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Everything posted by shikigami

  1. i think hes laughing more at CNETs failure at damage control. but yeah thats pretty funny too.
  2. am i the only one that realizes it was smart for a more PC oriented game company to merge with a more console oriented game company and that the internet should not be exploding right now?
  3. because poor gamers will buy the extra cheap card, netting the company more profit.
  4. you know whats funny is i said starcraft 3 thinking of starcraft 2 and diablo 3 at the same time. lol is me.
  5. yeah im like wtf this is vivendi merging, blizzards parent company, not just blizzard. and as long as starcraft 3 doesnt suck i dont care.
  6. if i got fired for that, the internet would know why because id tell them, fuck legal issues. also, it would be funny if this guy didnt get fired at all and instead decided to leave the company on his own volition or something. the reason he is keeping quiet is to see the ensuing chaos that stemmed from the rumor. hes laughing his ass off right now either way.
  7. its not that its a sucky job, its that people make it out to be an awesome job and when they realize how much actual work is involved they go "man i thought i was going to play video games all day."
  8. things come to you when youre not thinking about them. sit back, relax, take in your surroundings. something is bound to inspire.
  9. Let me first say that I think the move to 3d really ruined alot of games. However, I have no idea what you are complaining about, since you can lock on to an enemy and essentially not have to aim ever. I for one thought Metroid Prime controlled very well even for 3d.
  10. im sure the 2 8500s will be fine
  11. my friend, ive seen him do it, after many attempts which ended in death or the game crashing.
  12. i love you.
  13. it just amazes me how a simple concept that may seem boring (revisiting levels over and over to find new stars) is just so different each time. youre always using a different mechanic or solving a new puzzle.
  14. rewind 10 years and id be asking myself the same thing.
  15. FF3 was awesome, but the gba version is a bit watered down.
  16. dude i run my sli on a 450w power supply. i cant overclock my cards more than about 75core/110mem without artifacts, so power isnt really an issue. if i were able to overclock more, im sure my supply would do fine. and no, i meant a 500w power source is pushing it. and geek squad is affiliated with best buy, therefore im going to believe the geek squad tells you this to buy more shit you dont need from best buy. now that i think about it i dont think overclocking makes you use more power.
  17. the type of videocard you have is more of an influence on that than wattage. 500w is pushing it.
  18. yes vista is a disaster. im beginning to wonder what the breaking point will be for game developers to start writing for linux and other OSes.
  19. most old games were much better than games that have come out in the past 5 years. the super nintendo was a golden age, and thats not nostalgia talking.
  20. OOT was magical for me because it but LoZ in 3D, but then i realized it was just lttp at its core, only with alot of boring dialogue. plus, it was a short game. lttp had what 13 dungeons? OOT had 8 or so, i expected more.
  21. oh stop. nothing special? xbox controller is better? man, in trying to sound better than everyone else you did quite the opposite.
  22. this is super mario 64 perfected.
  23. it involves sacrificing a baby.
  24. this game is the shit. solid gameplay, great controls, beautiful environments...just wow.
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