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eternal Zero

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Everything posted by eternal Zero

  1. Nice Samurai Goroh. This thread is awesome.
  2. This is pretty good stuff. I'm not exactly a fan of the ebonics, but I don't think the show would be as authentic in that sense.
  3. That seems way too easy as a work-around. Shouldn't be a little more difficult as they can see what kind of access to the internet you're using, like where your IP is from?
  4. Shadow of the Colossus, Metroid Zero Mission, and Megaman Zero 3 to name a few.
  5. I'm really enjoying this remake. A job well done for sure.
  6. The divas are fun too once you get there...but when you first start it's pretty tough. Most important part to realize is that your life bar drops faster at the higher difficulties, so during parts where you have targets to hit, make sure you hit them well. I dunno how I feel about Hotel Dusk, but I'll probably still give it a chance.
  7. That monkey with the flaming ass reminds me of Cyndaquil with the back...cept...like Charmander without the decency. Although, that water starter looks really too cute to be taken seriously.
  8. Could you give an explanation to that? It's been a long time since I've played and I can't quite figure out everything that happened by looks.
  9. not a bad choice, but i think it needs someone else ever more, and im not sure if anyone has said it yet but, Viewtiful Joe. He's getting his own sort of party smash game, isn't he? Or has he already gotten it? I haven't played the series since I fully completed the first one.
  10. How in the hell do you confuse an mp3/podcast for a bird or a plane?In a matter of fact, how the hell do they go from bird to plane when people see Superman? TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT THINGS! Just because something can fly doesn't make it at all like a bird or a plane Otherwise, yay new episode downloading and listening now Think of a little speck in the sky slowly coming closer? Cept not cause it's Superman going who knows how fast. Oh w/e...comic writers were crazy mofos.
  11. Hey, if you had large breasts, you'd do good work too I don't have large breasts... Shh...this is the internet. lawl.
  12. Wow, Africa doesn't have much pride in it apparently... Harsh. Anyway...huzzah for awesome projects!! I suppose I could contribute in some form or fashion, but this is better left to the amazing roster that's already shaping up. You guys better not leave me waiting for six months for nothing, hehe.
  13. Wow...how many of these things do you have running?
  14. Seems I've ignored this long enough. Count me in, I don't see why not.
  15. I agree wholeheartedly. That boss was a major pain and/or impossible if you didn't have the proper equipment at that point or used it during the level.
  16. wow, first review i liked it its almost hypnotizing, i lost track of time when listening to this, it's just that cool
  17. very nice remix, although, i'd love to hear more from the remixers, i like their style
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