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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. So I won't need to shut up while cloaked? Or is this the colored box in the HUD that tells you the speaker's name?

    Oh, good question. I'll have to check.



    "tf_show_voice_icons" = "1"

    game replicated

    - Show overhead player voice icons when players are speaking.

  2. There's going to be a mandatory update coming on Wednesday.

    Oh, and I just discovered a new server setting (because they're renaming it) that hides voice chat icons: tf_show_voice_icons (soon to be mp_show_voice_icons)

    Meanwhile, I'm using a test server to find out why my TF2 extension is causing crashes. Unfortunately, I seem to have misplaced the directions I was using before for it.

  3. I haven't even completed the first person mission yet.

    Heck, I don't own the game. :cry:

    You know it's only $15 on Steam right now?

    Also, if you guys see any issues with the new TF2 server, please let me know.

    I may try to get replays working (again) later this week.

  4. No complaints with the test server from me. Had a smooth connection, with lower ping to boot.

    The new server seems to work pretty well.

    I'm going to test replays on it tomorrow. I'm not sure if I can get it to work directly without involving the other machine or not. Working on just the one machine is a good thing, as it means replays wouldn't go down if the other machine did (which is how it already works on BLU/RED).

    The new server is already tracked in HLStatsX and SourceBans.

    Edit: One thing I noticed is that votecrits went away when the customvotes extension did. We'll have to bring that back.

  5. I have a test server running at

    I need people to test it to see if it's any better than our current server.

    It's almost an exact clone of OCReMix BLU, but I left out the CustomVotes mod since none of those votes are working right now anyway (melee, scramble).

    It also doesn't (yet) have replays enabled.

    I also removed two maps that have other versions on the server. Specifically, cp_vector_v1 (ctf is still there) and cp_waste_v2 (pl is still there).

    Not sure what other changes are there, but if they are there they are unexpected.

    This particular host has one unexpected bonus: The server has its own fast download mirror and a control panel button I can press to sync it.

    If we decide to keep this server, I will likely add control panel accounts for other admins to it so they can restart it if there are problems.

  6. Why? The backburner was finally good.

    Now its shitty again.

    Backburner damage hasn't actually changed. The +10% to flamethrower and elimination of the +10% on Backburner cancel each other out (since it's based on the Flamethrower's damage)... meaning it does the same as the basic flamethrower now.

  7. I haven't noticed any large amounts of server lag that couldn't be explained by machine lag/issues. I think there are some issues with some dropped packets (things jumping, not being able to see certain projectiles, spys being completely invisible until they stab me, stuff like that.)

    Machine lag/issues doesn't explain why some people have issues and others don't. Unless you meant client machine issues, and I'm not going to assume everyone started experiencing client issues at once except a select few.

    What sort of levels of server can we go up too?

    I'm not really sure what you mean by that. As for server FPS, I was sticking with the default when looking at new servers, particularly since Valve has said that they're going to lock server FPS in a future Orange Box 2009 engine update (which TF2 uses).

  8. I'm in the Northeast (PA) myself, and I haven't experienced any significant lag issues since the previous server move. Guess I'm just getting lucky.

    And sweet, Pyro boosts. I can get behind that.

    Server's currently located in Scranton, PA, so I would hope you aren't having issues with it.

    However, at least one east coast US regular is experiencing issues (and likely all west coast US/Canada users are).

  9. My connection's been improving lately except when it doesn't and decides to disconnect for some reason. I blame Comcast. (On a side note, wonky connections make it REALLY hard to tell if any lag you get is caused by the server or something on your end.)

    I'm fine with whatever you decide to do with the server, but you probably guessed that.

    All I know is I was hearing complaints from quite a few regulars yesterday. I can't say where they are located in North America, only that the people I know who weren't having problems, myself included, are in the mid-west US.

    In other news, the TF2 Beta updated with some changes to the Pyro's various flamethrowers. The stock Flamethrower got +10% damage. The Backburner lost its +10% damage bonus because of this, although it does the same DPS. The Degreaser lost its -25% afterburn penalty, but got a new -10% damage penalty to keep it on par with its damage in TF2 proper.

    I assume the Degreaser change is to fix its interaction with the Flare Gun and Detonator; it essentially lowered the afterburn damage from all sources, not just the Degreaser.

  10. Speaking of servers.

    A lot of people have been complaining about server lag lately. Given that not all people are experiencing this lag, and the people who aren't all seem to be located in the US mid-west, I can only assume it's a network issue.

    Sadly, there's only one real fix for network issues: Get a server somewhere else.

    As before, if we did this we'd have two option classes:

    1. Get a dedicated server like we did before, where we control the entire server.

    The benefits being that we could continue to run two servers like we do now, plus set up any individual servers we wanted. We would also be able to continue to use our auto-updater that restarts the servers after updates are applied.

    I have not price checked dedicated servers, and outside of those hosted by the game hosts, I'm not even sure which dedicated server providers would make good game hosts (because clearly neither ours nor IJ's make good game hosts).

    2. Lease an individual game server.

    Lets face it, we rarely use both servers at once. This would make it more difficult to hold special events, as we'd have to reconfigure just the one server for it.

    Now, I did some looking around at individual game servers based on locations we've used previously:

    Gameservers.com, where our server was originally located years ago, is $1.29 per public slot. That means a 24-slot server is $29.99 per month.

    XfactorServers, where our previous dedicated server was located, is $0.99 per public slot, but also has a 20% off coupon code that makes a 24-player server $19.01 per month.

    In theory, I could cover the latter myself and leave reserved slots the way they are now.

  11. What's that "Engineer Blueprints" in the list of items? Valve's gone on record saying that new buildings are a pain in the ass to balance, but I can't imagine how blueprints would fit as a cosmetic.

    Well, the thread links to a possible picture of it. That picture shows it as a Misc item in the Back region that's something that looks like a quiver with blueprints sticking out of them.

  12. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2141666

    Short version: Valve pushed an update out to the schema a bit early, revealed a butt-load of new things coming out eventually.

    And I /just/ managed to get all the pyro hats. Harumph.

    I tried collecting all the Spy hats before, but then I stopped and thought "wtf am I doing?"

    Instead, I just get the hats I like. I still keep a few extra around, though.

    Incidentally, I think it'd be funny to get the Medic Stethoscope (assuming Misc) and equip it with the Otolaryngologist's Mirror (Head) and Physician's Procedure Mask (Misc) for a themed set.

    I'm not sure I like a new Holiday key being introduced at this time. From the timing, it heavily implies there will be a Halloween crate type.

  13. Reminder:

    CaptainYahoo's Prop Hunt Event: The Full Server Edition is today at 8:00pm EDT / 5:00pm PDT / Midnight Sunday UTC on red.ocrtf2.com.

    Also, a lot of people have been complaining about lag on the server. I'm sure exactly what's causing it. It doesn't help that I'm personally not seeing it.

    I'm guessing it involves connections between networks on the Internet, and it appears that IJ's server has a similar problem on the other side of the US.

    Either that or it really is a client problem, but I have no idea what settings would cause/fix it.

  14. If I don't play in the event on Saturday, I apologize in advance.

    I've been making what have been (I think) great strides in getting my TF2 Voting extension completed.

    A lot of it is just interfaces and infrastructure, but this time I'm keeping it a lot closer to the SourceMod vote system's code, so that it's a lot harder for me to screw up. :P

  15. Ooh, cool update to TF2 Beta today:

    Team Fortress 2 Beta

    - Synced with all changes and fixes from the official release

    - Added support for multiple Misc slot items being equipped at the same time

    - Added support for character loadout presets

    2 Misc slot items? YES!

    Saved Loadout presets? YES!

  16. Speaking of Prop Hunt, I've added some new Prop Hunt maps to the server and added another that was present but not in the mapcycle.

    The new maps are:

    ph_cchotel_b2 (new)

    ph_kakariko_b1 (new)

    ph_harvest_event_a1 (added to mapcycle)

    I wanted to add one more, but I couldn't locate a Prop Hunt config for it... ph_manor_a1.

    I also altered where the download mirror points for the Prop Hunt server, so let me know if you see any problems.

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