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Everything posted by shikigami

  1. except whether or not it comes with a dvd player is irrelevant to me when im buying a VIDEO GAME CONSOLE.
  2. youll never get a job at sony because you have good ideas.
  3. i dont know maybe they have shitty business analysts who think a $700 console that provides a gargantuan amount of processing, 80% which will never be used before the next generation of consoles, and a pure lack of development interest will sell OK.
  4. you should know by now that anything your parents tell you is a lame excuse. burn in only affects plasma screens, and even then youd have to be letterboxing CONSTANTLY or leave a game on pause for months before it even becomes an issue.
  5. i love how microsoft monopolizes their own shit. i dont know why people deal with that bullshit. that deserves a big LOL.
  6. i work and still beat it in the span of like a week
  7. which obviously explains how its the dominant console. wow thats pretty low. those small game stores like EB and gamestop are really managed poorly. how they are still in business is anyones guess. there have been reports that extreme sunlight could mess with the pointer. does it just act funny at his place? was there any extra light that has an abnormal abundance of infra-red?
  8. by marketing to the base which has the fewest amount of people.
  9. when they rotate and are about to dash at you to latch on is when they are vulnerable to missiles.
  10. why vista is the most colossal failure since...shit man i dont know its pretty colossal.
  11. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
  12. 13 hrs on normal. i felt i did alot of wandering as well
  13. final fantasy VII killed final fantasy. final fantasy is dead.
  14. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/editorials/zeropunctuation/1394-Zero-Punctuation-BioShock a decent review actually.
  15. the thing is, mp3 is more like an fps than any other metroid aside from hunters. mp3 is a bad metroid, but a good halo.
  16. similar but off-topic: does anyone play CS:S?
  17. actually now that i read it, yeah, retro isnt doing another metroid. someone else is probably. ill leave you all to guess what retro is doing next.
  18. theyre only denying a 2d metroid... which i would still consider "dead" nonetheless
  19. funiculi funicula, and godspeed.
  20. samus does more shooting at doors than enemies, and thats to open them, not kill them. can you enter combat and shoot things, yes, but that in no way defines the game.
  21. so because samus has a gun in every other metroid, are all other metroids considered shooters? hint: no. you wouldnt compare metroid to gunstar heroes or contra.
  22. i said this briefly a couple pages ago, but since noone seemed to listen and you elaborated on it a little more, im quoting this for truth/emphasis.
  23. ive used the chair method, but, lets just say bad experience. i cant play anyway since i dont live on the 1st floor anymore. the people below me would probably get pissed.
  24. i need a bar, so if i were to ever play at home id have to buy one of the metal pads w/ bar. good thing im not a huge ddr fan.
  25. id say short bus but you dont want depressing. terminator 2 was a pretty good movie.
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