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Posts posted by noTuX

  1. For anyone looking to upgrade their PC, but don't want to spend a ton of money, I'm selling a Radeon HD 7870 video card. The exact specs can be found here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814131510

    I'm selling it because I want to upgrade to a R9 280x or 290x (can't decide at the moment). I've only had it since last Nov, and it is still in perfect condition. I'll let it go for $125.00 (US shipping included).

    It is a really good card. It can run Skyrim, and Outlast on ultra, and BF4 on high settings with no problems (I haven't tested BF4 on ultra settings yet, but I can you would like me to). The only con is, the fan is a little louder than I would like it.


    The card has been SOLD!!!!

  2. I'm having a hard time keeping myself away from this game.

    Origin's ItStartsAtDusK, for anyone interested in tearing it up with me sometime.

    Might grab this on Friday. BF4 is getting kinda boring now.

  3. 1507893_635108309864559_918319959_n.jpg

    Just finished this beast a few weeks ago. This build ended up being around $1300.

    Since this is my first time building one by myself, I was kinda worried I would mess this thing up, but it ended up being alot easier than I thought. The only thing that gave me trouble was installing the liquid cooling for the CPU (because the instructions suck) and cable management.

  4. Life has been so retarded for me lately, I almost forgot I even had a track on the album until I got the announcement email on my phone earlier.:oops: I knew I just had to at least drop in and say hello!

    Anyway, it is a tremendous honor to be included on the project with these AWESOME artists. I appreciate the invite from you, Theory, and I'm glad I could help out. Also, thanks everyone for the support of this project. NOW, TELL YO FRIENDZ!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A bit off topic: Sorry I'm not as active in the community as I once was. Job responsibilities have changed for one job, and I recently started a second one. Between work and family, I haven't had much time to do anything else, but I still plan on doing more remixes and getting better. It just takes much longer.

  5. Remember when blowing inside the cartridge was the biggest obstacle in getting a game to work?

    The good ol' days. I used a cotton swap with a little bit of rubbing alcohol to clean them. Worked like a charm.

  6. So why do you do modern gaming at all then?

    Simple. I like the games.

    I'm just ranting about the ridiculous amount of crap you have to do just to play them. And it seems like it will be getting even more cumbersome when One and PS4 are released.

  7. EDIT: Make more music. Please? :D

    Poor people can suck it.

    LOL. That's exactly how I'm feeling right now. I'm hype about the technology that are being used to make modern games, but it seems like developers are straying away from the simple things that made gaming great in the first place.

    Now-a-days, when I want to play a new game, I have to wait to download updates for my system, wait to install the updates, put in the game, install the game, download updates for the game, install the updates, THEN play the game...maybe. And if PSN is down for whatever retarded ass reason, all hope is lost!

  8. Guys, you're all missing the most important thing we learned from the conference.

    X-Box One is huuuuuuuuuge. Really, really huge. Gigantic and monolithic. Like a slab of black stone polished and carved by eldric forces. I wouldn't be surprised if it weighs twenty pounds.

    I think the ability to run cool without noise is due to the fact it's made of heat absorbing rock from another dimension.

    Why are we going back towards massive bricks for consoles again?

    Look at that screen shot of the system next to the controller. If the controller is the same size as the current one, then god damn, that's a big system.

    And no one has been able to answer if you can put in on its side like every other system. I like putting stuff on its side. With multiple systems, it's like a wall of technology.

    You know they are gonna start off big as shit, then they'll release as slim version...then a slim version in a different color...then an even slimmer version (the Xbox One 2).

  9. Kinda cool, but I'm not too sure about the whole "Paying extra to play used games" thing (seems like a dick move to me) and I really don't care about all that TV shit. I buy a video game system to play video games. I guess I'm just simple like that...

    Now, I must say, Call of Duty looks fucking awesome and THEY GOT A DOG FOR GOD'S SAKE!!! Can't wait to get my hands on that one.

    IMO, the PS4 has a more exciting game lineup so far, but I will probably wait until both systems are out and decide which one I'm getting. I want to see some hands-on reviews.

  10. Here's a video of the wolf man.

    I love how his head keeps spinning after his attack at 1:06.

    The funniest enemies that I can think of at the moment are:

    Touch Me - FF7. Don't know why, but that name makes me laugh.

    Cactuar/Jumbo Cactuar - FF8. Their reactions from getting hit and defeated cracks me up.

    Solt and Peppor - Chrono Cross. Those guys are just retarded.

    Not really an enemy, but Peter Puppy- Earthworm Jim 2. Just don't drop his babies! I always thought it was strange that he would throw the bombs at PsyCrow to protect his puppies, when he is actually throwing them in a building full of his other puppies.

  11. Once again, I got totally sidetracked from working on my album project remixes.:banghead:

    This was originally supposed to be a FF8 remix of Silence and Motion, but I decided to scrap that version of it and reuse some of the drums and basswork for a remix of "Anything but Tangerines" from EWJ2.

    I wasn't going to bother making a whole new thread for this.

    Original song: http://youtu.be/58V72F4J56A

    WIP: https://soundcloud.com/user7666413/ewj2-tangerines-wip

  12. This is a totally AWESOME story and I love it so much... (except the part about no time for remixes, haha) Congratulations on becoming a daddy this way!!! :)


    Don't worry, I will be using most of my spare time working on mixes. I might slow down, but I don't plan on quitting anytime soon.

  13. My parenting situation is a little different. I don't have a biological daughter, but my girlfriend and I have become parental figures to a 2-year old foster child, named Kaiyah. Her real father is unknown, and her real mother was abusive, so my girlfriend's mother was given custody of her last year.

    When my girl's mother became sick (she's better now, btw), my girl started taking care of Kaiyah and they started to become really close (during that time, we were actually separated and I was getting ready to move to Colorado). Gonna skip some of the details here, but the move ended up getting postponed, and we eventually decided to get back together and work on fixing our relationship around Nov of last year, where she informed me that she wanted to adopt Kaiyah one day. I was really skeptical at first because, I didn't want to be a parent at that time, but I didn't want to give up on a decent relationship because of a child neither. I didn't meet Kaiyah until Thanksgiving of last year. She's the sweetest little girl I've ever met, and as time went by, I also became fond of her.

    Eventually, Kaiyah started calling my girl "momma" and me "daddy," and that was pretty much it for me. I have been her father figure ever since. Since they live in a different city, I can't really be physically there with them everyday, but I do my best. We are working on getting to a point where we can actually adopt Kaiyah, and be the parents she deserves to have in her life.

    So, now I have a 2-year old little girl, and a 2-year old dog that I rescued in my life that I never saw coming half a year ago, and I couldn't be any prouder. LMAO

    Only thing that sucks is, I now have very little time to do remixes.:puppyeyes:

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