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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. We don't like mods striking fear into the (non-abusive) players.
  2. Yes, unfortunately not even the other admins can access the Settings tab and there are no permissions on said tab to change that. :/
  3. If he doesn't, I can. The group owner has a Settings tab on the Admin page. Amongst the permissions are "create and edit group announcements" and "create and edit group events" You can set these to All members.
  4. Whoops, I haven't been reporting server updates here. There've been two since my last post. Required updates to Counter-Strike: Source are now available. The specific changes include: - Added a new server ConVar "sv_competitive_minspec" that enforces the following restrictions on clients when set to 1: ---- r_drawdetailprops 1 ---- r_staticprop_lod (-1 to 3) ---- fps_max minimum 60 (or 0) ---- cl_detailfade minimum 400 ---- cl_detaildist minimum 1200 ---- cl_interp (0 to 0.031) ---- cl_interp_ratio (1 to 2) - Fixed ragdolls popping when using mp_fadetoblack 1 - Fixed a buffer overrun exploit that could be used to attack/crash servers. - Fixed a crash at startup when no sound emitter scripts were loaded. - Fixed a crash that could happen if a custom model was loaded with missing materials. - Fixed a crashed related to alt-tab. - Fixed a potential crash in the shaders. - Fixed a crash when running custom maps with missing model files - Removed the client console commands "mat_supress" and "mat_debug" Required update for Team Fortress 2 and Counter-Strike: Source are now available. The specific changes include: Source Engine ( TF2, DoD:S, CS:S ) - Fixed a crash on startup with some video drivers. - Fixed a bug where the speaker config would be lost on Windows Vista / 7 - Fixed a case where alt-tab would stop rendering models. - Made the 'X' that closes the achievements screen visible by default in 1280x720 resolution. - Made disconnect messages wrap so they don't get truncated. - Made kick / disconnect messages more legible. Counter-Strike: Source - Fixed a memory leak in the dedicated server. - Fixed a problem that could cause the crosshair to expand briefly after the trigger is released. - Made crosshair scale independently of framerate, matching the old behavior at 100 fps. This does not affect actual recoil, fire rate, or spread - only the expansion of the crosshair. Added cl_legacy_crosshair, which defaults to the new behavior. - Made the crosshair for the Glock and Famas scale correctly upon firing in burst mode. - Removed ability to jump to inaccessible locations using grenades (flashboosting). Added sv_enableboost (defaulted to 0) for those who prefer to allow this behavior. - Fixed an issue with involving incorrect armor protection vs. grenade damage. Added sv_legacy_grenade_damage (defaulted to 0) to allow servers to revert to the original behavior. - Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the freezecam sound to be heard when spectating a player who dies. - Fixed an issue that could cause KeyHintText to generate junk characters. - Prevented ragdoll spasm that could occur when using the jointeam command. - Addressed a problem with the sniper rifles that prevented unzooming during auto-reload after shooting all the bullets in a clip. - Fixed an issue with the AWP and Scout that could cause their zooms to vibrate briefly after a reload. - Fixed map cycling so that the cycle now starts from the map selected by the user instead of going back to the first map. - Fixed mp_restartgame so that it resets MVPs as well as score and deaths. - Removed fun fact from achievements summary screen and associated playerblotter functionality. - Throttled warning messages for disabled achievements to no more than once every 60 seconds. - Made the silhouette that appears when you hit AUTO-SELECT on the Terrorist choose a class screen fit within its borders. - Fixed lock radar rotation option in the GUI. Setting this option now works. - Fixed a potential crash with custom huds. - Fixed a bug in walk prediction. (cropped TF2 update notes)
  5. Required update for Team Fortress 2 and Counter-Strike: Source are now available. The specific changes include: Source Engine ( TF2, DoD:S, CS:S ) - Fixed a crash on startup with some video drivers. - Fixed a bug where the speaker config would be lost on Windows Vista / 7 - Fixed a case where alt-tab would stop rendering models. - Made the 'X' that closes the achievements screen visible by default in 1280x720 resolution. - Made disconnect messages wrap so they don't get truncated. - Made kick / disconnect messages more legible. (cropped CS:S changes) Team Fortress 2 - Fixed a bug in the Steamworks stats reporting. - Fixed the new Worms gear not playing the correct sound during the Equalizer taunt. - Fixed map cycling so that the cycle now starts from the map selected by the user instead of going back to the first map. - Fixed a memory leak in the dedicated server. BLU, RED, and Highlander have been updated and restarted. Edit: Holy crap, did they FINALLY fix it where players would go invisible on you at random when you alt-tabbed? Or was that just the fix for if you alt-tab the game sometimes never comes back?
  6. My PC's keyboard is starting to act up... as in the D key barely works now (it barely moves up when released). I may get a new one tomorrow, or I may order one online and have it shipped. Until then, I probably won't be on. I wish I knew this was going to happen in advance, as I was out near a computer store just earlier today.
  7. A little late, but... A required update to Team Fortress 2 is now live. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the update. The specific changes include: -Added Hungarian localization file. -Updated Steamworks stats gathering. -Updated localization strings based on community feedback. -Updated Cp_Yukon ---- Fixed an exploit where players could get outside of the gameplay space. -Updated Koth_Viaduct ---- Reduced the capture time for the control point from 6 seconds to 3 seconds. Also, there's one unlisted update: the Worms grenade models and taunt sound were added to the game. The taunt sound is located at /tf/sound/player/taunt_wormsHHG.wav in the Team Fortress 2 Content.gcf.
  8. Really? I was thinking until someone killed them or they managed to blow themselves up. Oh wait, wrong kind of demos.
  9. Valve has a new contest going on... to give the hats... yes HATS... a brief (75 word or less) backstory. Oh, and if you buys Worms Reloaded through Steam before Thursday, you get a Soldier hat and updated grenade models.
  10. As a reminder, flaming and airblasting at the same time really messes up video performance on some computers. Please don't intentionally do this.
  11. So, apparently Valve has announced the next L4D/L4D2 DLC: The Sacrifice. And yes, it's for both games. Basically, you play the events of the original survivors leading up to The Passing. The L4D2 version will also include the No Mercy campaign from L4D. More here. Oh, and Valve will be releasing a comic online in October with the backstory between L4D's previous campaigns and The Sacrifice.
  12. According to the TF2 Wiki, it was an undocumented addition in last night's update (the one I quoted earlier). It will randomly appear in spawn when Birthday Mode is on. Also, note that Birthday mode is active on August 24 (the release day of the original Team Fortress) regardless of server settings... and accidentally this year on August 21. Whoops.
  13. I was wondering why it didn't shut off after one day... All 3 servers were updated and restarted.
  14. OK, the Highlander server has been rebuilt and should now support the various map win differences as specified in the Highlander rules. If you see any issues there, let us know. P.S. FireSlash bumped the player count to 24 due to some issues with the server not letting people log on. Also... I thought I saw in the ETF2L rules that each player had to record a demo... but that might be for one of their other tournaments. Because the Highlander server now records demos 24/7, it is recommended that you switch maps prior to starting a match.
  15. We're probably going to redo the Highlander server install later this week. With any luck, the changeover will be totally transparent. This is so we can implement all the crazy per-gametype rules* without screwing up BLU and RED's games. *Like koth being best of 5.
  16. Deadlocked seemed to be the series low point to me.
  17. So, a new Ratchet & Clank game was announced today. Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One for the PS3. It's going to have 4-player co-op mode over PSN. Too bad it's not due out until Fall 2011, but I'm sure I'll get it then. I can't be the only Ratchet & Clank fan out there...
  18. Required updates to TF2/CSS and DODS are up now. The specific changes include: Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2) - The mat_hdr_level, r_rootlod, and r_waterforceexpensive settings are now saved in the user's config file. - Fixed clients being able to connect to servers with spoofed SteamIDs. - Fixed a bug where some video configurations could get reset by restarting the engine. - Fixed materials compiled into a map not being loaded correctly if they're in the root materials folder. - Fixed a case of uneven performance on multicore machines. - Fixed point contents not respecting detail brushes. This fixes a bullet penetration bug in some community maps. - Fixed clients being able to spam servers using the ai_set_move_height_epsilon, mission_show, and sv_querycache_stats commands. - Audio fixes: ---- Reduced overlap in the sound timing code. ---- Fixed a case where audio could skip. ---- Fixed voice communication getting corrupted while playing on a Mac. - sv_pure 2 now protects the game_sounds files in the scripts directory. Counter-Strike Source - Fixed prediction errors that were causing greater weapon inaccuracy (bullet spread) on client than server. - Made the bomb the primary target of a +USE command. This fixes a problem with objects placed around the bombsite interrupting defuse attempts. - Fixed the 'skating' behavior that could occur when a bomb planting attempt was aborted. Also fixes the resulting out of sync hit boxes. - Fixed bug in which a player who crouched rapidly and repeatedly was seen as stationery by other players. - Fixed problem in which the sound of a reload that was occurring when a player was killed persisted into spectator mode, making it sound like a reload was taking place near the spectated player. - Gave chat interface priority over scoreboard to reduce conflict between the two. - Increased size of HUD icons. - Fixed bug with env_hudhint that caused problems when its value was greater than 255 characters. - Made the message of the day screen dismissible by hitting ENTER. - Fixed servers not being able to set sv_hudhint_sound. - Gun sounds now match up with the framerate dependent sound timing, and fixed the framerate dependent jittering bugs. - Stats: ---- Fixed an issue that could cause loss of player stats if network connectivity was lost briefly, just after launching the game. ---- Fixed an issue that caused the favorite weapon to display incorrectly on the stats summary page when a player achieves the most kills with a knife or grenade. ---- Made newly-earned achievements and stats immediately update in the achievements and stats panels instead of showing stale data. ---- Improved the font on the achievement toast. - Community Requests: ---- Added cvar sv_enablebunnyhopping, defaulted to 0. ( A value of 1 autotags the server with "bunnyhop" ) ---- De_dust and De_dust2 updated. ------- Fixed several exploits. ------- Fixed collisions on crenellation and domes. ------- Fixed minor visual glitches. ------- Adjusted HDR settings. ------- Removed dust clouds. ---- Added console variable cl_hudhint_sound. Server has been updated and restarted.
  19. Required updates to TF2/CSS and DODS are up now. The specific changes include: Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2) - The mat_hdr_level, r_rootlod, and r_waterforceexpensive settings are now saved in the user's config file. - Fixed clients being able to connect to servers with spoofed SteamIDs. - Fixed a bug where some video configurations could get reset by restarting the engine. - Fixed materials compiled into a map not being loaded correctly if they're in the root materials folder. - Fixed a case of uneven performance on multicore machines. - Fixed point contents not respecting detail brushes. This fixes a bullet penetration bug in some community maps. - Fixed clients being able to spam servers using the ai_set_move_height_epsilon, mission_show, and sv_querycache_stats commands. - Audio fixes: ---- Reduced overlap in the sound timing code. ---- Fixed a case where audio could skip. ---- Fixed voice communication getting corrupted while playing on a Mac. - sv_pure 2 now protects the game_sounds files in the scripts directory. Team Fortress 2 - Added server ConVar "sv_max_usercmd_future_ticks" which prevents clients from running usercmds too far in the future. - Added missing Mac intro movie for cp_coldfront. - Fixed "Hit '%disguiseteam%' to Toggle Team" string and code so they're not hard coded to 'e' and '-'. - Fixed servers trying to validate backpack positions in inventories. - Fixed clients validating inventories other than their own. - Fixed item selection HUD elements showing un-acknowledged items, which resulted in items in invalid backpack positions. - Fixed players not always getting "recent damager" credit for player suicides. - Fixed the weapon selection menu not displaying properly when using hud_fastswitch and lastinv at the same time. - Updated Engineer startup music. - Updated localization files. - Updated Pl_ThunderMountain ---- Clipped off sticky outcrops for smoother movement ---- Clipped various exploit ledges ---- Increased environment ambient exterior light level ---- Stage 1 ------- Fixed hole in respawn room brushes in RED spawn ------- Shifted respawn times to favor BLU by two seconds ---- Stage 3 ------- Clipped rocks off by BLU's spawn exit that leads to building B (allowed Snipers to snipe the entire area) ------- Removed embedded displacement (building B interior roof) ------- Removed rogue clip brush from building A balcony - Updated Plr_Hightower ---- Fixed players building in the RED spawn room. ---- Fixed players building on the back window decks of the barns. ---- Fixed players getting on the satellite dish platform. ---- Fixed players building on the elevators. ---- Reduced the ammo packs in the barns down to small ammo packs. ---- Increased the hill speed modifier to 1.2 (up from .95) ---- Fixed explosion particle effects playing in the skybox. ---- Mine cart "window" collision fixed. ---- Upped Scout-loop health to large. - Updated Pl_Upward ---- Fixed respawnroom entities not reaching the floor of split-level spawns ---- Fixed griefable fence facing BLU spawn near RED base ---- Added BLU high flanking route at RED base ---- Added health & ammo along BLU flanking route at RED base ---- Sealed BLU base left exit with block bullets brushes ---- Extended clip between C and BLU spawn to prevent sticky jump spawn camping ---- Fixed non-clipped non-solid railing in RED base ---- Fixed kill brush in middle spawn not extending to the ceiling ---- Put a block bullets brush on grate below middle spawn ---- Fixed some high micro-ledges accessible to sticky-jumpers - Community Request ---- Added "item_pickup" game event for ammo/health packs. Note: Our servers are already updated... although I wasn't sure if RED or Highlander were restarted, so I restarted them. The best part of this update was the fixes for pl_upward, which finally fixes the buggy parts of BLU spawn #1.
  20. I've noticed it too, and mentioned it on the admins board. Now, whether I'm telling the truth or not, or whether I'm just trying to get admins to check the admin board, I'm not telling...
  21. I guess I should have asked if you guys had any timeframe in mind. It also concerns me that there was at least one major security fix to VBulletin that I emailed DJP directly about since I started this board, and the board seems to still be running the old version.
  22. password ocrscrim for spectating via SourceTV.
  23. I didn't realize it earlier, but according to my Steam profile, I've apparently clocked 998.57 played hours in TF2 (1763.9 hours including idling*). I'll probably pass the 1000 hour mark tonight. Have I ever mentioned I play TF2 way too much? * Because when I used to idle, I did it as spectator, so it didn't count towards the hours listed on my TF2 stats page, but it did towards the hours listed on my main Steam profile.
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