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Posts posted by supremespleen

  1. NCSoft just recently released their brand new MMORPG dungeon runners. Haven't given it a shot myself, but been meaning too, looks like just enough of a rip off to be good fun.


    Do these count fine, or is it not "free enough"? =P

    I played it for quite a bit in the 'closed beta.' It is quite fun for about a week. It is a very funny game, and it admits that it is a grindfest with no other purpose but to get better weapons.

    In short, hilarious and fun, but not for very long.

  2. I'm currently uploading the required map and skin pack. I assume Atma and I will play again tonight, possibly with a RL friend of mine. Highlights include fragging Avril Lavigne as Captain Picard on stage one of Mario 64. Also make sure to download Hamachi and join the fartcast network before playing.

    EDIT: nevermind atma is uploading a better one

  3. yeah its old i know but i find it to be a very fun game


    does anyone have it, because if ya do come on down and play with me please

    i think we could get some fun times out of this game so if anyones got it

    lets go

    Me and Atma played, and it is indeed insanely fun. We play on a top secret Hamachi network, the name and password I forget, but I'm sure atma can enlighten you. Also there is a pack of skins and maps which you will be using that atma also will upload shortly.

    In short, play with is, it is chaotic crazy fun.

    and if you don't own it it is an easy torrent

  4. So I'm really debating whether or not I want to get Pokemon battle revolution. On one hand, it'd be pretty cool to see all my Pokeymans in 3D. On the other hand, it's 50 bucks for stuff I can do on the DS and N64.

  5. I'm going to need some stuff to play. I'm particularly interested in "abandonware" titles from around '95 to '02, before I started PC gaming.

    In short, suggest games that I have missed because I did not game in that period of time. Thank you.

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