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Posts posted by noTuX

  1. To be honest, the production and effects sound really nice here, but the sounds you're working with are just too vanilla, even with the cool reverse-synth treatments you've got going on :-( I don't think this'd pass OCR for that reason alone.

    I understand what you mean. The lead synths I'm using are new VSTs. I haven't perfected them just yet. I do plan on making a few changes to them before it's evaluated.

    I'll also be adding some stuff in the background to fill up the empty spots.

  2. Youtube has been spamming me recently too about monetizing my videos, and I mostly upload remixes -- sometimes with a static image (like a cover) and more recently with full-fledged game footage music videos... They say if you try to monetize a video you don't own the copyright to, it can be 'removed' from youtube altogether... I've tested the monetization on a couple videos, some original songs and also some remixes, and honestly I haven't seen any difference whatsoever.. no notification of "income" or seen any ads on the videos... not sure what's up with that. But the point is they didn't take the remixes down.

    From what I understand, you're not really profiting off of the remixes you post, but from the ads and traffic. Your music just happens to bring in the traffic. Just make sure you reference that originals though, just to be on the safe side.

    And you probably wont see any ads since it's your video. Maybe try logging off of YouTube to see what happens? I haven't monetized anything yet, so I'm not really sure.:???:

    I read over all of that mess a few weeks ago when I signed up. If I remember correctly, you will need to generate at least $100.00 of income before they even send you a check (and any type of notification, for that mater). It seems that you'll need to have thousands of subscribers that actually click on the ads before you get something.

  3. I'm almost scared to make a post in this shitstorm, but...

    From my personal experience, learning how to use your DAW (whatever it may be) well, is a slightly higher priority. Now, theory is also important, but you can always pick that up as you go, by listening to examples and taking feedback (positive or negative) from others. Maybe finding a "role model" that is making music in your desired style. Preferably, someone you can actually get in contact with when you need help.

    It might take a while, but as you develop you skills using your DAW, you'll also be learning more about music theory, almost simultaneously. Because, if you think about it, it works hand in hand.

    Knowing everything about music theory won't actually help if you don't even know where to go to place notes in your sequencer, change velocities, add effects, or turn low-quality samples into something useful. On the same token, knowing your DAW from top to bottom, wont help if you don't know how to make different chords flow together without sounding horrible.

  4. The only gripe I have is actually coming back to those reversed notes. The ones that start at around 1:56 till the retrigger at 2:13. (BTW I absolutely LOVE that Retrigger you did. *claps*)

    They seem to be a little bit loud on the end of the note.

    Thanks, Snow. This song has been remixed a million times, so I had to come up with something that will make mine stand out.

    I will probably tone those synths down a little, or maybe even apply a light filter.

  5. I've been working hard to understand proper EQing techniques and trying to figure out what I have been doing wrong.

    I think I'm making some progress, so I wanted to test myself. I dug up an extremely old WIP I did back in 2006. This remix is actually the predecessor to "The Delay." I didn't like how it sounded back then, so I started back over, and made what is now posted up on OCR today.:-)

    At first, it was kind of an industrial percussion style mix, but now, I've made it into a Trip-Hop style song. I was heavily influenced by Radiowar's "Intoxica" (a track on the upcoming DKC3 album). I loved the vibe so much, I just had to give it a try.

    I have it posted up on YouTube for right now, since SoundCloud was acting crazy. I'll try it again later.

    Original Stickerbush Symphony theme: http://youtu.be/73n7HTcmb5g

    YouTube Vid: http://youtu.be/avy2ew5pdbE

    Soundcloud mirror: http://soundcloud.com/user7666413/dkc-2-no-country-for-old-kongs

  6. Well, your setup is definitely better than mine as far as the PC and equipment goes. You might be having a problem with your system settings that is causing the error messages. There might be some sort of compatibility issue. I'm afraid I don't have any experience with Sonar, though, but I do suggest making sure that all of your audio and equipment drivers are up to date.

    My PC is old as shit:

    Windows 7

    Dual-Core 1.86 (i think)

    4GB Ram

    FL Studio 9 XXL.

    Sound Blaster Audigy 4

    I have the same headphones. BTW, I've noticed that the headphones seem to boost lower-end frequencies a little bit. So, be on the lookout for that.

  7. I've been making music for 5 years, but only really learned production and mixing (and composition) in the past 2 years. Sure I'm not SUPER PROFESSIONAL MASTERING ENGINEER but I know my way around an EQ.

    I suck at mixing and mastering.

    At first, music was just a hobby I did while drinking, so I didn't concern myself too much with it, but recently, I decided I really want to try to take my music to the next level (while sober). So, that means, I really need to learn how to master my tracks.

    I've been listening closely to different types of music and artist, and trying to figure out how to produce those types of results and so far, I still suck. It seems like, my music is always too quiet. But, when I try to bring up the levels a little, I get muddyness. Then, I compress here and there, neaten things up a bit, then its too quiet again. :banghead:

    Since my dad lives so far away from me, I'm just not sure where to turn to get advice, examples, a little hand-holding, and critiques.

  8. Earlier this year, I completed a remix for the SEGA Pico challenge that was issued in this thread.

    The remix got the boot from the judges, but I would still like to share it with you all.

    (Copied from my submission email)

    I'm not really sure what the name of these songs are, so I'll link you to the YouTube Video:

    Source used in the video: @ 00:45 (How many players screen). I used this source at the 0:00-0:20 mark.

    Kinda did a freestyle from 0:21-1:00 mark.

    Source used in video: @ 1:09 (Car Race). I used this at the 1:00-1:20 mark.

    Source used in video: YAY!!! Used at the 1:19 & 2:48 marks.

    Another freestyle from 1:20-1:40.

    Source used in the video: @ 00:45 (How many players screen). I used this source at the 1:40-1:50 mark.

    Source used from video: @9:33 (The battle is over). Used from 1:50-2:10.

    Freestyle from 2:10-2:30.

    Source used in video: @ 1:09 (Car Race). I used this at the 2:30-2:50 mark.

    Freestyle from 2:50-3:10.

    Source used in the video: @ 00:45 (How many players screen). I used this source at the 3:10.

    I hope I didn't make that confusing...

    I this mix I wanted to make this mix using some lo-fi samples to create sort of a "retro" feel, while at the same time, making something that sounds like it could have been on the Sonic Colors soundtrack. I wanted it to be kind fast pace. This mix is the most difficult one I've done to date because of the short source tunes, but I still had fun doing it.

    Here is the remix: http://soundcloud.com/user7666413/sonic-the-hedgehogs-gameworld


  9. I really don't have any type of musical education. I pretty much make stuff that I think sounds good. That's pretty much how I've always made music.

    About 13 years ago, my dad introduced me to Midisoft Studio 4. He taught me the basics on how to use it, and I pretty much played around with the example songs that came with it for a while until I stumbled on the Super Mario Bros theme in MIDI format. When I found that, I started to wonder if there was more VG MIDI files that I could find out there. I eventually came across VGMusic.com, and they had all the midi files I could handle! Later as my skills improved, I started combining different songs and melodies and making MIDI remixes.I was visiting that site for years before I even noticed the OC ReMix link on the left-hand side.

    Funny side story- One day, I accidentally clicked on the OCR link and was brought to the old Overclocked Remix site (back when the site color was orange and shit), and I thought "What the fuck kind of shitty site is this?!?!" The colors of the home page made my head hurt and the people that posted back then were dicks, so I never clicked on that link again...

    Some time after "Dark Cloud" came out, I was looking for the MIDI file for the "Moon Sea" and "A Sinking Ship" themes, when I came across Dev's 'La Saia's Resting Place' remix. At that time, I believe the site just switched to the blue color scheme, and I didn't realize it was the same site that I said I would never come back to again.

    I started visiting this site a couple of times a week, and grabbing music. Eventually, I came across McVaffe's 'Bukkis Tango' remix, and I though it sounded pretty similar to the one remix I made using Midisoft (BTW, I recently re-remixed that song), and at that moment, I figured, "I might have what it takes to get a song posted up on here too", but I knew I didn't have the appropriate software to make OCR quality music, but I did have the creativity. So, I asked around and found out the two major programs people were using were FL Studio 7 and Reason.

    In 2004, after figuring out the basics in FL Studio, I made my first Sonic remix, gave it a retarded name (I honestly don't remember why I spelled it that way, but I had a good reason), and submitted it. So, much for that! After getting the boot, I got pissed and started flooding the WIP forum with mixes. Sort of my way of proving I had the skillz, dammit! But, they weren't up to par neither. I was going to give up until I started listening to SirRus' remixes and his advice. That is why I kinda consider him a friend. We pushed each other.

    I started to finally understand the "quality over quantity" concept, and focused on spending more time making better quality music. I finally got my KH mix passed in 05.

    Ever since then, I've been working to learn different styles of music and better mixing and mastering techniques (which is my weakness). I'm not really doing remixes as often as I used to, but with new project that I do work on, I try to improve at least one skill. I would like to eventually start making a little money with my music, but I know I have to get ALOT better.

  10. Basically any scoped weapon will cast a really obvious glare/reflection at the target, so when you see that you better hit the ground. Also, just spam Q when you do see someone because it will 'spot' them and cause a little orange indicator to appear over their heads for some time. It also appears for your allies.

    Ha! I noticed that I usually die shortly after seeing a glare. I always try to take cover, but I'm not fast enough, apparently.

    I'm playing on the PS3, so I don't know how to spot people yet. I just kinda got on there and dicked around for a few minutes. I'll get on again later and see whats what.

  11. I finally had a chance to play last night, and it was pure madness! I am having a difficult time telling where I'm getting shot at from. And I see that they never did something about spawn campers. Getting killed the moment I spawn was the whole reason I stopped playing the Battlefield games in the first place.:evil:

    I found a couple of glitches that allowed me to get inside of a wall and shoot out. And one time, I was knifed, but my character didn't actually die. I was laying on the floor sideways, but I was still able to shoot at people. I just couldn't move. Also, I couldn't be shot anymore. I know its just a beta, but wow...

    Cant wait until the full game comes out. I just hope they fix these issues or its gonna be a massive clusterfuck.

  12. Lately, I've been have some issues with the EQing on my songs and I came to realize that there were some changes made to my computer's sound output settings that caused me a whole lot of trouble (basically, my surround sound settings screwed me up). And also, it seems that my headphones make it difficult for me to detect sound balancing problems during playback. So, I am trying to make some changes to the way I EQ my music to compensate for it.

    Anyway...here's a quick little something I whipped up while testing out my new EQ settings. This is a remix of the Missile Base theme, or "The Spy" from Final Fantasy 8. Its still kinda short, but I have much planned for it.

    Original theme: http://youtu.be/z-QrEMazxh0

    WIP: http://soundcloud.com/user7666413/final-fantasy-8-well-color-me


  13. I know it was mentioned earlier, and I did indeed do some experimenting with that idea.

    The thing is, I'm not that great at the sidechaining thing yet. I just started working with the "sidechain" present in GrossBeat on this remix, and it was a real bitch and a half to get the wobble bass timing the way I wanted it. I kinda didn't want to mess with it anymore unless I absolutely had to. Also, I don't know of any other way to sidechain, due to my noobishness.

    Anyway, update coming soon!

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