definitely be interested in a reserved slot if possible. Thank you greatly.

    I need you to tell me who you are on Steam first. I use our server's stats page to look up peoples' Steam IDs.

    So I completely missed the Pip-Boy promotion since I was waiting for the Fallout sale which didn't come up until the very last day which happened to be when my girlfriend was sick and I couldn't be on the computer and graaahhhhhhh.

    Does anyone know someone who has New Vegas and doesn't care about TF2 (or Engi items) who could give me theirs? :[

    It's now droppable and craftable as of a few hours ago.

    Um, how do I know whether I have a reservation slot or not?

    Frankly, I would not use it to connect to the server, I've been on a receiving end a few times on other public servers, and it pissed me off. It's nice to have it not to get kicked out, though. I would actually do something productive with my time like watching porn instead.

    You do. I carried all the reserved slots over from the old server, including yours.

    AND NOW, for something that Valve announced moments ago:

    Valve just introduced out-of-game item trading, now in Beta. Oh, and it sounds like you can now trade items for games directly in Steam.

    Steam Trading Beta lets you securely trade your in-game items for other in-game items from participating games. You can also trade Steam gifts (games on Steam that you've purchased but not yet added to your Games Library).


    An optional update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. The specific changes include:

    - Renamed The Tamrielic Relic to The Dragonborn Helmet

    - Updated The Original, The Dragonborn Helmet, The Anger, The Pip-Boy, and The Wingstick so they can be purchased/crafted/traded/found

    - Updated the gamehaptics file

    ---- Added draw/recoil/reload/crit forces for The Original

    - Updated the localization files

    I'm restarted the servers, although I don't think it was strictly necessary, as there were no major server-side changes... I just wanted to make sure the haptics update didn't require updated server-side support.

  2. The server's suffering packet loss inside the provider's network. I'm trying to get in touch with tech support.

    Edit: I filed a ticket with the provider. I also narrowed it down to the connection between these two nodes: xe1-04.gwy03.sctn01.hostnoc.net and ec0-64.bi3901.sctn01.hostnoc.net, as packets start dropping as soon as it passes from one to the other, and it's happening in both directions. Not that we can do anything about it.

    BLU is currently not even showing in the server list, and I wouldn't rely on RED working right now either.

    I'll check on the servers one more time at about midnight EST, before I go to bed. If the lag is gone, I'll restart BLU. Otherwise, I'll restart it in the morning.

    Edit 2: Server's still getting packet loss. I'll check again in the morning.

  3. That poor engy...

    Also, I'll totally take a reserved slot if they're being handed out. I always seem to find the server either completely empty or completely full, so either there's no point in joining or I can't.


    I can has reserved slot? I'm Spike Spiegel :3

    I see two Spike Spiegal's in the Steam stats.

    Spike Spiegal

    {SHB} Spike Spiegal

    Which one is you? I'm assuming the {SHB} one, but the profile is private so I can't verify that.

    I'll try and send in a donation to pick up the slack.

    The last donation address gave money to FireSlash. If you really want to donate to the guy that hosts the current servers, it's possible via Pledgie/Paypal (Pledgie is just a tracking service that uses Paypal for its actual donations):


  4. I find the connection situation is a catch-22. I would play more often, except quite often I cannot get on the server because it's full. The people who consistently can connect to the server, to be in the top 50 in connection time, now can get on...more consistently.

    Just saying.

    I considered that, but it's also not the only way to get a reserved slot.. it's more of a convenience to me to just add our most active players, since it's easier to add people in bulk than one at a time. They are also people who invite other people to the server. People can also request one directly from me... assuming they know me.

    P.S. I'm also interpreting this post as a request for a reserved slot.

    P.P.S. Which I've now added.

  5. I've added a number of new reserved slots to the people who play on our servers the most. Specifically, those in the top 50 by connection time who didn't already have one, except phill.

    The 28 new reserved slot holders are (in alphabetical order):

    • !!
    • Aeronaut
    • AfroNick
    • Arrowshot
    • Biohazard
    • Bizbiz
    • Cinderwild
    • Dr. Jones
    • Frosty Bites
    • Gamemaster
    • Gary Coleman's Ghost
    • Hazardous Sentient Ice Being
    • HoopyFrood
    • ivelchild
    • JGshogun (although this one almost wasn't added because he hasn't been on in a few weeks)
    • Kenogu Labz
    • NDUDE
    • Obstacle
    • phill (I lied earlier)
    • presh
    • RocketSniper
    • Shrub
    • Sir Prize
    • Spider
    • Top Gun
    • Wertilq
    • Yosimite
    • Zilac

    To use a reserved slot, when the server is full, pull up the developer console (bound to ` next to 1 in the upper-left corner on US keyboards) and type

    connect blu.ocrtf2.com


    connect red.ocrtf2.com

    depending on which server you're connecting to.

    If your reserved slot isn't working, let me know. I did a bunch of reorganization of reserved slots so I can locate people easier. I don't *think* I removed any, but I can't tell just by looking. I also could have made typos when entering new data. I already found a mistake with presh's and corrected it.

  6. Replays have been reenabled. Let me know if you see any server crashes.

    A lot of people want to know what's going to happen with reserve slots. I was thinking of opening them up to our regular players.

    In fact, I may just go in and add people I know that play a lot on our server (but my memory isn't perfect, so...).

    Other than that, people will need to request reserve slots from me rather than FireSlash.

  7. Between my roommate and FedEx, my new computer didn't get delivered today as planned.

    My roommate because he said he'd be here until noon, yet had left for the weekend already when FedEx stopped by to drop off my computer at 11:15am, and FedEx for not being like UPS and saying "you can pick up the package at Blah after X o'clock." (I arrived home at just past noon).

    So, despite asking FedEx to keep the package at their local depot and I'd pick it up, it never got transferred there today. And knowing FedEx, it won't be now until Monday.

  8. Steam is acting up tonight. I'm not sure how this will affect TF2 servers.

    The last time Steam acted up, it randomly kicked 1/2 the people on our server with "No Steam Connection" or some other ridiculous excuse and wouldn't let people rejoin our server until the server changed levels.

  9. The new items are:

    1. A new Rocket Launcher named "The Original." Likely a reskin of the regular rocket launcher, as it has no description.
    2. A new Sniper hat named "The Anger" that looks a lot like the Conjurer's Cowl. Brink-related.
    3. A new Heavy hat named "The Tamrailic Relic" which looks a lot like the Spine-Chilling Skull. Skyrim-related.
    4. An new Engineer Misc named "The Pip-Boy", which replaces the Engineer PDAs (not buildings, whoops)
    5. An new Engineer Misc named "Wingstick".

  10. TF2 just updated for me, but I'm unable to get on any server at all. Not sure what the deal is. Ideas?

    Our servers aren't coming back up post update. I need to see what's going on in more depth.

    It appears that the server binary is gone or moved. I'm looking into it now.

    Edit: Servers are now back up. Thanks Valve for the update missing half the files and forcing me to do a file verification on the server.

  11. Required updates for Team Fortress 2 are now available. The specific changes include:

    Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

    - Added a check to prevent kicking Replay and SourceTV clients from servers

    Team Fortress 2

    - Added new items for upcoming promotions

    - Fixed a case where health overheal wasn't being applied when multiple healers were involved

    - Fixed the new Gravelpit backgrounds using the wrong filename

    - Updated the Mask of the Shaman

    - Updated the localization files

    It should be applied to our servers shortly.

    Edit: It looks like there are alternative version of Engineer buildings in this update, with the name Pipboy. Pipboy being the name of the mascot for the Fallout series.

    Edit 2: The items in question are for Skyrim.

    Edit 3: There may be a Brink item as well, I can't tell.

  12. Circa 3 hours ago:

    Required updates for Team Fortress 2 are now available. The specific changes include:

    Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

    - Fix a crash bug during changelevel when the Steam client is unable to init

    - Reduced the frequency of diagnostic messages for out-of-range positions and velocities

    Team Fortress 2

    - Added the Red Orchestra 2 promo items

    - Fix a crash bug related to the Righteous Bison

    - Fix a bug where the increased_maxplayers server tag was being set when the 25th internal player slot was added for replay

    - Fixed a bug that caused team color paints to appear to be coming out of the wrong cans for the store icons

    - Updated the main menu backgrounds to include Granary and Upward

    Servers auto-updated and restarted around the same time (this auto-update then restart is really neat).

  13. You're not the king, you're a doctor! of Horse hooves! you don't even have a P.HD in ass-kicking!

    I thought he was a time traveling horse doctor.

    In other news, my new desktop shipped today. Hopefully it'll be here by Friday, if not, it'll be until Monday.

    Sadly, if it arrives on Friday, I won't be able to play Friday night due to installing software.

  14. The argument argument removing Dispensers is obvious, but I don't see the corresponding argument for Teleporters in the same light. Sure, there are larger maps where not having them utterly cripples your team's attack, but then there are others, including entire game modes, where teles do little to nothing. There's essentially no need for them on a KOTH or Arena map, and they're often largely useless on CTF. When you're defending the last point of a Payload or push-CP map, they won't do much good, since you're spawning right next to those points anyway. They're useful on 5-point CP, but if a point or two keep trading back and forth, an Engy can be hard-pressed to get them set up in the proper places quickly enough for them to make a difference. I'd say they're only truly indispensable on pure attack and while defending forward points. It'd be up to individual Engies in those situations to play smart and set their loadouts accordingly.

    ...not that your average random pub player is known for playing smart, but oh well.

    Valve already said no to replacing either dispenser or teleporter.

  15. If that was a real thing where you played as infecteds during the campaign... that would be amazing.

    If they went a step further and made it so people could play the infecteds during the actual campaign online, and just hop into a random infected, that would be epic. Not in silly Versus mode.. i was never too fond of versus mode

    There was some talk about exactly that happening around a year ago. I thought someone said some of the files in the game pointed to it as an upcoming mutation.

    Of course, it never happened.

  16. I should mention that I'm still upset with Valve over their lack of release of the rumored Infected mode... where you play as Infected (like Versus) versus a team of all bots.

    Seriously, playing as infected was my favorite part of L4D/L4D2. I just hated having to switch back to playing Survivors every other round.

  17. So I dug this thread up just to say, I think the Left 4 Dead series is pretty much... well, dead now. I really don't see any hope of it's solid resurrection either. I reinstalled it recently b/c of the Dead Air port, and NOBODY IS PLAYING IT, literally. I have NEVER seen a lobby, or in-progress game for it. All I see are mainly Dead Center and No Mercy. And while those were pretty awesome back when they were new, I just don't get why that's still teh ONLY maps 98% of the people still playing L4D2 (which isn't many) play.

    It makes me sad. The series had so much potential for official expansion, and I even would have happily payed for new DLC, but then when they release new content, people bitch about it and then don't play it ever, and continue to run the game into the ground.

    L4D/L4D2, I salute you and thank you for some good times, but it looks like it's the perma-uninstall for you, I'm afraid.

    /plays Taps

    I'll be honest, I got tired of L4D2 quite quickly after it came out. The only reason I had it installed on my (RIP 2011/07/29) desktop recently was 1. For the Summer Camp achievement. 2. To do some testing on a server mod I'm writing for TF2, L4D, and L4D2.

    It likely doesn't help that Killing Floor goes on sale all the time, and I consider it a better game than L4D2.

    Oh, and speaking of TF2 earlier... it's free now. Feel free to join us on the OCR TF2 servers.

  18. So yeah, my desktop decided that it was going to start BSODing yesterday.

    I may try to play TF2, but my laptop really, REALLY sucks at it.

    I'm making arrangements for a new computer this weekend.

    But hey, at least it happened on a weekend, where I actually have time to deal with it.

  19. Required updates for Team Fortress 2 are now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the updates. The specific changes include:

    - Added From Dust promotional content.

    - Fixed a problem with the application of team-colored paints.

    - Fixed Mac-only replay editor crash.

    - "Meet the Medic" startup music added.

    - Definitely did not add cheats for upcoming Free-2-Play Invitational Cup.

    This update was auto-applied to NEW BLU and NEW RED roughly two hours ago.

    OLD BLU and OLD RED were just updated and restarted.

  20. Valve released an optional (read: required for Linux servers) TF2 update earlier today.

    It fixes problems with the Mantreads crashing the server. It may also fix some related crashes dealing with the Cow Manger 5000 and Righteous Bison.

    I installed this on all servers approximately 2 hours ago.

  21. I've updated a few maps on the servers.

    cp_launchpad updated to version 2b.

    cp_gullywash updated to pro (no, don't ask me why the version jumped from imp3 to pro). This is mainly balance changes, including the elimination of the water under points 1 and 5.

    tc_meridian updated to rc3.

    ctf_haarp has an update, but the download for it is broken.

  22. I forgot to mention that I discovered a bug in our new TF2 setups during today's update.

    I wondered what was going on when TF2 NEW RED auto-restarted and TF2 NEW BLU didn't.

    Turned out there was a hidden crashed copy of the server still running from back before I disabled replays. The auto-updater was sending the server restart message to this crashed copy. I couldn't see it because when I asked the server for BLU's console, I got the non-crashed version instead.

    Here's hoping that me killing that process fixes the weird ping times... they seemed more normal for me this evening, even if they were higher than I liked. Still, I'd rather have 90ms ping times than 180ms ping time I was getting over the past two days.

    I also added a switch to the NEW TF2 servers to make the server immediately exit if another process is listening on that port when it starts. Simple version: It prevents me from starting BLU twice or RED twice, but doesn't fix the crashed server issue experienced earlier.

    Incidentally, Valve said earlier today that they still haven't tracked down all the Linux server crash causes, so replays are still off.

    We are still working nonstop on the linux server crash. We found and fixed several other problems in the process. I don't believe any of them are the cause(s) of the crash(es) that have been going on since the 22nd.
  23. Required updates for Team Fortress 2 are now available. The specific changes include:

    - Corrected the damage ramp for the Cow Mangler 5000 and the Soda Popper

    - Fixed a rare crash bug with the Demoman TFBot laying stickybomb traps

    - Fixed a bug that would cause team-painted wearable gibs to show an incorrect color

    - Fix memory leak when updating the item schema

    - Fix an occasional crash on game exit

    - Replay updates

    ---- Client

    ------- Added basic/rough render queue for internal use to increase replay output for relaunch trailer

    ------- Block files are now deleted on replay reconstruction (i.e. viewing), to conserve disk space

    ------- Unneeded block files are now cleaned up automatically on startup

    ---- Server

    ------- Fixed fileserver cleanup

    ------- Any time replay_fileserver_offload_hostname is modified, the corresponding IP is resolved and cached, if possible. This fixes a crash, as well as failed publishing due to "unresolved hostname" errors.

    ------- Added a fileserver IP lookup test to replay publish test

    ------- Setting replay_enable to 0 now halts recording and does cleanup automatically, the way replay_stoprecord does. This fixes a crash that would occur when replay_enable was set to 0 and a changelevel was executed.

    ---- Replay temp directories automatically cleared on startup on both client and server

    ---- Memory management improvements

    - Added ConVar demo_fov_override, which overrides the FOV during demo playback if the value is non-zero

    Additionally, the Highlander medals were added to the game.

    Starting the server updater on the OLD servers shortly. The NEW server has already launched the auto-updater, although I'm monitoring it to make sure it works correctly.

  24. Son of a bitch :(

    Actually, he's lying. It's randomlyKickPhill.smx (because that's the SourceMod plugin file extension).

    In other news, I got some more gruntwork done on the Builtin Votes extension this afternoon. Hopefully I'll finish a new version for testing later this week.

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