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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. The answer for that is to get a reserved slot! Oh hey, some people asked for reserved slots earlier today, but I don't remember who all they were... [lions]Maniac was one for sure, but I don't remember who Brushfire asked me to add (ObliviousOne?) and who else on the server at the time asked me to add one for them.
  2. Oh yeah, I think I mentioned this on the server a few days ago but not here: I finally have all 37 Spy achievements. I would have gotten it sooner had I actually been playing Spy instead of random classes. Edit: The brings my TF2 Achievements up to an even 200. Edit 2: I didn't grind any of them either. Granted, I did get a little more reckless with my sapping...
  3. Well, Valve has actually Lampshaded that by giving the Scout an achievement for killing someone on Well before the round starts.
  4. Is this a TF2 mod, or a Garry's Mod mod? (Speaking of which, Garry's Mod is $4.99 through Sunday) Edit: It looks like this is an adaptation to TF2 of a Garry's Mod game mode. It's also missing some features that the Garry's Mod version has, such as the ability to change to whichever prop you're currently looking at. The author of the TF2 version also won't release the source code of the mod... or the mod itself... to the public.
  5. er... what's to stop Bahamut or me from doing it then? I mean, I'm usually the one who updates maps and the maplist (not to be confused with the map cycle) on the server even if I don't show up in game that much. Also, I forgot to mention to FireSlash in my last post: The mapcycle runs in order from the top down unless we have a plugin installed to change the order randomly. The only maps that don't are: the starting map (it's independent of the map cycle) and any maps changed/rtved/votenextmaped to. The server also gets momentarily confused when the map cycle file is updated and loses track of which map it's on... this usually ends up with the nextmap set to the same map that's currently playing on the first change after the update.
  6. OK, I restarted it. Edit: I found out why my connection to the server is so much worse than before. It turns out that my connection is now being routed differently. It used to interconnect with AT&T's network in Chicago. GameServers' Chicago datacenter (where our server is) also interconnected with AT&T in Chicago. Now it routes somewhere in XO's network first. P.S. I'm also trying to convince the owner of VGMusic to upgrade to a new Quad-Core server. Probably won't succeed, but if it does, I might be able to set up a TF2 server on it.
  7. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't Steam being funky, since it never told me it finished updating the first time tonight.
  8. Was there a second update this evening? When I logged off TF2 it told me it finished updating it.
  9. I figure that's intentional, since it takes 5 seconds to do that taunt and you can still interrupt it by hitting the Scout iirc.
  10. I forgot to mention: I rebooted the server already to apply this. I do think the Sandvich change is interesting. Also, the Heavy change hasn't been made yet, because it's a new item (isn't it?) rather than just changing an old item. Same reason the Engineer change isn't there yet.
  11. Here are the notes: If the installation is an HLTV relay we allow clients to connect as HLTV clients even if tv_enable is set to false. A recent exploit fix made it such that we ignore the flag indicating that the client is an HLTV client if tv_enable is false, but it is possible that relays won't have this ConVar set Additions / Changes Backpack improvement Added support for 100 slots in the backpack Backpack can now be sorted by type Multi-selection in the backpack is now done by holding down the Ctrl key Alt-fire on the Sandvich now drops sandviches A single sandvich can be dropped at a time. Dropping the sandvich removes it from the Heavy A Heavy can regain his sandvich by collecting a healthkit while already being at full health Eating a sandvich using the taunt method now heals a Heavy to full health Dropped sandviches heal 50% of the collector's health Medic regen changes Base regen amount increased from 1/sec to 3/sec Regen amount increase since time of last damage decreased from 3x to 2x End result of above: Old healing scaled from 1/sec to 3/sec based on time since being damaged (maxed out at 10 seconds). New healing scales from 3/sec to 6/sec Blutsauger Replaced "No critical hits" negative attribute with "-2 health drained per second on wearer" Health drain stacks on top of the above Medic regen changes, lowering the base regen by 2h/sec Added "mp_windifference" server ConVar (default to 0) When set to X, matches will be considered won if a team gets X points ahead of the other team Added a "Remember the active weapon between lives" option to the Multiplayer->Advanced options dialog Added "Disable weather effects" option to the Multiplayer->Advanced options dialog Added "Show non-standard items on spectated player" option to the Multiplayer->Advanced options dialog If set (default), it'll show non-standard items being carried by the player you're spectating Tournament mode changes New item whitelist allowing tournaments to control what items can be used by players Added "item_whitelist_example.txt" Added "item_show_whitelistable_definitions" command to get a list of whitelistable items Added Tournament mode Spectator HUD Added "Use advanced spectator HUD in tournament mode" option to the Multiplayer->Advanced options dialog Shows all the members of your team (or both if you're a spectator) at the top of the screen, along with class/health/respawn time/charge level Spectator indices are now shown on the team members, and hitting the corresponding weapon selection key (slot1-slot12 commands) will spectate them Changed idle player check to include spectators & players who haven't chosen a team Bug Fixes Fixed explosive radius detection using an axially aligned box instead of a sphere Compensated by increasing the radius of grenades, pipes, and rockets to 50% of what they lost at the corners of the OBB Grenades/Pipes radius change: 132->159 Rocket radius change: 121->146 End result of above: Explosives have had their radius reduced at some angles, and increased at others. Radius is now consistent, angles are now irrelevant [*]Fixed Sniper using the reference pose if he has the Huntsman deployed when his team loses [*]Fixed Spies speaking their response rules lines after killing a player as the class they were disguised as [*]Fixed Medics getting MedicCallerPanels in their HUD for cloaked enemy Spies disguised as their team [*]Fixed the Huntsman not firing crit arrows when the Sniper is being CritBoosted [*]Fixed being able to fire the Huntsman under water if you jump into the water with the arrow charged [*]Added check to prevent clients using the "firstperson" command to get out of thirdperson view while they're phasing, taunting or control stunned [*]Fixed Halo glow effect not being hidden for cloak/disguised enemy Spies [*]Fixed wearables not destroying their attached particles when they're removed [*]Fixed several player & viewmodel simulation issues that occurred when the game was paused [*]Fixed a DX8-based exploit that allowed modified particle effects to work under sv_pure 2 Community Requests Added the entindex() of the object being built to the "player_builtobject" game event Added flag to allow CTF map authors to turn off the Overtime mode when timers expire Added IgnitePlayer input to TFPlayer
  12. As for the map rotation, it'd be great if the following were gone: Hydro, Sawmill, Follower I don't mind nucleus that much. Yes, there is a problem with sniping due to the way the map is arranged... exiting via the right door in particular. A lot of people have FPS problems with Viaduct due to the snow. It should be removed for that reason alone. Cashworks... also has FPS problems. Yukon: It's not a bad map, in my opinion. It does seem a bit easy to steamroll, though. As for maps to add to the rotation, I suggest: cp_furnace_b4 (this is actually by the guy who made yukon, iirc) cp_waste (we've played pl_waste before, but not cp_waste) cp_well (Everyone likes well!) koth_harvest I almost wouldn't mind trying cp_toy_fort_alt3 to see if it fixes the problems with toy fort elite.
  13. I wouldn't exactly call myself a career Spy any more. I mean, last time I was on, I played the following classes for at least 5 minutes each: Medic Scout Soldier Spy Pyro In the last month, I've killed Clefairy once more than he's killed me (13 vs 12 for a kpd of 1.08 ).
  14. I do wonder if Kigen's Anti-Cheat would catch this sort of thing. Maybe we should try it out.
  15. er... do you have some reference that this is the TF2 design philosophy? Last time I checked CTF, TC, KOTH, and symmetric CP maps were intended to push back and forth. In fact, that's the entire point of KOTH.
  16. The problem is, it starts the steamroll process. Essentially, if you snatched the briefcase once, that means their defense is already down. 10 seconds of crits when you turn in the briefcase just makes it easier to get it a second time... and third time... until the round is over. It really needs to be eliminated or shortened as it's too unbalancing at present. Also, why was this mechanic suddenly added to an existing gametype two years after launch? What's next, making it so payloads can be pushed back by the defending team? Making it so RED can take back points in attack/defend control points?
  17. CTF are bad examples to use with the text "blu eats a big dick cause of it" since red is just as likely to have issues, seeing as there's no difference between red and blu on symmetric maps.
  18. On Alltalk servers (like ours), when I'm playing as a Spy, I don't communicate that much with the other team. Here are the obvious and not-as-obvious reasons: 1. If I'm disguised, the floating talk icon is a pretty good giveaway that there's a cloaked Spy standing there. 2. The Alltalk ! is team colored. I watch for this and kill anyone I see with the wrong color ! over their head. However, I do watch what my team is doing and listen to what's being said. For instance, if I know some team members are coming up to a guarded sentry (as in guarded by pyros, demos, soliders, etc...), I'll still try to sap it, knowing that I'm probably going to die. Likewise, I choose my targets based on what's going on with my teammates, such as changing priorities to take out a heavy/medic combo if they're causing problems with my team. I would comment about my sniping, but I'm a horrible Sniper and only play it on specific maps or when we don't have any on my team.
  19. I was going to add a new class that should be limited in each post I made until people started realizing how it's a bad idea, but it looks like there are already people who realize class limits are a bad idea.
  20. I finally got around to updating the download mirror URL on the server. If you have problems downloading custom maps/sounds, let me know. P.S. While we're limiting Spy and Sniper, are we also going to limit Scouts too? You know, the third class that's useless in great numbers?
  21. Yeah, there's a few of us who hate it. Off the top of my head: myself, Brushfire, and I think Garian (or was Garian the one who liked it?) Also, viaduct has some problems on slower computers... as does glacier. Perhaps we could kill two birds with one stone and replace both with koth_sawmill? Or do you not like koth_sawmill?
  22. I've been pretty busy this week, so I haven't touched the server. I might take a look at it tomorrow after work if FireSlash or Bahamut doesn't beat me to it. As for Snipers, I know I only play them if one of the following happens: 1. My team has none. 2. My team only has one and I don't feel like playing one of my better classes. 3. We're playing sawmill.
  23. It assigns you randomly on CP Symmetric, CTF, KOTH, and Arena (with the queue disabled). As to team stacking, it is sometimes a problem, particularly with the BROS clan.
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