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Posts posted by noTuX

  1. On 11/29/2016 at 9:41 PM, José the Bronx Rican said:

    My ignorant ass is late, but I do wanna remark, as I'm about to work on materials for Pixel Noir, and I found out a couple things relevant here.

    First, I only recently found out that Vegas Pro was bought by Magix. I don't dig the uncertainty that comes with new ownership, especially since a corp. like Sony was almost uniquely resourced for tight integration between their products. So far tho these new guys seem keen to keep things high-quality. Their first word was "stable"... very promising, as ver. 11 was infamously unlike it. I'm still on ver. 12, which is more than fine, but I want to see how much things have changed before committing to upgrades.

    One of Vegas' main hooks is the ease in building impressive visuals, due to non-linear editing, compositing and project nesting capabilities that made it a decent alternative before After Effects became something resembling affordable. Some of the things I see in Dashie's Mario Maker videos make it obvious he's using Vegas as well. Another Vegas hook is audio layering and processing, second to none for a long time: it's practically a DAW without the MIDI note input.

    timaeus, like myself, found out on his own how useful VirtualDub is along with the Vegas workflow. Most footage we amateurs get is likely less than ideal, so most of the work is basically "cleaning up the crap", that is, artifacts, unwanted blurring, low resolution, etc. Vegas can handle most of it, but more effective tools are found in VirtualDub; even better if AviSynth is used in tandem, which is also free, but requires some occasionally deep scripting knowledge. Too much to get into here, but some anime sharing communities make a convenient resource for learning. I will say here that whatever software is used, keep in mind all the things these tools may do to "improve" quality and productivity may actually hurt the final result. "Nearest-neighbor" is what I do as well to enlarge older game footage, and "disable resample" within a Vegas video event will work wonders in keeping video output clean, just to name two examples.

    From what I've seen, those who want to avoid trying out anything and everything would probably not go wrong with Adobe or Vegas, if not the "full", then whatever they consider "cut-down". My experience is much like most folks': I find something that works well, I stick with it. On that note, for capturing gameplay, CamStudio has been good, but recently needed resources freed and 16-bit color from the game itself in order to capture smoothly, so I had to switch for my current project requiring game footage... not to mention, it seems to be a malware trap nowadays. Free options seem to be few, but I like LoiLo Game Recorder so far. Smooth, with no noticeable dropped frames, even at HD. Cons so far are: few resolution options; no way I can see to record without audio if I wished; it captures in MotionJPEG, and the inherent artifacts are juuust above tolerable, even at its highest-quality setting, but then that's exactly the kind of cleanup I mentioned earlier. :)

    I'm mad late with the reply as well, lol. I appreciate the feedback on this man.

    I got caught up with moving and the whole "new home owner" thing, so I put this on the backburner for a minute. But I'm still thinking about getting Vegas. Adobe seems kinda expensive for a beginner like me, but I might look into it later. If you don't mind, I might bug you a little bit once I grab Vegas. I know you have the skills.

  2. I'm digging this.  It is smooth as hell, but it's pretty conservative.  I hear that Phil Collins influence (Mama is my favorite song), but it seems like it's lacking what's needed to set this mix apart from the rest.

    I would put in a couple solos and change things up here and there, especially the drum work, fill ins, drop outs, filtering...get freaky with it!  That saw lead could use some beefing up as well.  Maybe some phasing and modulation would be nice.  And some nice transitions from section to section would be cool.


  3. 16 hours ago, DennalMan said:

    For video editing, I like Sony Vegas and similar programs... many have free trails so you can see if they suit your needs or not before purchasing.  A while ago I bought Vegas for pretty cheap (around $50 I think).  Looks like free trails and stuff are available here: http://www.vegascreativesoftware.com/us/vegas-movie-studio-product-comparison/  I also liked Adobe Premier when I tried its free trail back in the day - both Adobe's and Sony's are similar and are streets ahead of Windows Movie Maker in my opinion.  I think I tried Pinnacle something at some point too, I don't particularly remember how it was for me, but I'm pretty sure I liked Vegas and Premier better.

    You don't need video editing software for live streaming, do you?  I don't know anything about that unfortunately.

    Not sure about screen capture software either, I'll likely monitor this thread for suggestions too =p  For each program I've tried, I can't get a decent frame-rate on my laptop.  If I end up needing to record ~30 FPS video of a game at some point, I may need to do a hardware upgrade somewhere *shrug*.  For me the capture programs also slow down the game's performance, lowering the framerate so there's a bit of lag and it's harder to play :/

    And if for some crazy reason you ever need to record audio or voice *without* recording video, Audacity is nice (and free).

    I wont be doing live streaming until I get more comfortable being on camera.  And more than likely, my wife and daughter will interrupt me, so I will need to be able to edit the videos before uploading.

    I use Audacity from time to time.  It is pretty good for a free program.  I used to love Sony SoundForge but was a super old version and it stopped working correctly when after I updated to Windows 8.  I haven't been able to get it to work since.

  4. Thanks for the suggestions.  I was torn between Vegas and Pinnacle when I started looking.  I decided to try Pinnacle because they had video capturing software bundled in.  But I see I definitely made the wrong choice since nothing else would work properly.  I'll look for a demo version of Vegas when I get home today and give it a try.

    Is Vegas pretty easy to use?  Also, does it really work well with Windows 10?

    I was looking at the Adobe Premiere and Corel VideoStudio, but I don't now if they can do what I am wanting to do and I saw that CyberLink Power Director was rated pretty high.  I never heard of that one.

  5. I'm looking for some good video editing and capturing software (and hopefully, easy to use).  I am looking to post my mixes up on YouTube and I want to capture myself actually playing the games while my music is playing.  Also, I want to do some actual gameplay videos, with a face cam (maybe), a mic, commentary (there's probably going to be some cursing), ect...  I have a queue of about 60 games between my PC and XB1 that I haven't even touched yet.  Most of them are old, but new to me.  And I would like to kinda share my experiences as I attempt to play them.  Especially the scary games.  The only horror game I bought was Outlast and I couldn't make it 30 mins into the game before I freaked out and stopped playing.  I might do some long plays as well.

    I really want to be able to do videos like Dashie Games or CoryxKenshin.  I know that might not happen right from the jump, but I want to be able to learn the software and have those capabilities.

    I tried Pinnacle Studio 20 and I actually feel like I wasted my money on it.  None of the additional transitions and effects actually worked, the program crashed all the time, and alot of features that are suppose to be standard, did not work.  It wouldn't even let me add text to the videos I was trying to make.  I got frustrated with it and tossed it.

    I do use Windows Movie Maker, but I want more features and ease of use.

    Any suggestions?  And please suggest software you actually use/used because I will have questions.  I am noob...

  6. 4 hours ago, Gario said:

    Smooth4Lye + NoTux collab, I can already hear it.

    I know you guys weren't thinkin' it, but I am, and now I want to hear Smooth4Lyfe sing over it.

    Nice, smooth, gentle take on it, by the way. I like the processing effects you use on the guitar throughout. The piano is pretty stiff, but otherwise the track does some nice things with the source.

    Thanks Gario!  Those flat velocities in the piano track was a mistake.  I was planning on using a synth to play those little riffs throughout the song and take them out of the piano track completely, but I forgot (getting old, I guess). 

    I will update that though and I think I will submit this afterwards.

  7. Its a good start, but your mix is really close to the original.  The layered buildup is a bit on the weak side and there's not much variation throughout the song.  Also the drum work could be beefier and the samples could be better.  I would check out some stuff from Ben Briggs to get some ideas.  He remixes in the style that I believe you are going for.   https://www.youtube.com/user/bbriggsmusic

    Keep at it!

  8. I play on Xbox One under NoTux DC

    I used to play all the time until that competitive mode thing came out.  It was so jacked up, I got pissed off and stopped playing it as often.  I could never get around the fact that my score is based on my team's performance.  If I'm a decent player, but my team just want to hang back and snipe and not play the objectives, I shouldn't get punished for that.  Plus, there were a few occasions where my team would actually win and I still lost points.  That made no sense.

    Its been a while since I got on, but I still pop in every once in a while.

  9. 11 hours ago, Skrypnyk said:

    Solid advice.  Did some quick browsing and I've decided on I believe everything I would need to build a new rig.  You got the Case, PSU, CPU, Mobo, Memory, and optional Hard Drive.  Since the mobo has a VGA output, I'm guessing that would be enough(?)  I'm not sure about the PSU though, as I don't know how much power I need to power everything.  I'd have 3 additional hard drives (all SATA, although it can be reduced to 2), and I would try and bring over the case fans I have in my old rig if they'd fit.  Beyond that, did I do good?  Will everything be compatible with one another?  Did I overlook something?

    That's a nice build.  If you don't plan on using video cards, the PSU you picked should be fine.  Video cards tend to hog a lot of power depending on what you get.

    I would add an optical drive, but that is just a personal preference.  I know some people that don't use them, so its up to you.

  10. 2 hours ago, Skrypnyk said:

    I'm all for doing it myself, I just don't know what to purchase.  What brands are considered quality now-a-days?  What can fit into what?  What should I be looking for?  (What's hyperthreading?)

    Can you throw me a list of items I need in order to build something from scratch?

    Hyperthreading pretty much allows CPUs to do multiple tasks at once.  Nothing really complicated, it's just about efficiency.

    I have a little process I go through when I'm building a new computer.

    I would do a little research on Tom's Hardware. http://www.tomshardware.com/ They have really good information about computer hardware and an useful hierarchy chart for processors.  Or you can just read reviews on Newegg.com 

    I would at least decide what processor I'd want first.  Then, find a motherboard that will be able to work with that particular processor.  If you look at the board's specs, it will tell you exactly what processors you can use with it, what type of memory it will need, and it's memory capacity.  Grab your memory.  After you find a motherboard, look for a case that will fit your board.  After that, find a video card that will fit your case (some of them are big as hell) and a PSU that will be able to power everything.  I prefer to use one that is a little overpowered for the hardware I'm using.  That way, if I decide to add more hard drives or a second video card, I don't have to worry about upgrading the PSU.

  11. So, I found a great deal on a Novation Impulse 49 and I am currently teaching myself to play.  I'm just attempting to copy melodies that I hear, but I really want to learn from scratch.  Can someone suggest some good videos and books I can take a look at?

    Eventually, I want to learn how to fully utilize this controller, but for now, I just want to get the basics down.

  12. Earlier this month, I decided to work on a small remix album for Super Mario World 2:  Yoshi's Island.  

    So far, I have 4 tracks complete and 3 in the works in various styles.  I'm not sure how many I will actually do, but I hope to have the album complete by May.  I might submit a few, but this is mostly for fun and experimentation and I would appreciate feedback.

    You can find the mixes, along with a few others on my SoundCloud page

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