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Posts posted by noTuX

  1. Funny stuff. Some valid points, but I can't agree with the semi-popular opinion that adding a second screen makes the game harder because you have to focus on it occasionally. This is a bullshit argument that was destroyed by the DS years ago when people were saying the exact same thing. They're now using a new asinine made up idea called "immersion breaking". What, you can't remember what was happening on the screen 2 seconds ago because you're now briefly looking at another screen? Or your cup of water? Or your sandwich? Do you also have trouble watching subtitled movies as well?

    Sorry for the rant, I just hate these whiny non-reasons people use to be hyper-critical of something they've never used before.

    It might indeed be hyper-critical, but you know Nintendo is gonna try to make effective use of the touchscreen controller thing in nearly every application possible, even when it shouldn't be necessary.

    Looking at the second screen's interface on a DS would be considerably different than looking at a second screen on a device (distance wise) that is suppose to be controlling the game on that's being displayed on your TV screen while trying to avoid getting raped by enemies or oncoming obstacles. Imagine trying to play Maio Kart online (we all know how intense that can be sometimes when you're in a good match) and you constantly have to glance down at your controller to use weapons and power ups. That can be kinda distracting. I think that's the point he is trying to make.

    No doubt, I'm excited about it, but I'm waiting on some hands-on reviews (especially from Zero Punctuation).

  2. Unfortunately, I don't keep wav file copies of my mixes, however I do still have the flp files for a few of them (Day and Night, Welcome Home DK, Chasing Waterfalls) and I should be able to convert them to wav.

    The only problem is, I'm positive they will not sound the same as the versions that I submitted, since I usually go back and correct EQing problems as I learn better techniques. I don't believe that I made any major alterations, to them besides the EQing.

    If you would like them, I can get them ready for you this weekend, but if they wont work, I understand.

  3. There's nothing wrong with your place. As I said to Kyle, the whole point is to build progressively less shitty castles (buildings, etc.) until you get something you're proud of (and then keep going).

    I know, I know. Eventually, its gonna be a huge tower that defies the laws of physics when I'm done with it. I just gotta get back out there and collect the necessary materials. I'm just being lazy.

  4. I was kinda thinking about this the other day when I was playing some old SNES games, and comparing them to modern gaming.

    Now-a-days, I find myself being more distracted by the eye candy, explosions, and in-your-effin'-face action to even pay attention to the music. By revving the visual processing power of modern day gaming systems, it seems to me like the emphasis is being shifted from making a great, memorable soundtrack, to creating a visually pleasing, "great looking" game. And all that is understandable, because its only good marketing to try to take full advantage of a gaming system's power. But that kinda puts the music on the back burner.

    For instance, I can remember the music from the first stage of Contra vividly, even though I haven't played that game in well over 15 years, but I can't remember a single melody from MW3, and I just finished playing it yesterday. I remember FF7, and FF8's soundtrack pretty well, but I can't remember shit from FF13 except for Lightning's theme, and that's only because they played it several times throughout the game. With that said, I suppose repetition plays a huge role in making a song memorable.

    IDK, maybe its just me getting old.

    Finding a balance between music and gameplay is the key, IMO.

  5. When I decided to try making music, I had absolutely no musical background whatsoever. With that said, I had a really hard time understanding the musical lingo when I received feedback on my work. I constantly had to ask for explanations and examples to understand what I needed to do to get better. Even now, I still don't know much about the technical aspects of music like scales, chords, notes, time signatures, ect., which makes me terrible at giving other feedback on their work and doing collabs.

    With the experience I've gained so far, I simply know how to make things sound good together, but I couldn't really tell you how I do it.

    Not knowing how to play any instruments also made things a little more difficult. Now, I'm not saying its absolutely necessary, but it could help.

    I really wish I learned how to play piano and guitar at an early age when I had more free time to do so. Now, life is much busier and I often find myself too busy to take classes or even pick up a guitar and just pluck on it.

  6. This is sounding really nice right now! The only things I would suggest would be:

    Maybe add some sections where the bass slides from one note to the next, kind of like a fret slide.

    Sometimes, you could replace the reverb sidestick with a reverb clap.

    Cool ideas. The bass patch I'm using wont allow me to do slides, so I'm probably going to be using a different sample in future updates.

    I'll definitely be doing more work on the drums. I've only been working on this particular mix for a few hours, so I still have a few more ideas that I want to hammer down.

    This is so chill. Love the source. The bass kind of dominates a bit. Perhaps an upright acoustic bass would fit this instrumentation a little better. Also the drums sound very synthetic - it's most telling on the rim clicks - it's sounds like a general midi drum kit and when the click plays on the offbeat of the last beat of the bar it's the same velocity as when it's playing on the strong beats - that stood out to me like a sore thumb.

    Otherwise, the flute sounds good - i would be tempted to put some delay on it. I'd love to see where this will go! I reckon this mix would really shine with a little live recording mixed in or going for a more electronic sound. At the moment it's kinda somewhere between - fairly low quality virtual instruments emulating real instruments with synth bass/some other synths.

    So I think in order to make the most of what you've got, either make it more liiive and call upon someone to help you out with that if you don't have the resources yourself or give it an electronic overhaul.

    : ) Those are my impressions.

    I'll be making changes to the bass. I've been using similar types of basses in my previous mixes, so this time I want to use one that I've never used before. I do plan on having heavy bass, but not overpowering. I'll tone it down and try out some other samples.

    I'm using some cheesy drum samples along with the better quality ones to kinda create a hybrid/retro/electronic/ethnic/whatever :< mix. I'll be making some changes to them though.

  7. This site has acquired the copyright for the ns7 kit, linked from Natural Studio.

    I already checked that link out. Its not exactly the one I remember. Seeing how big it is, its definitely a updated version. The one I remember from years ago was only a few hundred Megs big (maybe 500 to 700 MB), not nearly as fancy as the one NDK is selling now, but had quite a few more samples than the lite version. It was available for free on the NS site for a little while.

    I might snag this one later on, but for now I don't have too much of a need for more drums. I was just curious to see if the old one was still out there or not.

  8. Just finished watching Desert Punk last week. The last few episodes were kinda predictable, but it was still a pretty enjoyable series. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at an anime.

  9. But on the subject of Bethesda games that I found disappointing, I may be the only one of my friends who couldn't get into Morrowind/Oblivion when they came out. The same complaint that they level on Fallout was the one that made me not want to play Elder Scrolls: it was so open ended and oddly slow at the beginning that I just couldn't get into it. I don't disagree about them being good games, but after all the hype, running around wildly flailing a sword at crabs and wolves and getting busted for rummaging through people's bookshelves just wasn't as fun as I thought it would be. Haven't tried Skyrim yet. Might not be too late to change my mind.

    Well, Skyrim is just as open ended as the others. It sure doesn't start off slow though.

    I was playing it continuously for a while. There were nights where I didn't even go to sleep because I was having so much fun exploring and stealing stuff, but then, it just suddenly wore off. I'm not even interested in finishing the game anymore. Don't get me wrong, I like it and enjoy the story, but it's a little slow for my taste.

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