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Posts posted by noTuX

  1. Hey everyone! Just wanted to share a recent mix that I did from Sonic Frontiers.  This game has such a phenomenal soundtrack and I wanted to start remixing a few, starting with one of my favorites, "Theme of Koco."

    I wanted to stay pretty faithful to the original while adding my on little touch and experiment a little on my midi keyboard.  Turns out, I still suck at playing it, but I'm still pretty happy with the final product.

    I'm not sure if it would be acceptable for OCR since I stuck kinda close to the original, but I will consider submitting it. I also plan on releasing it on streaming platforms as well, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. But for now, here ya go. Enjoy!


  2. Bump from waaaay back!

    I ended up revisiting this EP and making some changes to the mixing/mastering of my tracks in an effort to improve my overall sound and quality. I am pretty happy with how everything turned out, so I decided to actually release it on Spotify!

    Now since I feel more confident and I'm learning more about making my music sound cleaner, I will be releasing more stuff and submitting more mixes that I put on the backburner in hopes of getting my name out there as an artist. Its a big ask, but please follow me on Spotify too and check out my VGM/Remix playlist.

    SMW2: Yoshi's Island EP - 

    My big ol' VGM/Remix playlist - 



  3. I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this, but for all of the remixers that have their music on Spotify, can you explain how a new artist can get their music added to different playlists?

    According to Spotify, I have to "pitch" my music to playlist creators, but I get a message saying I can't pitch my music unless I am a distributor. I came across Facebook groups that claim to be able to add music to playlists, but I have a feeling some of them aren't legit, and I can't seem to find one that will add music specifically to VGM related playlist. I know Game Chops has a ton of music from different artist released, but I'm not entirely sure how I can go about being associated with those guys.

    I'm a total newbie to this stuff, so any help/tips would be greatly appreciated.

  4. 6 hours ago, Docjekyll said:

    I'm not familiar with the source material, but I would love to hear more!

    It's less than 2 minutes long so far but there's definitely enough meat to build upon. There is a great swell at 1:12 but one tone jumps way out of the mix at 1:14. This is gonna be awesome when it's complete. Thanks for sharing!

    Thanks a lot! That reminds me, I forgot to post a link to the original song. I'll fix that in the OP.

  5. It's been forever since I posted here. I'm happy to be back and doing what I enjoy again.

    I want share a rough draft of one of my newest projects. It is a chillhop remix of Aria Math from Minecraft. It feels kind empty now, but I have a lot to add.  Please check it out and let me know what you think of it so far.

    Original song: 







  6. On 6/9/2020 at 5:23 AM, BloomingLate said:

    Hey, sounds like you're at the start of an interesting process. I hope you'll find what you seek.

    Two things came to mind when I read your post:

    1. I heard a sermon once where the speaker talked about this paradox. He suggested that when we look for happiness, we won't find it. But when we're not looking for it, happiness tends to come alongside. I thought that was interesting.

    2. I also remember a TED talk in which the speaker talked about how people who turn their hobby into their work - that is to say: their job is to do what they like to do the most - are the most likely people to burn out. His suggested remedy was to go find a need in the community and to do something to meet that need. A side effect of that may well be that feeling of happiness and finding meaning.

    Maybe these thoughts can benefit you on your quest. :)

    Personally, I'm starting to see that the most important and meaningful things in life involve serving/helping other people. Most of my hobbies and interests are fairly self-oriented, so I'm trying to find things that help people other than myself. I'm doing some translation work on a voluntary basis and found that this is really appreciated by others. As a bonus effect I feel more useful and happy, knowing that what I'm doing actually has some impact somewhere (before, I always felt like I was disconnected from the world around me and that what I did, either good or bad, had no effect on my surroundings whatsoever).

    Thank you. I'll keep this in mind. Do you happen to know what TED talk it was?

  7. Wow, it seems like forever since I made a post here. I have been lurking from time to time, but never got around to posting or replying to anything.

    Lately, I have been involved in real estate investing, lending, and building my business so I can quit my job, and focus on spending the rest of my life doing stuff I actually enjoy. Well, trying to figure out what I actually enjoy.  I am going through sort of a "self-rediscovery" period i guess. I have realized that I have spent most of my life working my ass off instead of living a life and seeking true happiness. So much so, that I actually don't even know what makes me happy. I can barely remember a time when I was happy...just content, but not happy. I really don't know...

    Anyway, I haven't done any new remixes in a while. I do short, simple songs that focus more on improving my production and sound quality, but I have not had much inspiration to create a whole new song. I get all these dope melodies in my head when I'm working or something, but when I sit down in front of my computer with FL Studio open...nothing.:banghead:

    So yeah, I have been trying to get my life in some sort of order.



  8. On 2/21/2019 at 10:17 AM, Liontamer said:

    The piano timing was mechanical, as well as the plucked and bowed strings, so I wish their sound was more humanized. The way you do it is stylized, and potentially could be fine on the panel, but I know I'd ding it for that and have criticized it in the past, because the track has a stilted quality to it. Arrangement-wise, that may carry it. You could certainly consider submitting this as is, and I'd likely YES this in spite of the mechanical timing, but it is something to be mindful of. IMO, go for it and submit it as is if you haven't already done so, but be ready to tweak it (or be proactive and tweak it now).

    Thanks for the feedback LT! Dang, I was hoping to have shown some improvement with my mechanical sounding instruments. I'm hoping to actually be able to record me playing, instead of just arranging the notes in FL, but I still have a long way to go until I'm comfortable enough. I'll keep working on it though.

  9. 8 hours ago, Souperion said:

    This piece has got a lot of different feels going on from the different instruments, and I for one like it! You've got the kinda grungy, oily feel from the original in the bass and such, a sorta hip-hop vibe from the percussion (perhaps mostly from the 'uh!'), and that exotic eastern sound from the leads. Quite an audio smoothie, which goes down smooth and clean, like gasoline. That said, I think you've got something pretty special here. The variety in sound is engaging and enthralling while not quite being distracting. It evokes distinctive desert imagery, with more than a touch of industry. Nice work on this!

    Thanks a lot! I had a blast redoing this mix, but I'm still not satisfied with the guitar section, so I'll keep tweaking that part.

  10. On 12/9/2018 at 2:46 PM, ad.mixx said:

    Nice sounds here.
    Everything is developing nicely, dynamics are pretty awesome. Don't have much to say about the mixing really, a lot better than my old stuff.


    Honestly not much to say here in terms of production and arrangement. Maybe bring back the guitar for around 3:25? Or somewhere around there? I think that would make things perfect.

    Other than thatput it through review before you submit it if you want more detailed feedback. I think it has a chance on the panel though.


    I agree. It does seem like something is missing around 03:25. I tried adding the guitar in that section in an earlier draft, but it started sounding cluttered. I will figure out something before submitting it though.

  11. I am selling my 8GB Gigabyte R9 390X on Ebay. Bidding starts at $200.00.

    There is a fan bearing going out on it, so it makes a small grinding sound when its under load, but the fans still turn at full speed and they still keep the card cool.  Its a great deal if you don't mind the noise (I prefer a totally quiet rig personally).  The fans can be replace easily by looking up the model number printed on the back of them, but it will take a while for them to get shipped to you.

    The listing is here:  https://www.ebay.com/itm/Gigabyte-R9-390x-Windforce-Video-Card-G1-Gaming-GV-R939XG1-8GB-Radeon/122842425834?hash=item1c99faa9ea:g:PLsAAOSwgspZuX0m#viTabs_0

  12. 2972efdcba6c090f9b6350701f757631809ace50996a05d79d32a95e94d7af00.jpg.7a3932eac70c18f48b8989e1a7a88384.jpg


    Excellent work on the site so far and excellent music, man. I like the "compare to the original feature." It saves me the trouble of looking the songs up.

    I haven't heard some of these mixes in a long time.  Definitely brings back memories.

  13. 12 hours ago, Vidilian said:

    Enjoy the chill vibe to this.

    I don't know if the delay you're using on the guitar at 1:20 has filter settings, but you could maybe think about rolling off some low end from the delay feedback. That would make the mix clearer at the points when the guitar plays as right now the delay might be filling the mix a bit too much. Maybe just reducing the volume of the delay could work too. 

    Thanks! I have been having difficulties with that guitar. I will work on it some more and update soon.

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