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Everything posted by noTuX

  1. Playing Super Mario Brothers Wii with three other people that don't know what the hell they are doing just makes me sad. Ratchet and Clank All 4 One is a little disappointing for me as well. It is not nearly as tough as the previous titles. I understand that they needed to make it easier since its more about multiplayer teamwork, but come on! Random game freezes in pretty much every game made by Bethesda. It almost always happens when I'm just finishing a very difficult mission, or I find some cool secrets. I really enjoy their games, but when stuff like that happens it makes me want to punch my PS3 in the face.
  2. Space Channel 5. I rented that game thinking it would be something like Bust A Groove. But, it wasn't...at all.
  3. My biggest moment in gaming was actually when I was introduced to it. My mom got me a NES for getting good grades in school. I had no idea what it was and no interest in playing with it. Almost a month later, after my mom threatened to kill me, I finally decided to hook it up and see what the fuss was all about. I had the Mario Bros/Duck Hunt/Track and Field combo cartridge, and I was hooked. The next big moment that I can think of came when I played Sonic Adventure for the first time. Sure we think it sucks now, but it was AMAZING back then (and you know it). And of course, the last quarter of gameplay in MGS4 pretty much moved me to tears. A video game has never made me cry like that.
  4. I have a Sky Chase Zone (Sonic 2) WIP that might fit in with this project. It is sort of an R&B track, but I can see someone rapping over it. That is, if anyone is interested.
  5. Not gonna lie, I really like what I've seen. It kinda reminds me of Earthworm Jim. Looking forward to this...
  6. You mean the plucks? I kinda liked them, but I'm open for suggestions.
  7. The tracks that are open don't interest me at all. I gave "Decision Bell" a shot, but it seemed like I was just forcing it. I'll keep checking back to see if anything else opens up. Good luck everyone.
  8. I'm driving down highway 40 in my big ol' pickup truuuuuk!!!!
  9. Me and my girlfriend started back playing Yoshi's Island and my girlfriend got kinda frustrated and started calling the game stupid. So, to be funny, I just named my song "Stoopid Yoshi." LOL. That happens to me sometimes (and I have around 900+ songs in my VGM playlist).
  10. I don't really know how if you guys have Spotify or not, but he has couple of his older albums on there (Ronald Jenkees, and Disorganized Fun).
  11. Hey everyone! Got a new one for ya. This time, it a remix/cover of the Flower Garden theme from Yoshi's Island (SNES). I really enjoy the fun and happiness of this song, so I didn't really want to take away from it, I just wanted to add a little something extra. I'm pretty sure it is not acceptable by OCR standards, and I'm ok with that. I just want to share it with whoever may be interested. Original song: http://youtu.be/kMmpRcld1FU Remix: http://soundcloud.com/user7666413/yoshis-island-stoopid-yoshi You can download it if you want it. Thanks and Enjoy!
  12. Be warned, Fallout and Fallout 2 is NOTHING like Fallout 3.
  13. Update: https://soundcloud.com/user7666413/mario-kart-64-duh-winning Increased the tempo a bit and added some new stuff. I still have some work to do, but it's almost there!
  14. I was just saying that for people that never had the chance to watch it (for some ungodly reason). ...shaddup.
  15. Space Lion (Cowboy Beebop Version) http://youtu.be/WKnVaDwUg5s IMO, the first few minutes of the song kinda illustrates the vastness and emptiness of space, like you're just drifting aimlessly.
  16. I have a link in my sig, but I guess its kinda hard to notice. http://soundcloud.com/user7666413
  17. Sweet. Yeah, I might just switch it up to something else. Though I like my old WIP, I don't think it's quite suitable for the project. I'll check the tracklist when you update it and let you know what's up.
  18. Due to a well borked computer, I've lost all of my old music. I know my old track still needed some work, but now it seems I'm going to have start over from scratch. I'm not really sure how the project's timeline is looking, but do I have time to work on a new track, or is it too late?
  19. Hello everyone! Its been a while... I'm finally back to making music after some technical difficulties with my old compy. Now, here's a little smooth jazz for yo azz! This is a remix of the race results theme from Mario Kart 64 and Mario Kart 7. I'm trying to use elements from both sources, but since they are different keys, its a little difficult.... I might end up mixing in a few other tunes to add variety. So far, I have a little over a minute of material, I just looped it a few times. I don't plan on leaving it like that though. Check it out. Sources : http://youtu.be/zRQD3DXML54 (from MK7) http://youtu.be/a9SPWok6CuY (from MK64) Remix: https://soundcloud.com/user7666413/mario-kart-64-duh-winning Let me know what you think.
  20. Holy SHIT!!!! I'm not sure how i missed this thread. Congratz man! Your hard work has paid off.
  21. PC or PS3? If its the PS3, I'm down. My PC is too old to handle such a game.
  22. I haven't heard anything but good about this game. I think I'll pick it up later on today. It'll be a nice change of pace from the constant killing in BF3.
  23. I like what I hear so far, but I gotta to get home and listen to this on my surround sound system. My laptop speakers just cannot handle the awesomeness. Great work everyone!
  24. I'm excited about this one (and that doesn't happen very often anymore). I just hope they don't have all of that "friendship" crap that was in GTA4. I got really annoyed with people calling me every five minutes to hang out. I just want to drive cars, kill people, and run from the police. Not maintain a meaningful relationship with the in-game characters.
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