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Posts posted by noTuX

  1. I appreciate the comments, everyone. At the moment' I'm not really planning on submitting this remix or anything like that, so I labeled it as "Finished." It was just one on those things that I threw together in a couple of hours.

    I might get back on this later on and make it more submission worthy.

  2. lol, I totally thought it was one of your usual sounds. It's very much in line with what you usually do, how you usually sound. Consistency, for better or worse. :P

    But why's it supposed to be mechanical and "dumbed down"? Even with the glitch effects, wouldn't a more humanized source sound still sound better?

    Well, the guitar is just basically strumming a simple melody, it's not really playing a solo or anything fancy, but I suppose I can vary the note velocities a bit and tweak the EQing to try to make it sound better. As, I mentioned earlier I wanted a harp, but I couldn't find a good one. So I tweaked a soft sounding, nylon string guitar sample to put in it's place.

  3. Thanks Rozo.

    I understand your point about the wubby bass. It was one of those things I added at the last minute and thought "Hey this is kinda cool." Maybe I overdid it a bit. I can tone it down some, no problem. I plan to leave a little high end on it, but it wont be as bright. The piano is suppose to be the focus and the wub,close behind.

    The guitar is a NI vst sample that I've never used (I usually use soundfonts). I purposely dumbed it down. It is kinda meant to sound mechanical for this remix. Plus, I have it playing through the dblue glitch VST, adding retriggers, delays, and reversing notes, so I didn't really want to focus on it too much. Originally, I wanted to use a bright harp, but I couldn't find anything decent sounding.

    As for the source, I am actually more faithful to it in this remix than I have been in almost all of my others, but I did do some rearranging. I guess that's what makes it so difficult to pin down.

    Just wanted to drop in and tell you this is awesome man :smile: I love your music and this is one of your most solid remixes to date. Nailed it!

    Thanks, man!

    I know you made that post last year, but I honestly didn't notice it until now. :oops: Sorry bout that.

  4. Super Mario RPG has some remake potential.

    Now this, I would buy.

    Its kinda funny. I'm playing FF7 right now (well, waiting on a Chocobo race to finish) on my PS3. I got kind of excited when I heard about it because I thought it would be kind of a HD remake, but after seeing the trailer, it looks like they aren't really trying to improve anything at all. They are just adding some unneeded features. Now, I has a sad.

    I'll just stick with what I have.

  5. I think what you guys don't fully realize is this: you have experience playing both games and you are debating with a person that admits to not playing neither.

    Yes, I can tell the difference between the two because I played them both, but if I didn't, I wouldn't know, or care.

  6. Very enjoyable indeed! We need more Shenmue remixes!

    I'm listening on my sucky work computer speakers, so I'm not doing any close monitoring.

    I love the ambient sounds at the beginning. The decay on the pad the comes in at 0:30 could be shortened just a bit. Around 1:31, the piano that comes in sounds a little mechanical and a bit too bright (but that's just personal taste.) At 2:32, those little plucky synths could probably use just a little more decay (just a little).

    Things start to get a little repetitive as the song goes on. I like the drumwork, but you could probably use a few more breaks and transitions to kinda liven things up some more. Honestly, I would probably shorten the whole song by a couple of minutes. It gets kind of of difficult to keep things fresh in longer remixes.

  7. Last month, I had a request to make music for a children's dance routine. The lady wanted something similar to my Day and Night remix. It was for a church function, or something. I threw something together for her, and they liked it, so everything was cool.

    Now, that in itself, is not strange at all, but things got a little uncomfortable when a couple of days later, that SAME lady asked me to make a few tracks for a porno that she and her friends are trying to make. WTF?!?! A PORNO!!!!

    I guess that last few songs I've worked on kinda sound like something that would work in a porno, but holy crap!

    ...so I'm waiting to see how much she's going to pay me.

  8. This remix as a whole is pretty close to the original song. This would be more of a cover that a remix and I honestly can't see it getting past the judges.

    Try adding a bit more of your own personal touch to it spice thing up. The solo at 4:22 is a good example of what I mean. If you can do that throughout your mix, you're really have something special going.

    The bass is a little overpowering. I would tone it down a bit. And again, its following the bass line in the original quite closely (almost note for note). Adding more variation to it will help.

    The samples you are using are a bit weak. They pretty much sound like you pulled them from a GM bank. I'm not sure what program you are using, but it's a good idea to dig around a find some better sounding samples that are compatable (sf2 or vst samples). There's lots of free ones out there on the webz.

    Decent stuff, but there's definitely room for improvement. Keep it up!

  9. I also remember shedding a few tears from Legend of Legaia when Noa's guardian wolf/friend died. Normally, that wouldn't have bothered me, but it reminded me of my dog that died a few weeks prior.

    Also, I don't remember if I cried of not, but I was REALLY sad when I found out what happened to Noa's parents and the kingdom.

  10. Yeah, its crazy I wish we could split the platoon into 3 companies for the different systems.

    I'm not really active enough to start and maintain a PS3 platoon, but I'm sure somebody can start one. I'll be happy to join.

    BTW, I sent you a friend invite on battlelog.

  11. I can imagine a wrist strap through. Blegh

    I hope so, because if a zombie pops up on my controller screen like it did in the ZombiU demo, I'm probably gonna drop that shit.

    Yeah, I'm not good at survival horror games.:oops:

  12. It was a legitimate complaint last year. The way Nintendo presented it by focusing on the new controller, it seemed like they were talking about a new handheld or a new peripheral for the Wii.

    That's exactly what cause confusion for me when I first heard about Wii U. I thought it was just a fancy controller for the Wii, not an entirely different system. They only had pictures of the controller going around at one time. So, I kinda understand where confusion could start. But all it takes is a little more reading.

    Anyway, ZombiU looks kinda cool!

    I wonder, how many YouTube videos of people accidentally hitting other people with the controller is gonna pop up once this thing gets released? :lmassoff:

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