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Posts posted by supremespleen

  1. Oh, wow. Glad to know I can turn it off all the way by doing that. I'm never really comfortable leaving stuff on 24/7. And, as of now, the features you lose by turning it off all the way are really quite inconsequential.

  2. Spoiler (not a spoiler if you are past water temple)!

    Just beat the water temple, and saw that cutscene etc. I knew Midna probably had some affiliation with Zant, so that wasn't a surprise. But when I flopped out of the sky into Hyrule field with pink Midna (wtf?) and as wolf link (is the coloration slightly different?) and the piano background music, I was in awe. My brother was going to sleep though, and I wanted to have full sound, so I saved. I'll play through it tomorrow. I really love these post-dungeon story driven segments.

    End spoiler!

  3. Is the 10 character limit going to be changed? It is pretty frustrating, especially in a situation where one just wants to agree with someone, by quoting their post or simply saying 'qfe'. There's also that pesky 4 image limit, which really makes posting in a game screenshot or 4chan thread a pain.

    Of course, these are all issues that primarily effect unmodders, so I am not so sure how much effort will be went to fix these. It almost seems like there is a general feeling of animosity from the mods and admins toward that section (even without unmodders bringing it on themselves).

  4. The music you're looking for is often called champagne music. It's kind of a spin-off of big band, from the late 40's and early 50's. Just look for Lawrence Welk on whatever P2P service you prefer and you're bound to find something you can use.

    You can also use amazon to preview some tracks and stuff.

    Oh, really? I'll have to check that stuff out for future projects.

    This is the final version of our video:

    Not too bad.

  5. You start questioning this shit and the whole gaming universe goes to shit :[

    Why doesn't Zelda send a gigantic army with Link, trash the dungeons, grab the item, kill the boss and get the artifact? He always goes alone for some reason.

    Heh, just throwing in my 2 cents (or 2 rupees?) into the, "let's complain about dungeons!" conversation. I'm actually enjoying the dungeons in this Zelda much more than some of the others.
  6. That's the optional Magic armour. It's sold at the overpriced store in Hyrule Castle Town, but it's too expensive. You need to go to Kakariko and donate 3,000 rupees in total to the Malo Mart. The malo mart will then take the place of the overpriced store and sell the armour for just under 600 rupees.
    There's some way to get it cheaper by giving money to some Goron or doing some quest or something. Not really sure, and not there yet.

    @ everyone discussing temples:

    Why the hell are all the temples there in first place? Seriously, what possesses people to say, "Hey let's build an intricate network of tunnels and puzzles, put some rupees and an item in it!"

  7. Hint for making some yourself:

    Squidfont Orchestral soundfont (pizzacato strings), Izotope Vinyl Lo Fi VST (if you want it to sound old), and your mixing program of choice set to 200 bpm.

    If I'm bored I'll see if I can't make some later.

    Don't have the set up to do that.

    Anyway, Buy Mode 1 from the Sims worked perfectly. I should have the finished version online tomorrow. Not sure if the final product will appeal to you guys, our stuff is mostly funny to people that know us.

  8. I recommend either learning how to make it yourself, bugging people who know how to imitate it well enough to make it for you, or finding a way to steal it from filmstrips... it's not like people are really gonna catch the (potential) copyright infringement unless the filmstrip is famous anyway.
    Pretty much all this stuff is public domain. I've already thought about ripping the music from one of the videos online, but there are voice overs an all of them. And sadly, none of my mates that make music make anything remotely similar to this.


  9. Me and my friends make movies for fun, and today we're doing a parody of one of those 50's educational films. The problem is, I don't know what to call the music that is typically in these, so I cannot search for it. I'm sure a lot of this tuneage is public domain.

    I need either song titles, the name of this genre, or sound-alikes (maybe some ocremixes?). Any ideas? Here are some examples of the typical music that shows up in these things.

    Also also here (nsfw)

  10. Fuck the last boss in FF3. Don't have the opportunity to save for an incredibly long time only to die. Screw that crap.

    Also Elite Beat Agents is ridiculously fun for no reason, and Episode 12 = :cry:

    Yeah, I cried at ep. 12.
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