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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. I meant to post this last night, but we were getting very high ping times on the NEW BLU server last night.

    I'm hoping it was a temporary thing, but if it persists, we may have to look into moving our servers again.

    Having said that, I'm not touching reserved slots for the moment.

    The "NEW" servers are essentially free to me, as I'm (ab)using my position as VGMusic's sysadmin to use the VGMusic box for them. VGMusic uses nowhere near the bandwidth or processor/memory resources it has at its disposal.

  2. I've disabled replays on all 4 servers to see if that fixes the current server freezing / crashing issues.

    Can you tell I'm getting tired of the servers just crashing like that? Since it happens across all 4 servers, and some other server admins are reporting no crashes/freezes, it's either replays or something SourceMod related.

  3. Another TF2 update. As expected, the Cow Mangler got nerfed.

    Options updates to Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch are now available. The specific changes include:

    Shared Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

    - Fixed a bug in SourceTV that would sometimes corrupt demo data.

    Team Fortress 2

    - Cow Mangler changes:

    - Fixed the charged shot sometimes doing more damage than intended.

    - Fixed a bug that caused the projectiles to stay in the world after a team change.

    - Slowed reload rate by 5%.

  4. Oh god. Pyro is Yoshi. It all makes sense now.

    ... Also, I am ashamed I didn't think of Spaceballs: The Flame Thrower. I love that movie.

    EDIT: Thirdly, an update just came out to optimize the polygons of the new weapons, it seems. So we'll see how this auto-updater program of PL's works in real-time! And it apparently added more cons to the cannon including a minor damage reduction and the inability to be crit boosted.

    The autoupdater bugged out. I went to check its progress earlier today, only to find out it was reinstalling TF2.

    Turns out there's a bug in it that quotes an argument that, when quoted, makes it treat quotation marks as part of a directory.

    It's fixed now, and correctly updated NEW BLU and NEW RED afterwards.

    In the meantime, I manually updated OLD BLU and OLD RED (which don't have the autoupdater), so they were back up first. At the moment, all 4 servers are operational... and all 4 are being tracked on HLStatsX CE.

    However, I made one more tweak that causes it to wait 10 seconds between server updates to fix issues with replays not starting correctly.

    Oh right, here are the update notes:

    A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the update. The specific changes include:

    Shared Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

    - Updated the localization files

    Team Fortress 2

    - Fixed a Linux dedicated server crash caused by the Replay director

    ---- Crash would happen whether the server was capturing Replays or not

    - Fixed the Map Stamps Collection bundle missing in the store

    - Fixed dedicated server ENTITY_CHANGE_NONE console spam

    - Improved the impact sounds for the Cow Mangler 5000's projectiles

    - Optimized many particle effects related to the Cow Mangler 5000 and the Righteous Bison

    - Reduced the ConVar fov_desired to have a lower bound like the Replay editor

    - Updated the Cow Mangler 5000 to display the drawbacks in its attribute list

    - Updated the gamehaptics file:

    ---- Added recoil/draw/crit/reload forces for the Cow Mangler 5000 and the Righteous Bison

    ---- Added charge shot force for the Cow Mangler 5000

    ---- Refined the Demoman's Stickybomb Launcher/Pipe Bomb Launcher reload forces

    - Updated the localization files

  5. RED has completed its move to its new IP: red.ocrtf2.com:27015 / (Note: Just fixed a minor SNAFU that had it reporting as BLU)

    BLU is also listening on its new address: blu.ocrtf2.com:27015 /

    As previously mentioned, OLD RED and OLD BLU are still running due to crashing issues, which are supposed to be fixed later today.

  6. Valve said the update won't be tonight... and that I should go get some sleep. ;)

    Anyway, RED IP updates tomorrow morning as planned.

    OLD RED and OLD BLU have had their identities reassigned to the new servers. Meaning that they're no longer listed in the QuickPlay system. RED emptied out completely just after I did this, so I assume it was getting quite a bit of traffic from QuickPlay tonight.

  7. TF2 NEW BLU is now operational. blu.ocrtf2.com is scheduled to be updated to point to shortly. It is also running the new auto-update script that will restart the servers as soon as a server update completes installation.

    TF2 NEW RED will be rebooted tomorrow morning and relocated to its new IP. I will be converting it to use the new auto-update script at that time, too. red.ocrtf2.com is scheduled to be updated to point to shortly.

    Now, since there are currently server crashing issues since yesterday's update, all 4 servers will remain operational. This way, if one server crashes, we have other servers available.


    TF2 NEW RED's address is changing tomorrow. It will now be at

    TF2 NEW BLU will be coming online as soon as I sort some things out (see next paragraph). It will be at

    I'm going to install a new startup/shutdown script for these servers that will apply updates, then restart the server once updates are applied. This won't fix the crash issue (all servers have crashed at least once in the last 24 hours), but it will help in cases where I'm not around to update the servers.

  9. I tried to make an account, well I DID create an account but it keeps feeling to log on to the server. bewewew...

    You can also use a Steam account to log into Spiral Knights.

    Unless that's the account you're referring to.

  10. The problem right now with the new primary (and this is purely from observation and what others have said):

    1. Limitless supply of ammo.

    2. Has 5 shots before reloading, rather than 4.

    3. Does the same (or more) damage as the normal Rocket Launcher.

    4. Has an alt fire that shoots all 5 charges at once (after a short charge time). That shot not only does mini-crit damage, but disables nearby buildings and sets anyone in its splash radius on fire.

    It's downsides are:

    1. No random crits (and this is *after* Valve removed that attribute from a shitload of other weapons)

    2. Does less damage to buildings.

    In other words, this is almost a straight upgrade to the rocket launcher. I expect nerfing to occur quite quickly.


    If the servers randomly crash, I'm sorry. There have been widespread reports of random server crashes on the hlds_linux mailing list. It's not related to any addons or mods, as it reportedly still occurs with replays and addons disabled.

  11. I'm going to wait until I see them in action to make a final judgement, but my first impression is hilariously OP. "It's weak against buildings! But still shuts them down for 4 seconds! That's a weakness!"

    From what I understand, they have a recharge timer. Or at least there was a HUD element thingy that downloaded in the server files for an energy meter.

  12. Does a server running at 300 fps mean the max fps for a player connected to that server is 300, or that the maximum frames that server can render total per second is 300?

    From what I can tell, neither. The server FPS is actually how many frames the server itself processes that it can send to clients. As such, it should always be higher than the FPS clients use.

    Edit: I forgot to mention, I unlocked old RED this morning.

    I'm in talks with the other admin on my other server to see if he has the list of IPs allocated to us so I can up additional servers.

  13. Are we still in need of money?

    The whole point of me testing the other box for this was to determine that.

    We've determined that one server can operate just fine.

    ON A DIFFERENT TOPIC, Valve just posted this moments ago to the hlds_linux mailing list:

    Hi all' date=' a heads up to TF2 and CS:S server operators -

    A near-future update (not necessarily the next one) will change the way that framerate is handled in the dedicated server. All users, especially those with very low pings, should receive a smoother gameplay experience with less jitter and more consistent-feeling latency.

    Another effect of these changes is that all Orange Box (TF2, CS:S, etc) dedicated servers will run with a locked framerate, similar to L4D/L4D2. The fps_max convar will not have any effect on servers. (It remains as a client option since limiting your FPS can reduce GPU heat and overall power consumption.)

    Although we don't normally give notice before updates, this is a potentially disruptive change for the server rental market, so those who currently charge premiums for "higher framerates" should probably start considering their options now.[/quote']

    Essentially, this means the server fps will be locked down, which eliminates the need for server operators to determine what fps their servers need to run at... ours run at max_fps 500, if you're curios, although I'd dropped that to 300 (the default) before to see if that fixes any problems.

  14. Anyway, the test server seems to be running with 24 players with no lag spikes... although the pings are higher for some people, myself included.

    Chances are this will eventually be promoted to the new RED.

    I'm not sure how many IPs I have on this server (it's actually the server VGMusic moved to last year), so I'm not sure how easy it would be to set BLU and RED both up here.

    Edit: This also doesn't address how reserved slots will work. Seeing as how this server is essentially already paid for...

  15. I tested it yesterday.

    It ran fine.

    Test as in Stress Test to see what it responds like with a full server.

    Also, my ISP has decided that it wants to blow monkey balls again today. Ponging back and forth between 130 and 180 ping, which means that the game's lag compensation isn't even working right... it's pretty fucking pathetic.

    It's July right? Contract with them expires in September, so I can finally convince my roommates to GET A DIFFERENT PROVIDER.

  16. "Custom Blueprint," eh? Wonder what that's for.

    From what I understand, it's basically the old crafting system.

    Also, since no one wants to test my other server to see if it has any latency problems and whatnot, I guess you guys need incentive.

    I've locked RED until you go test test.ocrtf2.com:27015. And put that in the server's hostname.

  17. TF2 just updated.

    - Added a music clip from Meet the Medic to the menu startup music list.

    - Fixed a case where stickybombs could sometimes damage enemies on the other side of a wall.

    - Updated duels to apply a short duel ban to the loser if they team switched or disconnected during the duel.

    - Updated The Private Eye so it can be equipped by the Medic and Demoman.

    - Updated Crafting:

    ---- Added a new "Custom Blueprint" option to the Special blueprints

    ---- Made these items craftable: Copper's Hard Top, Security Shades, Tam O'Shanter, Stately Steel Toe, Nessie's Nine Iron, Rogue's Col Roule, Prairie Heel Biters, and The Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun

    ---- Removed the redundant Smelt Primary/Secondary/Melee/Misc item blueprints.

    - Updated Matchmaking:

    ---- Added a progress bar and server count during the matchmaking search

    ---- Added more filtering on the master server to avoid pinging non-matching servers

    - Community Requests:

    ---- Mod makers:

    ------- Added inputs to the player:

    ---------- "SetCustomModelRotation": Parameter is a string that specifies the angle rotation (Pitch, Yaw, Roll)

    ---------- "ClearCustomModelRotation". No parameter. Will return the model rotation to following the player view yaw.

    ------- Restarted the player's animation cycle whenever the custom model changes.

    ---- Movie makers:

    ------- Added "tf_clientsideeye_lookats" convar. Set it to zero to disable TF players automatic clientside pupil focusing on nearby players.

    Servers updating now.


    I'm testing a new server on my other box. It's an almost identical server to OCReMix RED. The only exception is a new plugin that regenerates the maplist.txt file so I don't have to manually fix it after every TF2 update... and it has a different server ID in Valve's system so I can have it running at the same time as RED without having to take RED down.

    IP: / test.ocrtf2.com:27015

    In short, I need people to test it to see if it has any lag issues.

  19. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the reason all the dispensers had ERROR signs flashing around them was due to a pony model my client didn't download due to my settings saying not to download anything, and that the conspicuous lack of any music near said dispensers was the result of the same.


    Yes. Although, I've disabled the plugin now, so you shouldn't see those any more.

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