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Posts posted by noTuX

  1. Hmm, this is a pretty obscure source, eh? ;-)

    I think the beginning is a bit sudden, you could lead into the song a bit more. You're a posted mixer and you obviously have a grasp on what you are doing here. Nothing seems too out of place. There's some strange bleeding with the sub bass sometimes, and personally I think it'd be interesting to hear it as more of a sub -- that is to say, it's quite loud. QUITE loud. You could lower it, and put a more normal / mid-based bass layered with it. It's a personal thought, but I do think that loud sub bass needs to be looked into.

    As far as the loudness of the sub, that is kind of the "trap music" style. It's not my normal thing, but it seems more fitting for this particular remix.

    There's definitely a clash at 1:37 with the sub bass note, which is repeated elsewhere.

    For the life of me, I can't seem to hear the clashing or the bleeding. I tried to make sure the sub wouldn't be in the way of my other instruments like the kick, and I made sure the notes weren't overlapping in the sequencer. Now, I do have some percussion elements in the background that you might be hearing. Does it sound like a little bit of static?

    Good work, and you don't HAVE to keep this from OCR just because it has been done here a lot - it's not about what everyone else is doing, it's about what you want to do, and you clearly want to do this (as you've already done it)! Don't neglect the OCR audience for those reasons. :-) It will be cool to see if you return to this one, and I'll check it out on VGMix if you go that route.

    Thanks man. Oh, I'm certainly not trying to neglect the OCR audience, but this source has been covered (very, very well) by more talented artist and I don't think this is OCR worthy (yeah, I'm way more harsh on my music than the judges are). And besides, I have three other projects in the works for OCR. :wink:

    If I do come back to this remix, hopefully, I will have the skills to play some of it live, and not have to sequence everything. Also, I will have a guitarist replacing some of those synths. But for now, I'll be focusing on album projects and finishing my old Mario Kart WIP.

  2. mmmmm !!

    If you're interested, I wanna offer you my drumming services. I dunno if you plan on beefing up their sounds, but they do sound a little soft and weak (particularly the kick).

    But the track gels so much with that bass. Will eagerly wait for next update.

    Thanks Skrypnyk. I understand what you mean about the drums. I have been working on them and I've come up with something that a little better in this update.

    I love your drumwork and I'll definitely give you a shout for a future project, but for now, I want to do this one solo. It's kind of a learning experience for me since I have alot of trouble with EQing and stuff.

    UPDATE (almost there!): https://soundcloud.com/user7666413/dkc-i-lese-blue-trap-3-10

    The drumwork has been changed quite a bit and they are a bit stronger. I have also made some changes to the EQing and mastering and added a few things here and there.

  3. Because backwards compatibility made the PS3 way more expensive than Sony needed it to be, and ultimately was pretty pointless since the emulation wasn't all that great (even on the 60GB launch model, which had the Emotion chip installed).

    Backwards compatibility is a nice thing to have, but from a business standpoint, and especially Sony's standpoint, making things BC for games powered by Cell or even further back is ludicrous.

    It's not pointless to people that own a bunch of older gen PS games. In this day and age, I'm sure they can find the technology to make the PS4 BC, keep the system stable, and keep the expenses relatively low. That's all I'm saying. I just have a feeling that they wont do that so they can make more money selling digital copies and keep money away from businesses like GameStop. And I can't knock them for that, but at least make it optional (maybe a PS4 'premium' package).

    I wouldn't mind paying a little extra for a BC PS4 just as long as it works like it should. Like I said, I don't want to have a bunch of PS systems hooked up to my TVs since I tend to play PS1 games more often than PS3 games. If my PS2 didn't die, I would be playing those games as well.

  4. I honestly don't know about all the technical stuff that goes into the hardware development for these systems, but I just can't understand why Sony wont make their stuff fully backwards compatible for people that already own older games. I don't want to have a PS4 and PS2 hooked up to my TV and I definitely don't want to re-purchase a digital copy of something I already own.

    I bitch about it now, but I'm more than likely gonna get the PS4 for inFamous, Watch Dogs and Destiny.:banghead:

  5. Pretty good work here. 2 Suggestions:

    1)Could use some sub bass. Simple, sine wave, sub bass. I know one of your kicks have it, but they come few and far between and don't stay around very long. Adding this would definitely kick this mix up several notches.

    2)Drums could use a little more variation. The only change up I noticed was at 2:21. Not talking about huge fills all over the place, but like muting the kick on it's first down beat during various parts would really add a lot. Little things.

    Definitely understand your points. This was initially going to be sort of a dub-step remix, but I ended up making it more ambient (mainly because the person I was making it for hates dub step).

    Good news is, I've decided change the status back to "Work in Progress" and I'll work on a second version with everyone's comments in mind.

    I don't think I'll submit it to OCR since we have a shit ton of Aqua Ambiance remixes already, but may try to get it posted on VGMix (if I ever get a beta invite).

  6. Really appreciate it!

    No responses to this one yet? I like it a lot! The ambient water noises around 2:00 are really cool, they add a lot of texture. I'd say adding a few more instruments fading in and out of the main melody would help the progression of the song, as it does kind of blend right now, but I quite enjoyed it as-is!

    I did add a guitar and a violin in a previous draft, but I found that things were starting to get a little cluttered, so I just made it simple. Also, my poor computer was giving me fits when I tried to add more instruments to this mix for some reason. Normally, it can handle whatever I do in FL Studio, but it has been acting strange ever since I updated my sound card drivers.

    Guess it's about time to upgrade...

    But anyway, thanks for the feedback!

  7. I'm really diggin the vibe you got here but the sampled viola/violin makes me cringe. It's the note transitions that always ruin violin samples. PM me if you want a live violin.

    Sounds interesting. Honestly, I'm still not confident enough in my mixing/mastering skills to do collabs yet. However, I will consider it.

    Once I get all of my ideas down and move closer to a finished song, I'll give you a shout.

    as a violist, I greatly appreciate your use of my instrument. I don't really know what to suggest, because I'm not sure what your goals are with the track, but the 2:00 mark could use some more tension, if building up to 2:35 in some way.

    As an interesting scenario, if I were playing this on my viola, I would certainly use a great deal more arpeggiation playing in this track, as the chords are so big and lush, allowing some very smooth harmonic jumps into different registers

    Good ideas. I don't really work with violin/viola samples that often (at least, not having them in the forefront) so it's always good to get some pointers. I'll try adding some arpeggio in future updates and working on better buildups.

  8. Pretty mix!

    At 0:23 there seems to be a note with wrong timing on the piano.

    You could add more delay to the synth at 0:36, it feels a bit thin.

    I like the violin line that begins at 0:41. Only gripe that I have with it is that many notes are too short, making the violin sound a bit more agressive than it should.

    I don't really have many more comments. The arrangement is very pretty, stays quite true to the source and stays interesting the whole way!

    I hear what you're talking about at 0:23. I'll take care of it.

    The synth will probably be replaced in future updates. I just haven't decided yet on what I want to use.

    I will play around with the viola a little more and see what I come up with.

  9. For 2013, I have decided not to have a resolution. At least, I can't think of one at the moment.

    I had a list last year, revolving around me moving to Colorado, but now it all seems pointless since I decided to cancel the move. It feels strange not having a goal to work towards, or something to look forward to, so I gotta come up with something quick!

  10. Both are good games.

    Get the patch for MK7, though. If you plan to race online, it's required. I think it's under the eShop somewhere.

    I'll check that patch out eventually. It's actually surprising... I'm honestly not that good at MK7. I usually get 3 stars on all the cups in all difficulties, but I am struggling like crazy with this game. I haven't even attempted to start playing 150cc courses yet. I know if I get online, I'm just gonna get spanked.

    Pokemon is pretty much taking up all of my free time now, anyway.

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