eternal Zero
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Just found the wizard chest set piece. Now I have 18% more magic find. Sweet. With 5 NV I have 244% MF.
Decided to drop a mil to get my Infernal Staff of Herding so I can do Whimsyshire runs immediately following Butcher runs cause while I can do Siegebreaker runs solo I die a lot and it's frustrating when I come up to combinations I just can't kill. It's a lot easier to kill everything in Whimsyshire for a DH even if they have stupid mods on them cause nothing leaps at me. First run I found a set piece of the barbarian armor which isn't great but hey not bad for just one run and it'll definitely pay back the price of the staff. It's nice that with my magic find gear I have base 153% magic find so with 5NV I'm going to be finding some nice stuff. Also I think after my big exam Friday I'll start up a hardcore character since I'll have more time to play and I've been wanting to do that for a while now.
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
Yeah I was watching the stream when that happened. So good. -
I think I finally found the build that can tank inferno as a wizard...also it uses meteor! Exciting! http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/5589541421 I've tried it and it actually works really well. I don't have the full gear quite and things that don't just fight you are annoying but otherwise this is pretty splendid.
MaxFrost uses a pretty neat meteor build. It looks something like this: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/wizard#akYROQ!aeT!ZaZccZ I couldn't remember all of it so this turned into what I would do to make meteor work. High risk high reward with great damage boosting for group play.
Baha I'm not going to pursue this conversation any further. There's a specific reason for living lightning and it's not the damage. You are indeed missing the purpose of choosing that spell. Those changes look pretty awesome. I look forward to when the patch drops.
Well, did you change your move button to right click? Because then yes I can see why you would move without casting and you would need to shift click. With default controls right click will always just use the ability it's bound to regardless of the presence of a valid target. Also you're missing the point of the melee wizard build. The build doesn't care if the enemy has reached me. The build is purely for doing as much damage/cc/sustain at point blank range. So living lightning is the perfect spell due to the sheer number of hits it does. This maximizes stun chance, overall crit numbers, which therefore means I take less damage and by not moving my venom hydra is successfully doing loads of damage to the stationary targets standing next to me as the pools stack up. Also the gear demand is slightly less than a typical melee because with the armor spell combined with blur that's more than melee classes get from their built in damage reduction. Also like any other typical melee inferno build it runs a shield off hand for even more survival. Also from my experience playing DH it's all about just loading on the DPS for your standard ranged strategy. Any kiting you get is essential. Wizards don't have a root break or a freeze break spell unfortunately so that means you're stuck running crystal form to mitigate damage instead of avoiding damage like WD or DH. So the logic behind gearing for a melee wizard is to accept the fact that you'll be using crystal form and maximizing its utility. Also I only said to run the arcane hydra because you have a passive that you're totally and utterly wasting and I was trying to suggest a way to make it useful. Your build doesn't actually do arcane damage. Edit: Also as for signature wizard spells general consensus is that the best multipurpose ones are Magic Missle [seeker] and Electrocute [Lightning Blast]. For melee oriented wizards they either run Shock Pulse [Living Lightning] or Spectral Blades [Deep Cuts] or [Healing Blades]. There is heavy emphasis on high crit chance for melee builds and either easy line AoE damage for trash mobs or higher target long range poking for the ranged builds.
Zircon, I'm heavily debating doing a vault/ss super sequence break progression through Act 3 and hitting all major checkpoints and remaking when I'm forced to fight. I'll do my best to not progress past a boss without bringing you in so you can get credit. Just gotta get to the point where Siegebreaker runs are as feasible for us as Butcher runs used to be like a week ago. Now even I can tank act 1 inferno like it's nothing so we can do it...eventually...maybe when I finally decide to drop some real gold into the AH.
Actually, Tensei, I think that's my build, haha. At least that's the idea. Cold Snap on multiple targets increases crit rate by 15 on top of planned crit gear and attack speed I'll be stunning and refreshing cooldowns like nobody's business.
It's a melee wizard build. It's not meant for running. Living lightning is meant to maximize the number of hits for a stun proc. Also you 100% don't need a target to right click to place a hydra. I played through a majority of the game with Hydra on left click as well because I don't like wizard primary abilities very much and you simply have to use shift+click to force a cast over a wall into fog. Edit: Also Baha you may way to do some reading on general wizard builds and also read exactly what your skills do. Your builds seem haphazard. I'm not trying to be mean. Just pointing it out. Temporal Flux only works with Arcane damage not a skill that uses Arcane power. Your build does only cold, poison and lightning damage. Also if you want to do the run and gun then your best bet is to keep Temporal Flux and change to the Arcane Hydra because it hits in an AoE and will allow you to kite much easier. Also Venom Hydra works best when the enemy isn't moving so that's why I wanted to make the stand and deliver melee build because otherwise it's wasted on everything that isn't a very slow moving boss.
You don't have any runes or passives set so I can't say how well you'll scale. But! General DH knowledge and practice is: For primary you're either using Hungering Arrow or Entangling Arrow with whatever rune you feel like or if you have access to Acid Strike for Bola Shot that's the one exception I've seen again and again. Secondary is Elemental Arrow [ball Lightning] or [Nether Tentacles] for damage and [Frost Arrow] for utility. Multishot [Fire At Will] or [broadside] is also popular. Your bar consists of Smoke Screen [Lingering Fog] and Preparation [battle Scars] or [backup Plan] for pretty much any build. The other two are up to you. Popular choices are: Animal Companion [Ferrets] or [bat] Spike Traps [Long Fuse], [scatter], [bandolier] Caltrops [Hooked Spines], [Tortuous Ground] Impale [Chemical Burn], [Grievous Wound] Rain of Vengeance [stampede] Shadow Form [Gloom] Vault [Rattling Roll], [Tumble] And passives most people go: Archery and Steady Aim by default. Main 3rd slot choices are Sharpshooter, Tactical Advantage, and Night Stalker. Needless to say you have a ton of options as a DH and outside of the core there's plenty of room to be effective at what we do while having your own style to it. I've personally tried everything but I always go back to Caltrops [Torturous Ground] (kite forever AND trap treasure goblins in place) and having either my bat (near infinite Hatred) or my ferrets ($$$). Stampede is also really nice for groups but not so great for killing bosses or elites. Also Impale is really great for single target damage for small enemies but Ball Lightning and Nether Tentacles just do so much damage it's hard to justify spending hatred on anything else. Edit: In other news I have a new melee wizard build I've been using on my level 52 wizard and I do quite like it. I can't wait until I actually have real gear for it and all the right runes I want. Should be a good alternative to my DH style of kite and fight. This is what I eventually want. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/wizard#bROSYX!gaV!cbccYa or this http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/wizard#WROSYX!gab!YbccYa
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
Corki gets played all the time especially in competitive play. He's what Ezreal wishes he could be. High mobility, high burst, and high dps due to armor shred. Also the ability to solo top 100% effectively against any other top is impressive. He's very hard to counter and very hard to gank. Veigar gets decent play because he's a solid counter to guys like Ahri or Lulu who are highly annoying and mobile and squishy (well at least Ahri will be squishier...probably not cause it's a baby nerf also Lulu is squishy if she can't cast). It's mainly a risk though because it goes into layers of who can outplay who. A fed Veigar dominates everybody. That's not easy to get to though. Also the concept of mid Zilean is very similar to mid Lulu but he just doesn't do it nearly as well. That's probably why you see him get played. -
Does having a follower make enemies harder? I can't really tell because I went back to do a Butcher run and it was much easier than I remember and I didn't have a dude but that could be because of my gear or improved tactics or any number of things. Edit: Also yeah I also soloed a majority of Act 2 before hopping into your game. I was only half a chapter behind you.
Zircon and I are pretty much the best. :bro fist: Took Belial down in only like five attempts. I'm quite proud of this considering the only gear I've dropped any kind of gold on are my gloves and my crossbow. As I find/upgrade further I'll only get even more sick. Also I've dropped Sharpshooter now for Numbing Traps. Makes survival much easier when they're not only snared for 2 seconds but if they were in attack range they're doing significantly less damage. This was the Belial setup: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/demon-hunter#WRYXkV!YeV!bcZZcc And this is the normal setup for now...I'm really going back and forth on what my primary shot is and what takes up my 3rd slot on my bar. http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/demon-hunter#bRYXTV!YeV!YcZZZc
Well, yeah, Tensei I knew I could equip an offhand even with a 2H bow or xbow. It's a matter of deciding whether or not I want the attack speed for when I have guys tanking for me or if I just want to go harder hits. Also I'm really debating setting up for doing Inferno Whimsyshire runs cause it'd be so easy with a group and/or solo as a ranged but I don't know what acts the drops are equivalent to. Some sources say A4 others say A2. Any thoughts?
Yeah at the moment my offhand 1 hand crossbow, even though it does half the dps of my main hand has enough stats on top of the 15% IAS to be better than most quivers I've found. Tensei, do you like 2h Xbow or the 1h? I'm personally torn. I do intend on switching to quiver once I find a nice one I like.
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
You did well that game. Their comp would have been fine if I wasn't in every lane disrupting farming and ganking by being impossible to kill. This is also how you squeaked by with more cs, hehe. If they had managed to get tanky it would have sucked trying to teamfight them. Also got a look at the actual mechanics and numbers of new champ and he looks to be potentially broken with rapid fire extra damage in melee or close to melee range and I'm usually spot on with my predictions. -
Isn't it that for monks you can stack a single type of resist and it'll blanket to everything so you can just hunt for a single type of resist and not have to compete for +all resist gear? If that's the case I don't see why you'd bother competing for +vit until you've hit the point of harsh diminishing returns for resist.
Those were my tentacles. I showed him my...dexterity. Hahahaha. Also, Tensei, we run pretty much identical builds though I'm torn between the Scatter and Bandolier runes for the mines and it's also hard for me not to run Shadow Form [Gloom] cause it's so strong.
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
I 100% back just practicing last hitting over and over and over again. It's really important. If this were DotA I'd tell you to pick the character with the worst ranged animation and buy no items and keep going until you don't miss a single kill or deny for a full ten waves or something. In LoL it's mostly just being always cognizant of the one creep that's currently getting focused and making sure you're killing it on time regardless of anything else happening. Also a lot of it is movement and flow around the map knowing when it's safe to just power out farm, when it's safe to freeze the lane, and when you just have to nuke the wave then get the hell out of dodge. CS'ing doesn't stop after mid game. You need to make sure you're keeping that number nice and high. Kills are nice for getting gold but farming is what wins games...at least that's what I'll tell you cause I'm notorious for ricing like a mad man in every game I play. Actually last game I played I ended up going like 4-9-10 or something to that effect as jungle Yi. That is to say I fed and didn't do very well cause I didn't snowball. Guess who still had the most gold on our team? Yup, that's me, cause I had over 300cs. I didn't get all the kills but every item counts when trying to make the most opportunities for your team to pull ahead and regardless of how good your opponents are (or aren't!) you can always count on farming for that steady gold income. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
I do stupid things all the time in League both in ranked and unranked. I let my team know and lead off chat with "If I don't do well you can rage at me all you want and report me." I get away with it. It's totally subjective. Some people can get away with it, sure, but the philosophy of ranked specifically is: PLAY TO WIN. That includes not taking stupid risks if they won't pay off. So unfortunately no going against the meta-game grain in ranked unless you've got the skills to back it. Btw the statistics are that about 50% of cases that make it to the Tribunal are said to be guilty and warned. To even get to the Tribunal you need to be reported repeatedly for said actions. If you check the multiple tabs for each instance of them being reported last time I checked the average was about 8 games of really bad instances that actually got them reported and that's not including the games that they're kinda bad but not enough people ended up reporting them. -
My personal trick: Don't put a buyout price and lower what you think your item is worth by about 25%. You'll get one person that will notice and bid and if you're lucky you'll get a few people fighting over it. Takes longer, yes, but successful sales are actually substantial.
Even with the nerf it's an amazing get out of jail free card. Pair that with Preparation with the rune that gives you 60% life back and you get a huge boost your health and all the discipline you need to just walk away. Edit: Oh man so we thought Lightning Ball was the best? Just hit 59 during my lunch break and got the last rune for E. Arrow. Nether Tentacles is a direct upgrade that also heals for a pretty substantial amount. Also I mean direct as in it is the same exact kind of projectile and it doesn't convert all your weapon damage into a single type.
Ball Lightning and Frost Arrow are neck and neck right now for whatever I'm using as my main damage. Ball is better for fire and keep moving but Frost gives you that nice slow which helps out your entire party if you're not solo. Both do great AoE damage but both are blocked by walls. I used Ball through all of nightmare but in hell I find myself using Frost all the time because the slow is necessary but I'll switch to ball when an elite has invulnerable minions that would normally block my shots. Oh also at point blank range which is sometimes unavoidable Ball doesn't do its full damage where Frost not only will do full damage but give you a means to create a gap without spending any discipline on vault or smoke.
The only one of those that really matters it the wizard nerf, in my opinion. I'm already through most of act 2 on hell solo largely on the strength of guaranteed monstrous critical hits paired with good kiting and caltrops. Smoke screen is solid for breaking roots and freeze but otherwise I don't use discipline on it.