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Posts posted by RoeTaKa

  1. Yup used to happen to me alot. A good memory I had was from when I played Grand Theft Auto 3 too much, I wanted to hunt down all the cars for the "get the cars" side mission and one of them was a Securicor van (Yknow, armored vehicles that carry money) and in the game I just couldn't bloody find or get one for ages. So I was walking down the street one day in real life where I saw one of those vans and I got so excited I was about to steal it. I had to sort of slap myself and laugh.

    The last game I probably did it with was Assassin's Creed. Oh man that really stuck in my head. I was working in a quiet village once and I couldn't help the notice that it had fantastic rooftops to do parkour on and it made me imagine how I'd rob a bank and totally get away on these fantastic rooftops (they were fantastic I can't emphasise enough). Also the best thing was how the Assassin would gently brush people aside to keep moving, I was in a club once drunk and it just stuck with me so I kept walking back and forward through the crowd brushing people aside, I was suprised how well it worked and the funny thing was I would accidentally just grab a breast every now and then (I know it sounds bad...) and it would totally go unnoticed because of how cool I played it.

    Yeah...the end.

  2. Watching the video makes me feel like I've gotten really drunk with you and I'm having such a hard time trying to watch you play haha.

    Sorry I didn't watch this last night I was kind've busy with a friend and didn't want to be rude. Love watching you ply, really hot skill in this performance. Haha I felt like clapping at the end too. Make some money off of this!!

  3. Haha awesome man, really awesome. I can't believe it's nassennman!(God knows how to remember your spelling). Ohhh groove change at 1:07 was sexy as hell. I think the last half lacked the greatness of the first half, I'm still trying to remember what this sounds like to me from the Snes, some other game...

    Good shit, good techniques, good personality, I'd yes it lol.


    for Claire? You're such a flirt :P ok seriously I'm listening properly.

    Firstly, hats off to pulling off such a good tone, the atmosphere together has such good character and is quite mesmerising. Though that this carries on for two and a half minutes is a bit bizarre. At 1:05 the thicker music box melody (probably wrong) doesn't really add much I found it distracting to the original atmosphere that was created as it seemed like you forgot to put it in at the start, perhaps it could've faded in seemlessly. At 2:30, I'm finding the change awkward, but as the elements of the percussion with the brass and sound effect noises starts to pull together it becomes a much more desirable piece of music.

    You have two really good points here, the first is the ambience that is made from the first minute, the second is the cohesion of elements from around 3:00 till 4:30. Everything inbetween to me is just dragging everything down. I think what you would need to work on in the future is how to tranisition your best ideas with parts that pull the moods together and using your time effectively to establish what you want to do without it over running or detracting the mood.

    I'm impressed at what you've achieved though I think you were able to create good textures seemlessly. I love the sound that comes in at 0:06 it just makes me think of broken mirrors pulling together, is that a default like soundfont or wav or did you mess around with something to achieve that?

    Looking forward to the next works Jez!

  5. Haha I thought I took this down. I put some of it on myspace cause I didn't want it to be downloaded, was just putting up recent songs I had done for that project in particular. It's not an album...it's not even finished, it's for a game in the writing stage that's been put on hold so I haven't done anything for it in a long time.

  6. Back on the beat! I've not heard anything of yours for like a year or more.

    I was a little skeptical of the introduction at first up untill the bass comes in as it seemed a bit linear, it's started to grow on me but I think if it was a bit more atmospherical and paddy it would add to that texture.

    The bass is sick man haha, the point where this song really opens me up is at 0:57 followed by those rhodes chords, the whole feeling in that area is like ahhhhh just something about it I love infectously. It's like I want it to keep building that way with little textures being added and becoming thicker. The section of 1:25 through 2:07 is also really good, the whole feeling is just working.

    Though everything after that section as the piano comes in didn't really click with me. The feeling gets kind've mixed I don't know what to think of it. Like the intro though it's again growing on me so, I've not got any ideas for it. Except when the strings come in, I don't think this song needs strings at all.

    Like you said you've got plans and shit but the concept and core of the song is hawt and it makes me want to remix it. You still using the same music gear? Haha, man getting a load of memories of our conversations back now.

    Keep it up bro, can't wait to hear more and more and more!

  7. This is good stuff mostly, the sounds are nice together for that spacey kind of feel. I find it a bit repetitive in a way, not in how it is written but in the feeling of the song the way everything blends together, I expected certain elements to drop out in favour of something a little more simplistic or charming. The melody is nice and I felt it deserved a bit more room to showoff and perhaps expand but either way it is catchy. I also liked the bassline alot it was nice and dancey. But as I said in the feeling of the song the rhythm is pretty continious from start to finish, sometimes it's nice to change the rhythm up for variety. I can't really complain on that note because that's just a personal thing in my own writing. Good stuff keep up the work mate. That synth tht comes in at 0:54 is really nice! It should've got more show time ;) haha don't be scared to impress!

  8. Haha thanks guys. I was thinking of doing some hard hitting beats but I've had slick acoustic kits stuck in my head for ages, I've always liked them more in a way. If I get a bit of spare time I might touch this up a little more production side and some of the orchestral automation.

    jabaond, the orchestral instruments are from EWQLSO Gold edition...not updated. It's at a good price if you want to buy it. If you got a friend who has it, even better.

    Haha thanks Jez (I realise saying it like that sounds like jiz, so sorry about that haha but I like it!). Yeah it took a day, less than a day really. Depends what mood I'm in and what I want to write. Pretty much everything I do is done in a day I don't have much patience to stretch it out further and I've been used to working like this due to project work I've done in years past. For example http://www.fileupyours.com/view/239088/Praxis%20-%20Vatic%20of%20Demise.mp3 this took me a whole day, from wake to sleep pretty much. I shouldn't be showing it around but I'm gonna be soon anyways for profile sake.

    Thanks again guys I might update soon.

  9. Only fair that I comment back! I was worried where this was going till the pitch down bass/pad and further pad came into it, that's when I thought the idea together started getting good. The beat is quirky and fun to me, though I find the bassline to not be rather fitting, perhaps it's the boobass (think it's boobass) you're using, try another sample that compliments the the beat. I'm not gonna judge you for the FL samples cause it's probably all you've got to work with, start learning about the FX and equalising and compression tools to bump up the producion, perhaps get into finding new samples to play with for a more distinct sound. Keep practising, keep working!

  10. Nice Sam it's a cool lookback to the game with your own updated interpretations, certainly more interesting than just listening to the original tracks to a screenshot or dodgy video, you actually put your work into each part. Looking forward to the next one! Do Batman! Haha.

  11. Man what a thread! Such a massive reunion! Jezon, Lunar, Mono, RK...beautiful. Good to see you all round and checking out my stuff too haha! I've been well busy lately so I don't usually check up (Kinda forgot I posted this here).

    Thanks jez, liked that band too they have cool use of atmospherics with quirky basslines. Sorry I'm just getting the most out of my samples lately haha. Good to see you around too Lunar it's been ages!

    RK, where are you man lol. WHERE DID YOU HIDE?

    Thanks again, should be posting something new up soon.

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