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Posts posted by supremespleen

  1. Picking up Pokemon Pearl later this morning after reserving it at TRU only yesterday. I have no idea what I'm getting into. The wife made me do it. Honest.

    heh, guy at TRU suggested we not show up until sometime after 11am once the Wii craze dies down. They expect a huge rush of kiddies.

    You should join is in #clanocr on ETG. I'm sure later in the day there will be lots of playing and trading starting up.
  2. I have been wondering if I should sell my DS and get the lite, yet recently I found a dead pixel (I don't know how long it's been there, I found it playing FF3). You guys think I could get my DS replaced for a DS lite by Nintendo?
    I've often wondered that myself. I don't have a dead pixel, but I have a weird smudge on my screen that has been there since I got it and cannot be cleaned off.
  3. On another note, watching the new RE Umbrella Chronicles sparked something in my head. Why hasn't there been a rail shooter for the DS? It could work easily. Unless there is one that I don't know about?
    There's some zombie one comin' out.
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