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Everything posted by AMT

  1. So I just found SH2 for PS2 for 7.99, perfect condition. Off to play it now.
  2. I'd like to help, but I don't know which have been done and which haven't. Could someone compile a list of who's been done and who still needs a bio? I'm sure my gaming knowledge could come in handy here.
  3. Wow, very nice. It actually reminded me of some of the music from Chrono Cross.
  4. Ah, ok, thanks.
  5. Sorry to ask a stupid question, but when can we download the Bound Together episode? I never really looked at this topic until now, and I'm not sure how it works. I can't find any of the episodes past 54. Thanks.
  6. I thought the marimba sounded halfway decent, but maybe you could have a synth playing the same notes at the same time at a lower volume with slight reverb? I'm new to remixing, so I don't really know what I'm talking about, but, yeah....
  7. I'm pretty sure he already said he wouldn't already...
  8. That's a creepy Emoticon. O_o
  9. Alright Rexy, got it up. http://myweb.cableone.net/rebelart/divided-grace3.mp3 Not much better of a host, but it shouldn't go down. Nice sounding song, I like it, although I agree with the others about the part at 2:17; it's really out of place. Great work, can't wait to hear more!
  10. Sure, Pogo708@cableone.net
  11. I can host it. Talk to me on AIM, Pogo708
  12. Rexy, the link to your WIP is dead. Angelfire problems?
  13. Nice jmr, it sounds awesome. Love the ending.
  14. Thanks, RTF. And good call, DKC is sort of an inspiration for this. If I didn't know better, I would have thought it was a DKC mix until the lead picks up. Then again, I love DKC, so that's not a bad thing.
  15. I think this topic needs to be bumped...
  16. Yeah, SSBM intro definitly comes to mind. Nice!
  17. APC, that Sky Sanctuary mix is top notch. It captures the original feel of the level perfectly. Excellent work man, if it's this good now, the final will be even more amazing.
  18. Wow, both Sanctuary and Azure Lake are great! Definitly keep going on Azure, the style is perfect.
  19. Man, those are still so close... DJNova's would really fit in with you zooming through space at insane speeds, while Hadyn's sounds perfect for a final boss fight. Man, great work, both of you. And Emeralds of Chaos is a pretty cool name... Any other suggestions?
  20. Wow. Just wow. Hadyn, you don't have to worry about sounding sub par at all. That's just plain awesome. Rexy, really nice song there. It's perfect for the beginning of the project- can't wait to hear the finished thing.
  21. Run, Hadyn! She's coming! That was a suprisingly short clip, Gamebox, so I really can't say much. Yeah... I guess this is a pretty useless post....
  22. Sounding good, but that squealing noise... Maybe reduce the volume on it, or something, 'cause I think it'd start to get annoying after a while. Excellent man, that one is great! Nice name. This one is coming along very nicely, possibly my favorite one so far. Can't wait to hear the final! This one's a good start, I like the style of it. Like Hadyn said, fix that high-pitched noise and it'll be great. I hope you all don't mind me commenting on the songs, I don't know how to remix at all, so I really have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to composition. I'm just telling you from a listener's standpoint, so feel free to completely disregard this post. By the way, anyone think up a cool name for the overall project?
  23. Yeah, and we have 2 versions so far. Read back a few pages to hear.
  24. Damn, both of those Doomsday's are awesome... I don't know which I like more. Maybe you two could even collaborate on it? I dunno. Beatdrop, that one's hella nice too. Always loved Flying Battery.
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