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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. For $0, I hope.

    Ha, no.

    Normal prices are in parentheses:

    Gift Wrap - $0.99 ($1.99)

    Team Spirit - $1.49 ($2.49)

    Name Tag - $2.99 ($4.99)

    Description Tag - $1.49 ($2.49)

    Backpack Expander - $2.99 ($4.99)

    The important one is the backpack expander, as everything else drops in-game.

  2. To investigate these problems' date=' we would need as much of the following as possible:


    * Server IP

    * Exact time of the event (and please specify your time zone)

    * Snippet of server log near the event (1000 lines or so)

    Highly helpful:

    * Identity of the dropped players. (Steam IDs and/or IP address)

    * Snippet of server console near the event (1000 lines or so)

    Send this info directly to Jon or me. Don't post to the mailing list, please.

    The next update (no ETA on that) will output some additional diagnostic text to the log and console when this bug occurs. Please keep an eye out for it. We're still not sure exactly what causes it and we have not been able to reproduce it consistently.[/quote']

    The update mentioned was pushed out yesterday, btw.

    If you see a time on either server where a bunch of people are disconnected at once, please send me a PM or something with the date, time, and what time zone you're in so I can pull logs to send to Valve.

    Unfortunately, the ones about 10pm EDT yesterday on RED were useless, because I hadn't restarted RED yet to enable the new logging code.

  3. An optional update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. The specific changes include:

    Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

    - Added an additional diagnostic message when a player is dropped from a server due to Steam authentication failure

    - Added "startmovie" support for resolutions above 2048x2048

    - Fixed a client crash caused by running "startmovie" with the h264 codec without having QuickTime installed

    - Fixed a client crash related to rendering replays

    Team Fortress 2

    - Reorganized the tabs in the Mann Co. Store into Bundles, Guns, Hats, Misc, Tools, and Maps to make it easier to find specific items

    - Added a new Hot Items tab to the Mann Co. Store to show real-time popularity of items in the Mannconomy

    - The Diamondback now correctly gets guaranteed crits if an Engineer changes class while their buildings are sapped

    - Fixed a bug that would cause the Gunslinger to draw a normal Engineer hand first-person sometimes when wielding other weapons

    - Fixed a server crash related to bots

    - Fixed a client crash related to breakables/gibs

    - Added item sets to the GetSchema WebAPI

    - Updated the Spiral Sallet to be equippable by all classes

    Update has been installed. BLU has been restarted, but RED has not.

    As many of you may have noticed, I started the Prop Hunt event a week early (by request, specifically by Captain Yahoo, because he won't be here next weekend) and am planning on keeping it up at least until the end of next weekend.

  4. I thought PropHunt was really fun the other night. Cyberpunk sucks though.

    Some of the other ones are pretty fun. Headquarters, despite having a lot of vertical space, is quite fun. The problem is, it's really hard to escape once someone finds you.

    Harvest you'd think would be fun, but it's literally arena_harvest with no changes (which later became koth_harvest and got added to the game)... which means no added props. Contrast this to ph_lumberyard or spookyravine, which are based on the Valve maps but changed around a bit.

    In fact, it looks like all the ones that are named arena_something haven't been modified at all for prop hunt, whereas the ph_somthing maps have.

  5. So the little test we had was amusing, but for some reason my computer was taking forever to download the next map so I decided to cancel after waiting for about 15 minutes.

    A fun diversion, but I can't see myself playing it too rigorously.

    It helps if you download them all up front. I linked to that a few posts back.

    Well, I worked out a few minor issues, and I think some people had some fun anyway.

    Actually, I could just leave RED as Prop Hunt for the week, unless someone really wants it switched back.

    Sadly, the /help command doesn't appear to work...

  6. I forgot to explain how Prop Hunt works.

    As BLU

    The BLU team can play as Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Engineer, Medic, or Sniper.

    BLU team members lose health every time they fire their weapon. BLU Engineers cannot build sentry guns. Most non-default weapons have been nerfed in some way. Some weapons, such as the Medic's Solemn Vow, are completely disabled. The Shotgun has unlimited ammo, but only a 2 bullet clip. This is to discourage your use of it. Flare Gun is unaffected.

    Killing a RED player (as BLU) will restore your health to full.

    As RED

    The RED team plays as Scouts. When the round starts, RED team players will be transformed into a random prop, although you can change props at any time using the /propmenu command. What props are available depends on the map, which is a good thing, because it means you can't choose things like Egyptian pillars on a Lumbermill map.

    Left-click to "lock" your prop so that it doesn't turn when you turn your camera. This is helpful so you can look around for approaching BLU team members.

    Right-click to switch betweeh first and third-person modes. RED default to third-person, so you can see how your prop looks.

    Most Prop Hunt maps have water somewhere on them.

    RED team has 30 seconds to hide before the round begins.

    RED team cannot attack most of the time.

    When RED is down to one player left, a sound clip plays. The last player can then use their weapons to fight back if they so wish. Additionally, BLU team is permanently jarated at this point.

    For Both

    Health is scattered around the various maps. Additionally, the control point will heal you when you touch it (regardless of your team), but only if you haven't touched it recently (the game will tell you when you can use it again).

    Some props are large, while some are small. They vary from large rocks to a small healthkit.

    TL;DR Type !help in game and it'll tell you how to play. The Outpost ( seems to have a setup similar to how I'm setting it up, if you want to try it before we set it up.

    Note: You may want to unequip your Scout hats, as there are conflicting reports of them appearing over your prop.

  7. I'd be totally down for some Prop Hunt. Is it something we have to download and install ourselves, or is it entirely server-side?

    As far as scheduling, pretty much everything but Saturday night works for me. For something like this, I'd recommend leaving it up on one of the servers for a weekend or so, but still have a specific time for people to jump on and try it so we know we'll have a full server at least once.

    Oh, right, I forgot to mention, you can get a heads up on Prop Hunt by downloading the Prop Hunt Resources zip file and then copying the maps and sound directories from it to your TF2 folder. That's C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\[steam account]\team fortress 2\tf on Windows 32-bit and C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\[steam account]\team fortress 2\tf on Windows 64-bit. Mac users will have to figure it out on their own (sorry). Otherwise, you can just wait for the server to push the maps and sound files to you.

    I've got the server all set up, so whenever we decide to have it, it should be ready. Barring any TF2 updates, that is.

    Maps are currently limited to 20 minutes on Prop Hunt.

    I think having it available all weekend is a good idea. Likely, I'll kick it off next week on Friday afternoon when I get home from work.

  8. New update

    An optional update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the updates. The specific changes include:

    - Added a checkbox to the Advanced Options dialog that will hide the HUD during freezecam screenshots

    - Added a checkbox to the Backpack dialog that will colorize items based on their quality

    - Fixed a server crash exploit caused by invalid player viewangles

    - Updated the color used for Strange quality items so it doesn't conflict with the color used for Unique quality items

    I'm going to update the servers shortly because of the crash fix. Being an optional update, it won't be automatically applied to servers.

    Edit: For reference, the new color for Strange items is bright orange, as opposed to the light orange they used to be.

  9. OK, take two since my browser decided to swallow my previous message.

    After consulting the oracle, or rather, talking to people on AlliedModders, I found out that the Halloween map crash is due to when I'm switching Halloween mode on.

    Apparently, setting tf_forced_holiday 2 in cp_manor_event.cfg causes it to not load the Horsemann model and sounds, which causes the server to crash when the Horsemann appears.

    The fix? Bring back my plugin, which changes the holiday mode as soon as the server begins changing maps.

  10. I'd be totally down for some Prop Hunt. Is it something we have to download and install ourselves, or is it entirely server-side?

    All server side other than maps.

    On an unrelated note, I've disabled halloween mode on Mann Manor and Harvest Event. I don't know about Harvest, but Manor is crashing with it enabled (and mind you, this is using Valve's way of doing it, not the plugin I wrote. The plugin was working correctly.

  11. New patch incoming, complete with Tropico 4 promo hat for the Scout. Looks like they finally fixed drop notifications not showing up in chat, too.

    The nice thing about having a server auto-updater... the server had already updated and restarted before you even made this post.

    Anyway, the complete patch notes are:

    Required updates for Team Fortress 2 are now available. The specific changes include:

    Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

    - Fixed snd_restart breaking voice recording

    - Fixed a rare crash creating a listen server

    Team Fortress 2

    - Item found notifications now correctly show up in chat

    - Added Tropico 4 promotional content

    - Added BleedPlayer input on player for mappers

    - Updated localization files

    - GetSchema WebAPI changes:

    --- Added "kill_eater_score_types"

    --- Added "account_info" for attrbutes where the value is a Steam account ID

    --- Added support for Romanian, Turkey, and Hungarian (ro, tr, and hu respectively)

  12. Speaking of lists, do we have Boundary on there? It's a PL map that shows up on another server I've played on, and it's a decent amount of fun.

    Nope. All maps on the server show up in the nomnomnom list, which is:


    While I'm on the subject of lists, does someone want me to post the reserved slot list somewhere, so people know whom all is on it?

  13. Just a heads up: I swapped the configurations for BLU and RED earlier today. This means that BLU now has crits and damage/weapon spread, while RED does not.

    This is primarily so that events on RED don't draw random people in from Valve's matchmaking service. This hasn't been an issue lately, as we haven't really had any events in the past few months.

    P.S. If this message looks funny, it's because I'm typing it via a text-based web browser and can only see so much in it.

    P.P.S. This means BLU will draw people from Valve's matchmaking service rather than RED.

  14. Sorry, I've been busy... storms yesterday (which is why I didn't respond to you yesterday Hoopy) and an 11 hour work + class day today.

    The level of skill on our server is not just a little higher than on pub servers, but rather a lot higher. If you don't believe me, play on a random pub server sometime and see how much easier it is playing there.

    Also, some people have really bad luck. For example, I played a Demoknight the other day... and if I charged at an enemy, somehow, it seemed like around half the time, Frost Bite would somehow end up right in front of me.

    For that matter, I got several daily awards on Tuesday... some were for using uncommonly used weapons (oh, and meleeing with the Amputator on Degroot)... one of which was "Most Dominated," one of the few negative awards. Lets just say I wasn't doing my best on most maps.

    Yesterday, I changed away from Medic on Thunder Mountain because I kept dying almost every time I left spawn.

    I know Medic is one of your regular classes, Hoopy, but it's also one of the most targetted, and sometimes it just sucks. :/

    Then again, sometimes a good Medic is literally the determiner on whether a team wins or loses.

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