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eternal Zero

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Everything posted by eternal Zero

  1. Hi guys! I'm playing this most every night as a reward for studying. This is mostly pointed to the ol' DotA/HoN/LoL crew but if any of you want to play with me I won't mind. Battletag is seiryuZERO#1513 though I'll probably re-add you as a realID friend depending on who you are. I only really have my Hell demon hunter right now but I'd love to play with you guys.
  2. Well next time I invite you, Zircon, actually be there and accept! I've been doing a lot of AD myself recently too (in all three lanes to good success) and I can share what I've learned and what really works.
  3. Nah I just roll with a different crew more often than not cause you all tend to get needlessly emotional when you feed/lose and I really prefer to be more chill about this game. Though I have played with Bardic decently regularly and I show off some new tech or just have fun. Like last time there was an abundant use of my new GG button.
  4. Why hello there, Sylla~
  5. I never let it get to just Chakwas so I didn't know that. Neat.
  6. The only person I could see you accidentally letting die is your yeoman because if you accidentally did the story progression mission they were captured and if you took any time to finish any loyalty missions you missed then she dies. Also some people are just bad at games. :shrug: Not everyone takes the time to think while they play and that's fine too.
  7. Is that really so unreasonable? Just taking what they've said, intentions aside, it's all logically sound. They don't want the issues they had with SF4 and costumes. They don't want to make more physical copies. They also don't want to take up space on consoles because currently they have the 3 (arguably) biggest players in the fighting game space. All three will have their own extra content as well and this all takes up space. I know that I only have a 4GB 360 so my space is already quite limited with AE 2012 and Heroes and Heralds, not to mention the many other games I enjoying having saves or more content for. Saving that HDD space isn't so bad. I'm not defending schemes to make more money but let's be real, Capcom was going to do that anyway with costumes, characters, and potential Super/Ultimate versions. They've always done this. At least this time there's some thought behind the process. From their standpoint, extra revenue aside, this all makes good sense. If money was more of an issue for me or if I thought getting angry about it could change anything then I might feel differently. The main issue I do have with this is that we're going to have 6 month old DLC character technology from pirates when the DLC finally unlocks which will make playing online or in tournament hell for a little while.
  8. You and I need to dual queue at some point. My current partner has been really dropping the ball and you can only do so much when your jungler is failing. I was around mid 1500s but now I'm low 1300s. Maybe it's cause I'm not regressing to rage. I have no fuel to end my disappointment.
  9. I got as far as you could get on the emulator set up I have. That's just a little past Remix 5. There are a few scenarios that are as memorable as the original DS ones like the monkey clock but I really enjoy the throwbacks like the pins and spinning squares and the date situation but instead of the potions you have the ball kicking. Also I'm also kind of disappointed in the difficulty. Outside of emulator desync I've only been tripped up by the stupid fork challenge and the cellular swimmers cause I don't think they were very well conceived. Nothing's been particularly difficult to keep up with in a good way like marching in time or galactic soccer. Biggest advice for the monkey clock: close your eyes. Actually that's the best solution for every issue you'll have with this game. It's all in the music. Edit: Also I should note I'm playing the japanese version. I don't have a Wii or I would have totally picked this up. Also also: Remix 3 is probably the best thing ever forever.
  10. Also brood has no equal in LoL. Her spiderlings are capable of jungling without her. Pushing without her. And to a really careless support killing without her. Controllable units really do a lot for the diversity in the game space. Edit: Also to chime in there's the strat in DotA of putting a character whose ult you want ASAP mid then lane swapping to give the true mid the lane. This is most common with guys like Zeus who don't necessarily carry very hard even if farmed so just get his ult up and running then give someone else the lane. Or guys like Hellbringer. Again gankers love this kind of thing too. That's not seen in LoL largely due to lack of TP scrolls to allow for quick lane movement.
  11. I dunno. I think the main thing in their favor is that in light of the new buffs Evelynn and Twitch will be receiving they are changing Oracles to a replenishing revealing dust mechanic. We've all gone through this song and dance before but with DotA there were enough ways to deal with stealth that even given how many there are it's totally fine. The issue is that LoL refuses to acknowledge that they just don't have the items to deal with it (until now). Honestly if they just ported in Lightbringer and Hextech Sweeper I think that original Evelynn and Twitch would be totally fine and fun to play and deal with because the onus isn't on costly pink wards or oracles but on items that serve dual purposes. Also ELO hell in this game is 1500 and below. I speak from experience. Also yeah at anything below 1300 or so Evelynn does just fine cause nobody changes their own plan because they're not good enough to be able to adjust to counter the enemy team and they're at the level of being nearly competent enough to handle their own character.
  12. This is entirely too true. See: The history of Evelynn.
  13. Keep logs of your adventures. It's always fun to go back and read them or share them with people. And get emotionally attached. Where's the fun without some heartbreak?!
  14. Poppy top is pretty weak. Can't out damage the bruisers unless they're dumb enough to be near walls and you can't out sustain the tanks. It's kind of like Udyr. Sure they can top. Sure they can jungle slightly above average if the enemy team doesn't invade. Overall they're better in the jungle but if you're playing to win you might as well play someone else.
  15. Just to nitpick and show how I think when I make my own builds: Why are you jungle Nautilus as opposed to lane? To gank. What do you need to gank? Get to level 4+. When where and how many spells will be used in a gank? Usually 3. I'm initiating. Success or failure is determined almost immediately. What do I need more: keeping my buffs a little longer or getting to 4+ faster? Get to 4+. I can see the movespeed argument but you lose a lot of time if you're not at least breaking even with neutral creep armor and you shouldn't be packing ArPen runes. It's gotta come from somewhere. Also that's why you run the quints cause they give a lot more for less investment and any additional % has diminishing returns.
  16. I have 4 rune pages. All the ones I got for free. I probably own about 10 pages worth of different valid rune combinations. I always keep a general AD page (both range and melee), a mana-based AP caster page, and the other two rotate. Right now one is for AD melee jungle and the last is for AP burst tank.
  17. Proph, movespeed quints are essential because the main reason you're jungling him is for ganking. As for the discussion between MPen vs ASPD reds it's a question of what's more important to you: a better lategame and damage (again, not the point of a Nautilus jungle) or for a faster jungle (to get to ganking faster). ArPen/AD reds do help in that regard as well but your regular auto attacks aren't your rate limiting factor holding you back from ganking.
  18. I don't play often cause I'm busy with school but I'm pretty decent at this game for not having played at all. Main issue is that my main is an unlockable character that I haven't unlocked! XBL: seiryuZERO Will still be fun though.
  19. If you're going to jungle Nautilus (though I don't recommend it because I think he's such a beast in top lane and I prefer to have an AD or AP jungler as opposed to the gank tanks) I would run: ASPD Reds Armor Yellows MR/lvl Blues Movespeed Quints The idea is that your main jungling damage is coming off Titan's Wrath. Sure the MPen will help a bit and scale better into lategame but you want to get as many swings in as possible before that shield breaks to maximize your damage. Also don't forget that it resets your attack timer so you can double attack with it. Also I'd go 9 21 0 masteries and focus on getting the attack speed and armor pen because that does really help with junglers and also because once you get your Philo stone your buffs are really non-essential. As long as you get a solid pull on blue after some damage acceleration at wolves you will probably jungle just fine much like Sejuani.
  20. Never get Ghostblade on ranged AD. Waste of funds that could have been an Atma's in your case.
  21. How to lane Nautilus: only fight when your spells are up. Go in and burst then walk away. Only use ult to secure kills. Nautilus wins almost every matchup top if the opponent doesn't know to keep going after him after he's blown all his spells. You definitely have the advantage against Sion if you play passive aggressive patiently. Yeah blind pick benefits Sion but then you evaluate what you can do. If you have the tanky advantage you'll win over time. If you have the damage advantage you need to force him out of lane and if he's ap then you need to either back way off when his shield goes on or you burst it before he can pop it. Also if you're not building tenacity or Quicksilver Sash you really need to reevaluate the risk of his stun esp if he gives you trouble.
  22. I will say that solo top AD is more likely to work if they're not running tops like Wukong, Singed or Nautilus. So I think for your strat keep the typical mid but run double tank disruptive bot. Something like Blitz Nautilus. Yeah it's risky but they don't need farm and good luck pushing or pressuring that pair on a tower.
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