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Everything posted by CHz

  1. I'd just like to point out that this is a perfectly valid feeling for any rational person to have. Which means that Larry having it would be cause for alarm.
  2. I think it's sadder that he thought it would be a good idea to save that as a GIF.
  3. Caramella obviously smells the most. She's been living in the gutter ever since her love interest stopped broadcasting the "VG Frequency" show, whatever that is.
  4. My loins are afire. I demand this man be added to the poll immediately. Agreed.
  5. Everyone knows that the sexiest judge was Malcos. That lovable negro bloke. I abstain unless one of the current black panel members can fake a British accent.
  6. Tough one here. There's something about ex-judges that always make you crawl back and beg for them to return, and Bailiff Byrd is the hot mansecks. But then again, Judge Judy makes my loins afire with thoughts that are ironically against the law. Vote.
  7. Great to see Marathon getting some coverage at OCR. This track is some smoooooth lovin'.
  8. That link is actually http://dod.vgmix.com/past/june05/. Also... xoc entered? Freakin' awesome.
  9. Check out the first post in the history thread. It gives an NSF track breakdown for each remixer. Or I could just copy-paste the line here: Rellik - 55/37/22 - Swift Hunter
  10. Bladiator is the Texas Piano Giant, but then again, physical height isn't everything. And Compy probably uses something with efficient German design.
  11. I'd just like to throw a celebratory WTF at DarkeSword for releasing the project on the day I left for Seattle for a week. Guess I'll have to wait until Friday before I can download the project. kirby musik iz sexay... gud job 2 all
  12. http://olremix.paletteswap.com/remixes/?id=99 WHAT is that. Such an outstanding remix should obviously have been honored with remix ID #100, not that crappy DMS tripe.
  13. Because I posted in it. Yeah, I think you're onto something, Azar. That's twice in a row.
  14. A clever tactic, Liontamer. Developing a fake smear campaign against yourself to make you look like a martyr and boost your public image, all to distract everyone from the real issue: Paige is more qualified as a judge than you are. And that you smell. "world's worst DJ" loalz
  15. Well, since you've declared open season on typos, the GBA version of Kirby's Adventure is "Nightmare in Dream Land," not "Nightmare in Dreamland." Check the box cover at http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000070IW6.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg. *waits patiently for the musix*
  16. It looks like "ThatPaige is way more qualified because she's a FEMALE!" is currently beating out "ThatPaige is way more qualified because she's a FEMALE!," but the race has just begun, so who knows how it'll turn out? Cast your votes, people!
  17. I really need to finish assembling the Larry Animated GIF Collection. I think I have enough screenshots of the stream to compose two or three more, after which I'll post all of them, or more likely links to them to save bandwidth. Here's the neverending shirt dance to keep you company until then:
  18. Debate! Debate! Are the judges so pusillanimous that they would refuse to even acknowledge the challenger's existence, much less counter her accusations and campaign planks? The current face of the judge's panel makes me sick.
  19. Were you seriously considering finding a job in Atlanta to be close to WMRE in the foreseeable future, Larry?
  20. Alright, where can I find this? Check out the WIP thread.
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