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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. Required updates for Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch are now available. The specific changes include:

    Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

    - Fixed an OpenGL crash for Mac players

    - Fixed several crashes related to Alt-Tab in fullscreen mode on Windows

    - Fixed client crash caused by invalid mesh

    - Updated shared interfaces to support the new Replay feature in TF2

    Counter-Strike: Source

    - Updated the localization files

    Team Fortress 2

    - Added the Replay feature: http://www.teamfortress.com/replayupdate

    - Known issue with blurry Mac replay rendering will be fixed in the next update

    - Launched the First Annual Saxxy Awards: http://www.teamfortress.com/saxxyawards

    - Added 8 new Replay achievements

    - Added 10 new hats

    - Added The Director's Vision, an item that provides you with a new taunt

    - Fixed a problem with certain equippable items rendering incorrectly on the loadout screen

    - Fixed a problem causing the Mann Co. store previews to render incorrectly

    - Crafted items will now remember/display who crafted them

    - Added a reward for the early crafters of new items

    - Added a new style to the Aperture Labs Hard Hat

    - Added a new style to the Blighted Beak

    - Fixed bugs with the refurbish items interface so that some properties will no longer be un-removable under certain circumstances

    - Fixed the briefcase not being drawn on players when it's being carried in CTF maps

    - Fixed the Gloves of Running Urgently not using the correct skin in the character loadout screen

    - Fixed the Kritzkrieg not drawing the correct model in the character loadout screen

    - Fixed the Horseless Headless Horsemann displaying the burning material in DirectX8

    - Fixed the Aperture Labs Hard Hat displaying the burning material in DirectX8

    - Fixed removing the burning/jarated conditions on players who are being critboosted by a Medic using the Kritzkrieg

    - Added Mad Milk to the conditions that are cleared when players are made invulnerable by a Medic with an ÜberCharge

    - For web developers: added tool and capability information to the IEconItems_440/GetSchema Web API

    Applying updates to server now.

    Also, new comic which makes references to a lot of the Meet the Team videos. And it has everyone's favorite Administrator and her assistant Ms. Pauling in it.

  2. Actually I did notice right away when my backstab animations were screwed up. I know it doesn't change the functionality of the knife, but it affects game animations and it's annoying. It's silly to have them off, they're a part of the game.

    Yes, you did. I knew you did, because you kept voting to turn them back on. However... did Bleck or Brushfire?

    We're about 45 minutes from having it be released.

    (As an FYI).

  3. This reminds me, it seems that crits turn themselves on and off on a per-map basis, if backstabs are any indication. Sometimes I'll get the full animation, other times just simple pokes, and it never changes midway through a map. I don't know how you have the configs set up, but does this sound remotely possible?

    I could go check the map configs, but I'm unaware of any map configs turning crits on.

    Interesting... cp_dustbowl config turns crits on. Will fix shortly and continue checking.

    pl_goldrush had the same problem. Also fixed.

  4. yeah man now it takes two rockets to kill me instead of one and in that extra half a second of life I can totally feel myself enjoying the game at least ten times more!!!

    Strangely, rockets aren't the only types of attacks that crit!!!!!11111

    There are a number of weapons that aren't powerful enough to kill 125 HP classes in two hits, but they will in a single crit shot, because crit shots do triple damage and ignore distance damage falloff.

    Edit: My bad, it's only melee crits that do triple damage. Normal crits do double.

    And clearly it doesn't matter to you that much or you would have noticed that BLU has had random crits off for the last 4-5 weeks... well before the last major update where they removed the nocrit affect from a number of weapons.

    Which just goes to show what Necro said is true: If you just turn random crits off, no one will notice... other than the people who play Spy a lot, because the backstab animation doesn't play any more.

    And before you ask, random crits are still on on RED.

  5. Well that sucks.

    I've been exploring other options, but it looks like we're locked in a contract with our cable company until September.

    At that point, I'll likely switch to AT&T DSL 1.5Mbit/s (which is the highest they offer here) despite them adding caps just to get away from this crappy company (Broadstripe Cable).

    Honestly, it seems like I've had problems with them ever since our last subscription renewal.

  6. It's 8:45 PM on a Saturday. Why the heck isn't the server full. LET'S DO THIS. :nicework:

    Sorry, my ISP is practicing being extra crappy this weekend and I've had ~150ms ping times to any game server since Thursday night, even after resetting my cable modem, router, and all computers on my network.

  7. TF2 Beta updated, changing some of the weapons being tested around and adding some new variations:


    Beta Syringe Gun

    Increased Mad Milk duration to 2 seconds

    Damage penalty reduced to 50% (from 10%), which means the medic now gains health on hit


    Beta Sniper Rifle 1

    Bonus structure changed

    25% charge rate bonus on bodyshot

    45% charge rate bonus on headshot

    65% charge rate penalty on miss

    The charge rate now resets to default upon death

    The charge rate is now unaffected by shots fired while unzoomed


    Beta Pocket Rocket Launcher

    Now deals mini-crits instead of crits

    Time of mini-crit bonus reduced to 6 seconds from 8

    Beta Pocket Rocket Launcher 2

    New rocket launcher option

    +15% ubercharge rate for the medic healing you. This effect does not work in the respawn room

    -10 health on hit

    Beta Pocket Rocket Launcher 3

    New rocket launcher option

    50% faster reload time while being healed by a medic

    -10 health on hit

    Beta Pocket Shotgun

    Damage bonus reduced to 20% from 25%

    Deploy time penalty increased to 30% from 25%

  8. I just thought of something. For that Solly Rocket Launcher, they will have to fix the suicide command other wise you will get a team of Solly's and Medics letting the medics get hit once and then they suicide for the crit boost the Solly will get.

    Hmm... maybe we should set the beta server back up and test that to see if it works, or if it really does need to be a normal (non-environmental/suicide) kill.

    On another front, work has been progressing on the new version of Mapchooser Extended. When it's ready and all the obvious bugs are worked out, you'll likely see it show up on BLU and RED.

  9. The reason that it appears that the weapons are less inspired is because the new weapons that they are releasing are simply stat changes to existing elements already in the game. The truly new ideas came with the class specific updates because they introduced new mechanics. These updates are new models with different stats but the same mechanics which is why they feel underwhelming.

    Even Polycount had a few items that introduced new features. Your Eternal Reward, for instance.

    Another note. The beta seems to have added a user made mod that added in a bunch of unused lines from all the classes.


    Excellent. Here's hoping the fix includes the "I murdered your toys as well!" line for the Spy. Which it looks like it does.

  10. All sorts of new stuff just went into the TF2 Beta. We'll see what makes it through to final.

    Anyway, new stuff in beta is:

    * Medic:

    o Beta Syringe Gun

    + Applies Mad Milk for 1 second

    + 50% slower firing rate

    + 90% less damage

    o Beta Bonesaw

    + Allows the user to see enemy health

    * Sniper:

    o Beta Sniper Rifle

    + On Hit: Rifle charge rate increased by 35%

    + On Miss: Rifle charge rate decreased by 65%

    o Beta Sniper Club

    + 25% increase in damage when health <50% of max

    + 25% decrease in damage when health >50% of max

    * Soldier:

    o Beta Rocket Launcher

    + When the medic healing you is killed you gain crit boost for 8 seconds

    + On Hit: -10 Health

    o Beta Shotgun

    + While a medic is healing you, this weapons' damage is increased by 25%

    + While not being healed by a medic, your weapon switch time is 25% longer

    o Beta Split Equalizer 1

    + Damage increases as the user becomes injured

    + Blocks healing while in use

    o Beta Split Equalizer 2

    + Move speed increases as the user becomes injured

    + Blocks healing while in use


    * Hooked up many community-submitted response rules

    * Replay

    o Fixed audio sync issues on the Mac

    * Synced with all changes and fixes from the official release

  11. I played around with a couple of different solutions to things, retried maps, i got about 12 hours of enjoyment out of it. But since it was free, it's hard to figure out what would be good a price for the sequel.

    The sequel is considerably longer. As I recall, the game is split into either 9 or 10 chapters, with a number of test chambers and other things in each one.

  12. Um, i got the first game free for something like 12 hours of gameplay.

    This game seems to have the same amount of gameplay, but they want $50 dollars for it. Even with the replay value of co-op/multiplayer, it's still coming out a little low on the value scale. I probably won't be picking it up until it's on sale either. This is, of course, a personal decision, but i think it's still a valid way to approach it.

    Really? The first time I played through Portal it took me about 4 hours.

  13. How exactly does Portal 2 happen 200 years after Portal 1? I don't think Chell was in stasis or anything. She woke up in what looked like a hotel room.

    The hotel room is a sort of stasis chamber.

    Hence why it tells you the number of days you were in suspended animation when you wake up... and the second time it wakes you up, it says something like 99999 days.

  14. Yet Portal was odd in that up until the end there was no "music" until the credits.

    Portal (1) has music at various parts of the game, but none with vocals until the end credits.

    The music tracks are named after where they first play in the game, with names like "Taste of Blood" and "Subject Name Here."

  15. Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

    Team Fortress 2

    Fixed a crash on startup for Mac clients

    Fixed class names/descriptions not showing up on the class menu

    Fixed a bug that allowed the Crit-a-Cola to be used repeatedly with no cooldown

    Fixed the character loadout panel not animating at the correct rate

    Fixed the Sticky Jumper and the Stickybomb Launcher using the wrong skins

    Updated the Grimm Hatte and the Pyromancer's Mask with changes from the community creators

    Added more instructions to the Engineer training regarding metal resources

    Added new styles to the Troublemaker's Tossle Cap

    Thanks for not emailing the server admin lists about this required, clients can't connect until you update patch, Valve!

    BLU and RED are down for the moment while the update happens since no one can connect to them anyway.

    Edit: Servers should be up now.

  16. My one real gripe with the game is how you're forced several times to hunt down sections of wall that can hold a portal in order to move on. In context it makes sense, but I feel it detracted from being creative with portal placement, which was a major reason I enjoyed Portal 1. It was frustrating to spend more time looking for a valid portal surface than actually progressing once I did.

    Totally agree.

    On another subject, I haven't had a chance to try co-op yet. Then again, I also haven't been bugging people about it, in case they're playing through the single player campaign yet.

  17. Hey guys, apparently valve changed the complete pack reward to allow any duplicates to be giftable now too.

    That's nice of them, except some of them are still missing... HL2:Ep2 and TF2 for example.

    Oh well, TF2 and Orange Box both had price drops a few weeks before Portal 2's release anyway.

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