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Posts posted by supremespleen


    LEARN TO TURN YOUR PERSONAL MII'S TO "DON'T MINGLE." Setting your Mii to "Don't Mingle" does not mean it will not interact with other Mii's in your Wii. I am sure your relatives and friends are all nice people, but I don't need to know who they are. My Parade was filled with 80 Steve's and Kate's. No one CARES about your family Mii's grumble grumble grumble

    Yes! I hate watching Miis of peoples uncles and friends and dads and all that. D:
  2. Quick question. Is anyone else getting motion sick after playing Elebits?

    I can play maybe one short round before I start getting woozy. I've been able to get through the first 9 stages in several sittings with no problem, but not anymore it seems. I am prone to getting car sick if I don't keep my eyes on the road (like reading a book or something, which isn't strange), but I've never in my life have I gotten sick playing video games. Whats worse is that it sticks with me for a while after I play. I don't want to take Dramamine to play video games :(.

    On further google investigation, this seems to be a somewhat common problem.

    I do. I'm glad it isn't just me.
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