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Everything posted by shikigami

  1. from what i hear youd be able to customize the graphics and such to allow it to run on even low-end computers. it was a slight breath of relief after reading it would be dx10. how much monthly is it though? thats my only turnoff.
  2. man who knew EA were such socialists on top of slave-driving nazis?
  3. golden axe 3 some crazy ninja game that never released in US and another game i could care less about.
  4. right. games now should be harder, but they arent. to us. you ask a new gamer to play a 3d game and he/she will be like "wut?" but the veterans know what to do as if it was instinct. those 2D games laid a foundation. yeah games like resident evil had GREAT controls. </sarcasm> they were but its off-topic. the reason why 2d games are so much better is because their time and budget arent being wasted by making the game look pretty instead of where it should be spent and thats designing a good game. id like to see the study that proves that, because i disagree. first, galaga could be played for 30 minutes and you know the basics, but you have not nearly mastered the game or the shooter genre. once we understand games like galaga, that knowledge can be applied to games like ikaruga. second, gradius 5 is just as, if not more, difficult than gradius 1, and thats because Treasure are gods who know how to design a game.
  5. wavedashing is simply taking advantage of a bug in the game. should it be illegal? no. should it be a feature in the next iteration? absolutely not. its a bug and was never intended to be there. it should be fixed. however im not going to complain if someone uses it in melee. its just like exploits in sequence breaking/speed runs. take advantage now while you can, but theyll be fixed in the next iteration, in which new bugs will be found and exploited.
  6. theres alot to consider about game difficulty. you cant just say that over time games have become "easier". theres plenty to take into consideration. maybe you've just gotten better. maybe controllers have become more responsive, and control schemes more intuitive. this does not affect difficulty in my opinion. entities within a game interact with each other, and the amount of skill/thought required to have them interact in a desired manner in what creates difficulty. maybe outside factors make this interaction harder, but thats not the fault or doing of the game itself. if you ask me, games have become more complex, but they seem "easier" because we constantly need more stimulation which we arent getting. the amount given to us with the NES was alot for the time, but as you play and play you gain basic understanding of how things work. as games evolve, we enhance our minds and motor skills, and with each iteration creates a building block which we refer to even now, 20-30 years later. i wouldn't say games have become easier, i would say we've built a tolerance to the drug, and we need more.
  7. sim-fast, sim-furious
  8. i have metroid metal - super metroid (prologue) as my ringtone.
  9. im hip to be square.
  10. it came naturally for me. if youre doing a quick up-left-down or something, you eventually learn that using the toe for up and the heel of the same foot for down is more comfortable and quicker than having to pick your foot up. as for the MAX songs. just move your legs as fast as possible. i find that being flat-footed for these is more comfortable. ddrfreak.com has stepcharts so you can learn the steps. once youve got the patterns down its not hard. now paranoia survivor max oni is a whole 'nother world of bullshit.
  11. i was not a huge fan of the original, but i did appreciate its design. this ps360 version however looks like it shouldnt have even been named "bionic commando".
  12. well, no, its not, but thats not going to prevent someone from AA/AAAing it. my favorite song is burning heat. i really want to AA that.
  13. its not the damage that gets me, its the "no matter what you do i will react to it before you even do it" thing.
  14. i started playing SSB:M again simply because i cant wait for this game. i realized im definitely not as good as i used to be. has anyone ever beaten all-star mode without continuing on very hard?
  15. well microsoft likes to forcefully make people buy their newer shit, so isolate user base it is.
  16. i have a x64 processor, but theres no way in hell im upgrading to dx10 anytime soon. i have no intentions of buying vista or any of the games that require it. when developers make games worth my time and money maybe id consider.
  17. 2 or 3 what?
  18. uh, heavy or oni? if you did that shit on oni i will want a video or it didnt happen.
  19. i think super mario world was the best 2D mario game in every way shape and form.
  20. hold on a sec. they are taking video games live to 2 stops in Utah, UTAH...yet none in NYC, the hub and beacon of everything theatrical/artistic? what the hell people?
  21. i believe that loud sound i heard earlier was millions of gamers becoming flaccid.
  22. vista, along with windows in general, will stop sucking once they stop existing. then vacuously it will not suck.
  23. still, reviewers say it as though it requires a point deduction, like its this insanely negative thing, while confusing what makes the game easy with what makes it good. for example the reviews of RE4 for Wii say the controls make it easier. newsflash, its the same god damn game. instead of criticizing it for being easy why not look at it the RIGHT way and say "the controls make it more intuitive, WHICH IS A GOOD THING."
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