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Posts posted by noTuX

  1. 13 hours ago, Skrypnyk said:

    @noTuX Did you take @Blue Magic's piece and remix it more?  Or use his mix as an influence and did your own thing?  Blue's mix isn't available anymore.

    Gave it a listen, overall it sounds good, I'm thinking a little less is more in some sections (i.e. remove more drum samples or the bass arp in the middle section, re-introduce them later) but I don't have any major criticism on this, thumbs up.

    I am Blue Magic, but I retired the name (long story) and took down alot of my old songs on SoundCloud.  I'll eventually post the old stuff back up somewhere, but for now I'm working on improving a few of my mixes that I did, but wasn't planning on submitting, and releasing some new stuff.

    Thanks for the advice.  Dropping some of the drum samples out is a good idea. I'll probably make a few final adjustments when i get off from work.

  2. Hey everyone.  I'm back with one of my newer mixes.  This one is from Hotline Miami (a game I've never played).  I heard the soundtrack before I even knew it was a game.

    I love Electric Dreams, so I figured I'd try to remix it.

    I've only been working on it for a few hours, so it's still rough, but I'm interested in hearing your thoughts about it.


    Original song:  


  3. On 10/27/2015 at 3:31 PM, WillRock said:

    1: Why, if applicable, don't you comment on new mixposts on OCR?

    2: How do you suggest the number of reviews is brought back up again?



    1. Alot of the newer post are from games that I've never played, so I  am not familiar with the soundtrack.  And honestly, I'm to busy/lazy to go and find the original song and compare it to the remix.

    2.  Stop posting the new mixes on YouTube.  This kind of sends the traffic there instead of OCR, and thats where many of the reviews end up going as well.  Reviews that the artist probably wont actually see.  Then, YouTube veiwers share the mix on their channel with their followers, and so forth.  The reviews/discussion of the original remix ends up being split up between a bunch of different videos being posted literally all over the internet. 

    I know the idea is to bring recognition to OCR and the artist, but why come to OCR when i can just listen to a playlist on YT?

    I say, if a mix is shared somewhere other than OCR, always link it back to this site.  Make people have to come here to listen and comment.

  4. Bump.

    I wasn't really sure if I should start a new topic, or just bump this one since I am picking back up on this old WIP under an different name.  Let me know if I should, mods.

    Hey everyone!  This is the artist formerly known as Blue Magic.  I decided to retire the old user name (long story).  Anyway, my new remixer name is NoTuX and after a bit of a break, I'm slowly easing myself back into music and remixing.  I plan on re-remixing alot of my old WIPs and submitting them as well as putting out some new stuff.  Ultimately, I would like to go into full on music production eventually since I will be receiving my dad's studio equipment.  I promised him I will put it to good use, so this is kind of a new start.

    Anyway, here is an updated version.  It's kinda conservative, so I'm not sure if it is OCR worthy.  Let me know what you all think.



  5. Not sure if they have already been mentioned, but I have a couple of things. When I'm browsing through the forums on my phone, the site randomly switches between the mobile and full version.

    Also, I don't see a way to skip to different pages in the mobile version (I may have overlooked it, idk...). I have to go through every page.

    In the full version the page numbers are on the bottom, but in mobile you just have "next" and "previous."

  6. After getting off the phone with tech support, we finally figured out what happened.  The downloader server was down over the weekend and I was not able to download the soundbank along with the installer.  I guess they're on different servers???


    Anyway, I'm finally able to download the whole 3.09 GB file.  :razz:


    Thanks for the help everyone.

  7. Do the installers from the .iso and the 13 MB download both do exactly the same thing?


    Does the My Products, Serials & Downloads section give a different download, or is it the same?

    I'm afraid so.  


    The links in My Products, order details, and the email that was sent after purchase all download the same installer and 440 MB iso.   :banghead:


    It's like, whatever file these links point to was not uploaded properly on their end, but I don't have much of a way to verify that since it hasn't been reported by anyone else.

  8. If you ran the normal installer for Battery 4, it will ask you where you want it to install the Library:




    That's the crazy thing.  I don't have an option to install the Library at all.  That screen doesn't show up at all during the process.  I'm starting to assume there is something wrong with the software download link NI provided me with.  Where did you get your installer from?


    The screens I get in the installation wizard: "Language selection">"Licence Agreement">"Custom Setup (Basic Install, VST, AAX)">"Destination Folder for Battery 4 app">"VST Plugin Destination Folder"Completing the Native Instruments Battery 4 Setup (with the destinations folders for the app, 32-bit VST, and 64-bit VST)." Then it installs the app.


    What version of Battery do you have? I have 4.1.5.

  9. You should have a Native Instruments program called Service Center that gets installed along with Battery and handles program updates. Run Service Center, and it should allow you to activate/download the soundbank.

    I open the service center and it updated the Battery 4 application, but still no soundbank there.


    Now, I think I may have found the bank.  On the NI site, I went to the downloads>updates page, and searched for Battery 4.  I see the factory library ver 1.0.1 there, so I think that's what i need.  I'm going through the installation process now.


    Still, I'm kinda bummed out because I've never had an issue like this with any NI product.  Normally its very simple and all the files i need are included in the confirmation email.


    Thanks for the help Moseph and Jorito!


    Edit.  Looks like this is just an update file.  Damn popup said "Battery 4 Factory Library cannot be installed because Battery 4 Factory Library has not yet been installed on this computer." "Please run Battery 4 Factory Library before running this installer."


    Da fuq that even means!?!?


    Well, I'm back on the hunt again...

  10. Does anyone have Battery 4 for PC?


    I recently bought the full version from NI, but during installation, I don't get the option to download and install the factory sound bank that is suppose to come with it.  I've been searching all over for a legit source to get the sound bank, but I can't find one.


    The strange thing is, on my order details page, I have a download link for the installer and a 3.09 GB file (I'm assuming this is suppose to be the sound bank), but when I click on it, I just end up downloading a ~440 MB iso file.  The iso file only contains a PC and Mac installer for the Battery 4 application, VST, and AAX plugin, but no sound bank.


    So, it seems I just ended up paying $200 for a kompletely useless VST and I haven't heard anything back from NI support.  Also, I can't seem to find anything in the FAQ that's helpful.


    I downloaded the Battery 4 demo, and it worked perfectly (samples and all) and I have a few free products from NI, so I'm sorta familiar with how they are suppose to work.  Is the installation process different from the paid version?


    Has anyone had this type of problem with NI products?

  11. I've been trying to use it for the past couple of days.  I can't seem to get any of my VSTs to work anymore.  They are installed a recognized is FL Studio, but when I put them in a channel and play, it doesn't make any sound, but soundfonts and direct wave works fine.


    I kinda like the interface, but I'm getting frustrated trying to make stuff work instead of making music.  Think I'm going to downgrade back to FL Studio 11.

  12. One thing I didn't like, the platforming is really annoying. My character as also an explorer class and the quests associated to that was frustrating to get to the area required to complete them. Perhaps jumping around isn't my forte.

    I understand the issues with the platforming. My main gripe is the camera though. It would start randomly changing angles when I'm trying to fight and mobs and I would often get attacked from mobs outside of my view. I have to waste precious seconds trying to figure out where the hell the enemy is. I have no idea how my friend is playing this in first-person view.

    My character is also an explorer/spellslinger. I had to do this one quest where I had to use pads that would launch me from one platform to another that are suspended really high up in the air. That was a nightmare because of the camera. I could not tell where I was going to land until it was too late. It took me about 15 tries to get it. I guess I just need to get better at controlling the camera while on the move.

    Other than that, I've been having a pretty good time with the game.

    Btw, I have three guess pass keys, if anyone wants to try it. I think they are 7-day passes.

  13. I didn't see a thread for this awesome game yet, so I thought I'd point it out. Basically, it is a MMO game but with a more unique battle system that kinda works like platformer. If I'm not mistaken, it was made by the same company the created City of Heros a while back.

    Trailer 1: http://youtu.be/QtUBpnegpCE

    Features Trailer: http://youtu.be/5i6Zw9E7U3M

    Here is the official site for more info: http://www.wildstar-online.com/en/

    I've been playing for the past few days and it is addictive. The music is excellent and the environments are huge and very well made. It might give WoW some decent competition, IMO.

    Is anyone from OCR playing this one?

  14. update:

    so now, i'm selling this


    for 100$. it's in fantastic condition and still is playing games at high settings and 1080p easily. let me know if you're into it. i can help determine if your PSU can handle it, too (likely can, it's a low-power card for the performance it pipes out).

    The guy who gave me my card was in the market for one of these (but that was months ago). He had a couple of old systems he was upgrading. I'm not sure if he went through with the upgrades or started a whole new build, but I will check with him later today and give you a shout.

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