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Everything posted by noTuX

  1. I'm not worthy enough to stand in that man's presence... ...count me in!
  2. I would like to give it a try, but I'm not sure if the timing is right for me since I'm about to move. I might not be able to really do any work on a remix for a few weeks. What kind of time frame do we usually have to do a remix in? I might be able to work something out.
  3. I don't really see what the big deal is about pirating if you don't actually use the stolen software to make money, or you're just a noob and you don't want to invest much money in something you're not even sure you'll like. I used to be really into pirated software and games, but I came to realize that it really a pain in the ass sometimes (trying to follow retarded installation instructions) and it can be risky. I guess you can call me lazy, but its better to just come out of pocket and have a clear conscious, acquire it and install it the right way,than snatch a program off the interwebz and worry about viruses or tracking software that can report back to the publisher (I think that's just a scare tactic, but I'm not gonna risk it).
  4. This is pretty cool! I enjoyed readings the reviews for some of my older music. Too bad I cant download them though.
  5. My boss at work showed my a pretty cool site. I figured some of you guys might be interested. Basically, they are talking about building a good machine for under $600. http://www.geforce.com/#/Optimize/Guides/how-to-build-a-kick-ass-crysis-2-pc-for-under-600
  6. I was going to build a new system, but I decided to put that on hold when I heard about W8 coming out. I love W7 and I can't wait to see what they will do to improve it in W8. The "instant on" feature sounds pretty interesting. I guess they're trying to make it more efficient like apple. It only takes my computer a couple of minutes to turn on and load everything up. Its not like I mind the wait, but I'm glad they are trying to implement this feature. An "app store"? Why the fuck does everything have to have an app store? Better power consumption is always a good thing. My laptop will like that.
  7. Let me guess: Sonic is caught up in a time paradox caused by an experiment conducted by Dr. Eggy McWhiskerface (who is attempting to go back in time and kill Sonic when he's a baby), and now he has to team up with his younger self to stop him. Or maybe that's just Sonic's kid... I like my explanation more though...
  8. Jade is so awesome, she can get two threads!!!! Happy Birthday!
  9. Thanks Rozo! OK, I sent a message to Anielca on YouTube, and she's down. She is a OCR member, but she does not post all that often. I'm not sure who can give her an invite to post in the private forums, but I can get her to come in a say hello once she has permission. I'll get back in contact with her later on tonight, and send her a copy of my WIP. Will she need to record her vocals separately?
  10. There are always gonna be assholes around. It is the internet after all. Making a person pay more for being a dick will probably make them act even more dickish because of that whole "sense of entitlement" thing people tend to have. The only solution I can think of, is to implement a better voting system. If a person is being a dick, then get rid of em. But of course, this system will be abused as well. From my experience with the various Socom games I play, you will be voted it you're not that good, too good, a noob, a kid with an annoying voice, not in a clan, in the wrong clan, not willing to accept a clan invite, not white, a female that is not showing tits, not speaking english, talking too loud, not talking loud enough, camping, running out and getting killed to quickly, being racist, not being a racist, black, have the word "black" in your name (cause then, you're black), gay, not drunk, and using certain weapons (noob tubes) even though they are part of the game. Dicks are gonna be dicks, no matter what. Attempting to punish them will result in major online networks getting hacked... *cough* PSN *cough*
  11. I haven't really done to much more to my track. It's basically the same, however, I'm thinking about having a friend (Anielca22) add some of her awesome singing skillz. I would like to see if that would be ok, and also, if it is ok, we may need help with EQing and whatnot. I've never done this kind of thing before. She did a fantastic job on my Song of Ruin remix. Please check it out: http://youtu.be/t3uiewBJpvw If she can hop on this track, she'll take it up to the next level, IMO. What do you think, Rozo?
  12. I've been thinking about doing this one. I might give it a try.
  13. Bump from waaaaaay back. Just to let you all know (if anyone still cares), my mix has been finished and posted up in my YouTube channel. Swing by, and check it out sometimes. I also have a few other songs I've done, and slightly better versions (imo) of my songs that have made it to OCR available for download. The DL links are in the comments. Thanks
  14. I'm thinking about submitting my track. I have a good feeling about it, but do you guys think its ready?
  15. Whenever I enter the Community forum, the site logs me out and it will not allow me to make a post without asking me to log in again. But, it wont allow me to log in. It just asks me to log in over and over again. I can enter any other forum, even Off Topic and the private forums, and make posts, but I can't stay logged in wheneve I enter Community, so I can't make a post. Is my computer just being an asshole, or what?
  16. Hello people! Its been a while. Whats going on? (too lazy to read the thread)
  17. I had the WIP on my computer ever since you posted it up. I'm glad you finally released the final version. Great work!!
  18. So, if you get attacked by a mob, the pigmen will rape them, right? That's pretty cool. Just remind me to stay away from you.
  19. It might not be that scary now, but when I first got it when I was a kid, I was too scared to even play the game. I remember the music that played when you entered the houses was creepy as hell. "Creepy house" music + actually running into Jason while in that house = the last time I ever played that game. I think I also peed myself a little bit too.
  20. No sir, I don't like it... I F***ING LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for your hard work Mr. Morse. A fantastic job!
  21. Damn, I step out for a minute, and look what happens...
  22. Legend of Legaia 2. Mega Man Legends 2. Mega Man X5-(whatever the hell number it went up to.) Street Fighter 4 (and that douche bag last boss)
  23. But I don't have a pooper scooper. Can I take their stuff. I'm sure they wont need it anymore...
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