eternal Zero
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Everything posted by eternal Zero
First Tensei with the trees. Then some SK with the luckiest timing ever. And a Lina that saved ult for kills. I think the only person that didn't KS me that game was Hemo. That being said, though, I did end the game at 15/1/18 as Bloodseeker so I can hardly complain.
My issue is the inclusion of a lot of archaic elements that could have easily been done away with. For example not having your own character autoselected after a right click into open space or a self cast button or something like a quick scoreboard button. Maybe I didn't find these things in the first couple games I played but still. I love the DotA heroes more than I ever did the HoN or LoL ones but at this very moment, in terms of playability, I think LoL takes it. Also I totally agree on the heroes being so nondescript vs the creep and no big names or mana bars underneath of them really makes the smaller ones (most of them) blend into the background.
I have a Dota 2 key now. I think both of mine are accounted for but add me on Steam, dudes! http://steamcommunity.com/id/eternalzero
You have God tier luck.
Warlock is a pretty exceptional laner both as a baby sitter and as a 1v2 or even 1v3. Good animation on his auto attack as well as a solid regen spell makes him hard to argue against. He does peter out more than Hellbringer does late game but midgame with an ult read he just wreaks havoc.
Bardic knows how to get in touch with me for when keys drop. Time to get the band back together!
Official Sonic Generations Thread
eternal Zero replied to SonicThHedgog's topic in General Discussion
Nope. I still play SA2B whenever I visit my parents every 4-6 months cause that's where my GCN is and my siblings love playing multiplayer and raising Chaos. They are pretty solid controls. -
Official Sonic Generations Thread
eternal Zero replied to SonicThHedgog's topic in General Discussion
While I don't agree with the hidden subtext I do agree that I enjoyed Rooftop Run the most. I still insist that all modern Sonic games should have controlled like SA2 and that this game is no different. I like the Colors control theme up until you're no longer right behind Sonic. I like the whole RB/LB to change lanes and the drifting thing but the transitions to platforming/fighting are way too jarring compared to what I feels works so very well in SA2. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
Them's the breaks with more dynamic tools in place. Look at tanks like Behe or Accursed. They hurt a ton AND had the extreme tools to get in and do the work. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
Yup. Though...if promote ends up being useful in top solo I can totally see teams running more smites for objectives as well as countering promoted creeps which could be neat. You thought 3x Wriggle 1x Smite was bad wait until you have 3 smites. The fastest dragons and big fights at Baron at 15 mins to see who gets it. The potential to have a less laning phase oriented game? That's exciting! Granted Dominion had the potential to be super awesome but in the end is just a flash of brilliance that gets old kinda fast. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
A rare occurrence of Riot going in the right direction. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
Pretty much this. Whenever the extra damage from ignite would have gotten the kill that means you had to do one more round of harass before jumping in and killing them. Exhaust also will give you this extra damage as it reduces both armor and MR. The few heroes I run ignite on are spellcasters with lengthy cooldowns who are required to get in close like LeBlanc or Annie. Casters like Cass and Xerath I tend to run either Ghost/Flash or Flash/Teleport. Also on another forum I was asked for my full Shyvana build. Figured I'd crosspost it here since you guys got part of it already. Item order: Berserkers, Wriggles, Wit's End, Bloodrazor, Sunfire, Force of Nature, replace Wriggles with either Phantom Dancer, Guinsoo, or Guardian Angel. Replace Berserkers with another Phantom Dancer if you replaced Wriggles with Phantom Dancer. Runes: ASPD reds, HP/level yellows, ASPD blues, Movespeed quints. Masteries are: 14, 0, 16 Summoners are: Flash, Teleport Skill order is: WQE, max W, max Q, max E. Don't skip ult. Last 7 games (all of my Shyvana games) had 2 losses with my worst score being 1-2-1 (total wash of a game) and my best score being 21-5-13 with the average being around 10-4-10. All games were played solo top and three of those games it was 1v2. And here's my way of fighting against Shyvana: Be really aggressive when her rage meter is mid to low because withou dragon form she's just vanilla and can't output aoe damage. Keep her down early because just building her with my build of Wriggle, Wit's, Bloodrazor/Sunfire she excels at taking objectives while being really hard to kill or deal with 1v1. Nobody deals with a triple strike of Bloodrazor very well. In teamfights you need to cc her to death or focus her down. Most of the time I find myself launching into fights with 90 or so rage to dragon midfight and turn the tides. If she can't do that then she's dead with a full rage bar gone to waste. She's not a carry or a primary damage dealer but she's still a threat. Treat her like you would Xin or Riven. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
So far my success with Shyvana has been with: Berserkers, Wriggles, Wit's End, Bloodrazor, Sunfire, Force of Nature, replace Wriggles with either Phantom Dancer, Guinsoo, or Guardian Angel. Replace Berserkers with another Phantom Dancer if you replaced Wriggles with Phantom Dancer. Even with rough starts I've gone at least 2:1 KDR and have been effective in team fights. Also I run Flash/Teleport. I really dislike Ignite on almost every hero. Also there's no reason to run a lot of AD to make AS useful if you go with on-hit items. Like I said before I actually tried her you build her almost like you'd build Riven. You just expect to do hybrid damage instead of purely AD so that opens up more builds. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
I'd lean more towards my Riven build. Wriggles into Hexdrinker into [best for situation] which could include Bloodthirster, Ghostblade, Triforce, etc. Also. <3 Skarner -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
TF is a multifaceted ranged carry. Can do AP, AD, or hybrid and be effective. Takes a decent amount of player skill to make him as effective as say Vayne or Caitlyn. Even more skill is required to make his AP build work because of the amount of farm it needs but when up and running he has amazing pokes and even if the enemy team is defending a tower he can easily take it down with a few (like 5) monstrous Lich-Bane powered red cards. There's a reason he was so very popular with the pro EU scene for a while because he actually gave the game a semblance of mobility and ganking which is the norm in DotA. Now with his ult ranged nerfed he's not nearly as strong but still a contender in the right hands. Sivir is a monster pusher and amazing AD carry if/when fed. You have to have farming ingrained into your fingers and be willing to just stand and fight when you're surrounded by the enemy team. You have amazing attack speed, damage, and are frail outside to 1 or 2 spells you can block with your spell shield and BV. Again high skill required to make her as effective as the easier ranged carries. However the difference with Sivir is that when you're fed you can 1v5 the enemy team and come out on top more often than not. You've seen me do this a few times. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
Tonight was already a good night. This made it even better. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
Malphite's problem is that he gets too many kills and does not have any kind of steady dps. You just can't replace crying and tantrum for awesome aoe damage. Also Xerath is a blast. If you've got the skills to make sure all your shots connect he just eats teams alive. It's really hard to push onto him at towers because he 2 shots entire creep waves and if you get your spell timing down right similar to knowing max range on bio-arcane barrage into ult as Kog'Maw you will get so many kills from W->E->R Q R R Q as your assaulting towers or going for ganks. Other main thing is to not be afraid to flash up to a team and then activate turret mode. Most people don't expect it. -
My biggest advice for solo JK runs is to not die until you get to him and have at least have a Vile Striker, 9x useful pots (Curse, Fire/Stun, Poison) and 3 health pots. Go right for his throat with everything and instantly revive whenever you get the chance. The biggest thing working against you is his regen. Also to be fair I never attempted it before getting all 5* gear so I have no idea if it's feasible until it's already become a chore.
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
Except in Normal your ELO is hidden so the only indicator is level. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
Level is no indicator of skill. I still firmly believe that there should be a way to reset your level to 1. Most of the LoL populace belongs at around level 10 if you wanted to speak in terms of skill. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
Yeah but to be fair it's less pertinent on Dominion because gold comes so easily. Also CV on Crystal Scar is pretty awful considering how much free vision (and stealth vision) you get anyway. I feel like every character needs to be running Ghost + Garrison/Promote/Exhaust/Revive. I'm so very glad to see that Flash is ass. -
I want to buy my next fighting game for $5 because I only intend on playing one character as my main anyway. Heaven forbid that there are characters that tailor to styles that I'm not interested in.
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
I don't care how many times they nerf him. Twitch is still a hyper carry with stealth. What a fantastic finale to a day of Dominion. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
Think you've got that backwards. Promote is good for someone that naturally pushes waves so that when you attack a tower you get a huge creep wave to assist you. This would be heroes like Kog'Maw or Karthus. Otherwise Garrison is much more useful. Karthus with Hextech Sweeper is pure gold. Kog'Maw with Lightbringer is inescapable death. You can never juke and his range is so huge you just die. Every aspd/on hit item added in dominion benefits Kog'Maw greatly. This however is balanced out by the sheer number of Thorn Mail Rammuses. Surprise characters that are awesome are Zilean, Dunk Yi (any Yi really but still), and Cassiopeia. Zilean ninja caps everything and needs nothing but Priscilla's to be a huge pain in the ass. Bombs do a slight DoT so that prevents counter caps and due to his haste and rewind he tends to get away all too often. You don't always make points yours but you at the very least neutralize them. Yi's biggest weakness is team fights. Too much CC and focus kills him off before he can do his damage. That's not the case in dominion. You take him on alone when he's got ghostblade and some lifesteal and you're bound to get dunked. Cassiopeia has always been strong in my eyes and it's no different now. My build of rushing Will of the Ancients still applies because with so many map objectives people are more likely to stay in poison+fang range so your health stays pretty topped off and you can survive purely by building AP. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
Gotta disagree with you on that one. Tanky support Sona with Priscilla's does real well. I had one in almost every game of dominion I played tonight.