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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. Yeah, I just got more pissed off at TF2 than I have at anything in a really long time. It started with a 3v2 on Hightower where the other team went srs biznus with sniper, heavy, and scout. It only got worse from there.

    i mad, bro.

    I bolded the problem in your description.

  2. Ah, okay, that makes sense. I can't remember which map ended with 30 seconds left, but it was one where I hadn't seen it happen before, so it wound up surprising me. I can see why you'd want the setting on CTF and 5CP maps in general, because you could easily wind up in a seemingly-endless stalemate, but it's still a huge bummer when you're in the middle of a heated back-and-forth over a certain control point and the round just cuts off. Maybe it wouldn't feel so bad if there was some way of alerting the players that the time limit was almost up.

    Personally, I think they should set the current round's timer to that, but they don't because of Sudden Death.

    Also, updated the Melee-only plugin on the server to a new version that adds the buffalo steak and the concheror to the list of available items.

    ...yay for adding one of the overpowered items to the list. :/

  3. Ugh...you ever have one of those nights where you lose almost every one-on-one situation you find yourself in, and every weapon seems to find you no matter how far away you are? That was tonight. Especially as Spy. Yeesh.

    Been there, done that.

    There's something I don't quite get about how map time limit works. There were a few situations tonight when the map ran out of time at a really crappy point in the match, including one where there were just 30 seconds left in a round. But I'm pretty sure I've been on other servers (or is it just other maps?) where the last round is always allowed to play out as it normally would before the map changes. Is there some sort of server-side setting, or maybe a mod, that enables this behavior?

    Whether a map ends immediately or not is apparently a setting in the map itself.

    As a general rule:

    CTF and 5CP (Symmetric) maps end immediately.

    Push CP, PLR, PL, KOTH, and Arena maps end at the end of the round.

    PL Upward is bugged and ends immediately. I seem to recall one other map is bugged as well... I was thinking it was PL Thunder Mountain, but I don't remember.

    The only way to fix this is to toss the timelimit and use maxrounds instead. However, this is not a one-size fits all setting. For instance, KOTH rounds can go as quickly as 3.5 minutes. Multi-stage CP and PL maps can take up to 35 or so minutes per round (As I recall Dustbowl is 30, Gold Rush and Thunder Mountain are 35).

  4. Strictly speaking, it's a Resurrection Associate Pin.

    Touché, however.

    The Potato logo there can be found on the profile page of anyone who has played all 13 games in that silly pack.

    Anyway, I expect this pin, or more likely the Companion Cube Pin, to be a cross-game unlock, like the Alien Swarm Parasite hat was.

    Having said that, I was interested in a few games in the pack, but buying them alone even on sale would have brought it to 2/3 of the price of the pack, so I just bought the whole thing. I've already regifted one of the dupes to one of my friends (Killing Floor to be exact).

    Speaking of KF, OCR's KF server is updated and running.

    P.S. Valve, why didn't you add more of the newer hats to Crate Series #18's drops? Every item in it is an Engineer item, but only 1 or the three hats is new, and it's NOT THE BEAR.

  5. This has me more confused than angered.

    I understand that there's an alternate-reality game going on associated with Portal 2, and I really like what they did with the Potato Hat ([Classified]). Modifying that item as a consequence of playing all the games would have been neat, but flat-out presenting the same people that bought the games associated with the ARG with a Portal Two pin?

    No, no, no... it's a Potato pin!



  6. This just in: Green Marine, one of Valve's developers, has confirmed what the TF2 Beta Set Style button does in your backpack.

    Basically, some hats/misc items will have alternate appearances that you can select. One such item that will have an alternate appearance is the non-bear Engineer Misc item, the Googly Eye, which will have a robotic version.

    Maybe this will stop them from releasing a billion and a half new hats every month.

  7. A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. The specific changes include:

    - Ended the Japan charity drive.

    - Added 9 new hats and 1 new bear.

    Servers updated and restarted.

    Also... bear?

    Oh, this blog post implies the bear is also a hat.

    Edit: Lots of new Engy hats... plus the Engineer model was updated... hmm...

    Actually, two of the Engy items and the Pyro item are Misc items.

  8. 8-O Wait wait wait wait wait... spy only round? And I wasn't there? Dangit!

    Me neither... went to bed eearly yesterday cause I wasn't feeling that great.

    Speaking of Valve things, apparently all of the games in the Potato Indie pack have secrets in them... glyphs of some sort.

  9. Well it is the 200th update. Probably adding 9 new classes or something ridic like that.

    Yes, but when you update a server, it tells you what files got updated... and other than hats, it was just steam.inf (changes every required update) and gameinfo.txt (changes every time there's a new item).

  10. You'll love this:

    We've released a mandatory TF2 update. The note for the update is below.



    Team Fortress 2

    - [ restricted ]

    Yes, the patch notes are restricted...

    However, the files it adds are related to a new hat named "Hardhat" available for all classes.

    It's likely the new promo hat from the Potato Indie bundle.

    Servers have been updated and restarted.

  11. I'm not sure why you don't like Killing Floor.

    Killing Floor's pretty fun, but it can get repetitive. Think of Left 4 Dead, but you're fighting waves of enemies as you move around a map... and said map moves in circles, as you have to buy more ammo and new weapons between waves... but the shopkeeper keeps moving.

    Cogs is a puzzle game, but I found it irritating (I don't remember why) and stopped playing it.

  12. Well, it seemed to go pretty well. People are still playing almost four hours later.

    They seemed to still be having fun, so I left it running on RED.

    Also, I installed a new TF2 mod... this one tells you which 3 people of the losing team would have made the MVP list had they won. It also shows the MVP list following a friendly-fire part of the game (like we have during waiting for players).

    P.S. Another new promo hat coming in TF2. Expect the potato hat to appear in the game around the 5th as the Potato Sack Indie game promotion ends.

  13. One hour until Medieval Madness time! In retrospect, it's going to be on the normal RED server with a cvar or two changed rather than on the Event version.

    EDIT: To cover the gap between future map releases and whipping up a proper config for them, I don't suppose there's any support for a default config? As in, "mapname.cfg not found, defaulting to default.cfg"? Or otherwise making sure the server doesn't go WHARGARBL when a map comes up that's not found in its config listing.

    Note: I didn't see your edit before, because I read the post before you made it.

    The main server config is the backup for the map config. However, I've noticed that there are a few interesting quirks to this: Certain cvars, when changed via votes, will override the server's configuration. We've seen this on BLU lately with the crits votes.

  14. I would support this, especially for asymmetrical maps where there can still be time for a third round or not enough time for a second. (Although the latter case is a) rare and B) arguably favorable if it's been dragging on that long.)

    While I'm thinking about it, another server I go to sometimes (critsandvich) has a mapvote plugin that seems to only start the vote after a round has ended. Do you have any idea how that could work?

    I may just set the server to not have any time limits and set the default for maps to 2 rounds and bump it up on maps that doesn't work on (plr? koth? cp symmetric?).

    Mapchooser Extended has an option to start a vote when there's a specific number of rounds remaining, which can be set to 1.

  15. XD

    Also...I just had a Bloke's Bucket Hat drop tonight. Just a week after those two other hat drops. Is this a sign, game?

    I'm beginning to wonder if this week isn't an unannounced double drop rate week.

    It seems like I've gotten items for longer than I normally would, plus I got two crates this week rather than my usual 1.

    Also, FireSlash, if you're reading this, could you PLEASE look into why the server suddenly has tons of lag spikes? I'm going to make a wild guess and say it's because the CPU load level 15 minute average is nearly 5 on a 4 core machine.

  16. New Event Scheduled:

    Medieval Mayhem

    When: Next Friday, April 1, 9pm EDT / 6pm PDT / 1am UTC

    Where: RED (red.ocrtf2.com)

    What: Normal maps in Medieval Mode

    Who: You

    Why: This is more or less a "for shits and giggles" night. Basically, I want to see how normal maps play with Medieval mode enabled. I thought next Friday was the perfect day to schedule that.

    How: TF2 has a tf_medieval cvar. When it's enabled, the next time maps change, Medieval mode takes effect. I believe that this also enables the text replacement

  17. So this wound up being a three-hat day, awesomely enough. I decided to go ahead and buy that Hachimaki, because it's only $8 and goes for an awesome cause. Since this was my first store purchase, I got a Mann Co. hat thrown in for free. And just for the hell of it, I tossed in an extra buck for a Turbine stamp, since I've had many a good time there, so I got the World Traveler's Hat too. I'm likin' it.

    I got a random hat drop yesterday!

    ...too bad it was a Trophy Belt.

  18. Sorry, I was on another server when the update was pushed out, but it looks like BLU was already restarted. I forced a restart on RED as well.

    TF2 BETA was also updated, but hasn't fixed our crashing server issue. :|

    As for the hats, they are:

    The "Humanitarian's Hachimaki" ($7.99), the "Benefactor's Kanmuri" ($19.99) and the most prestigious "Magnanimous Monarch" ($99.99).

    All 3 hats are all-class.

  19. New changes in BETA today:



    Hooked up new Detonator sounds


    Fixed server crash when trying to load koth_badlands

    Fixed a few cases where the client couldn’t connect to Steam

    Fixed importing of custom sprays


    UI now saves the "last directory" used for exporting a movie

    Added a specific error message when trying to upload a movie to YouTube that cannot be found

    Fixed a bug where replay recording would stop after feigning death


    Players now receive a notification when a vote is called (“cl_vote_ui_show_notification 0” will disable this)

    The vote caller’s name is now displayed

    Fixed a case where vote keys were interfering with taking a kill-cam screenshot

    Improvements to server-side vote creation (nextlevel choices mode)

    Unfortunately, the change I didn't list is that the Linux BETA server is stuck is an endless crash on start loop.

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