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Posts posted by RoeTaKa

  1. Ooh, a new Roe track.

    Been a while. Comments to come eventually!

    Yeah right lol.

    Thanks guys. I did this in FLStudio. Shnabubula hooked me up with some nsf type sounds used in a sampler, aswell as the nes drums. Then I just used Chorus/Phaser/Buzz Effect Adaptor to automate the sounds in places. Drums were just my own addition. I guess if you wanted the sounds you'd have to pm shanbubula and he might be able to sort you out.

  2. I do realise SnesTaKa does sound like a Nazi symbol. Oh well, glory to thy nation. These songs are originals done in Snes format, and just for kicks. I wasn't going to release them but what the hey.

    Chrono Trigger - Snesent Hill (also uses grunt noises from Zelda 3)

    Final Fantasy VI - Original Deprivation

    Super Mario Kart - Dash

    Super Mario Kart - Space Kartroids

    SNES - Explore the Dragon (this one isn't really in proper snes format and uses all sorts of sounds)

    Good fun, enjoy!

  3. This is the accumulation of wanting to hear Metal Gear Solid 2 on a SNES. Four cover versions in different sounds for your pleasure.

    Chrono Trigger - Metal Gear Solid 2

    Final Fantasy VI - Metal Gear Solid 2

    Super Mario Kart - Metal Gear Solid 2

    CT + FFVI - Metal Gear Solid 2 (This was just for kicks, this couldn't happen on a snes!)

    Hope you enjoy, these were great to work on!

    (Thanks to Shnabubula for sample help)

  4. Reuben was an amazing guy, I never knew him properly but we passed thoughts on our music from time to time. It cripples me to think that one of the most influential musicians here has passed on, and may he rest in peace.

    I hope the family can get through this, your son was one in a million. He touched into more people than most people dream of. I feel lucky to have known him in the way I have.


  5. Too fucking short, ok it was a great 2 hours but now I don't touch it. Why would I wanna do those puzzles in less steps, when I would've been greatful for a longer experience. And then it was all to easy aswell...

    Pushover on the snes is an awesome puzzle game, it's actually hard too.

  6. So musical! This is cool and it really fits the musical style, I can imagine those bits where people would be singing hand in hand, the phrasing is just right for vocals. I don't think a tempo change is needed cause I was expecting a thicker dynamic instead near the end but then I don't know how vocals are going with it. I really like the snare though, I was just thinking "hey come on guys clap along!" so that's awesome.

    To me the brass around halfway through the song seemed a little flat, then the trombones feel the same when the snare kicks in. I'd double the trombones with quieter brass.

    Very nice though, congratso Reuben.

  7. I think that bass line is awesome, really diggin' that. The track's pretty good as a whole, got some 80's vibe every now and then which I likes. I'm not so keen on the production in some areas cause it could be a little cleaner, mostly on those drums. Nice one mate.

  8. You know, if my favourite remixers were leaving the site I supported, I'd want to be able to convince them that it shouldn't have to be that way...but it bloody well has too. I like suzu's work, he's a great musician, it's all your loss if you want to laugh it off. I already left a while ago, yeah I have a new mix on site but thats because these faggots take 6 months or so to even upload a song and write a short review with big interesting words.

    This community, so fucking immature, selfish, irresponsible, I could keep going. I don't actually have any personal beefs with people here, but I know a farm of jackasses when I see one.

    I look forward to The Lockdown guys.

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