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Everything posted by CHz

  1. This new poll is a travesty, a sham, and a mockery. As any true fan of VGF would tell you, the new name of the group is GRAPE, and y'all best respect.
  2. I'd have to agree with Compy that there were better shows, like OC ReJects, for instance. However, I'd say that this one definitely ranks up near the top, and not just because of Terra's Bad News (still the best-received track of the show).
  3. You forgot the URL, Rexy. http://earthcam.joebound.net/
  4. Hey, if anyone deserves to complain about time zone omissions, it's those of us in the Central.
  5. Larry played it in episode #56. Pay close attention or you'll miss it, since it's like 25 seconds long. I still need to snag a copy of it...
  6. Great lyrics and Myth-style smooth beats make this a great rap mix. About time djp finally posted this sucker. Wave of the future, gentleman. The foot is in the door.
  7. Wait, VGF comes in MP3 form? Wow, that's a great idea, Larry.
  8. I won't hear it, though, since I'll be in St. Louis. However, since I got my IRC back last night, I'll try to stop by the channel and heckle.
  9. Descent II has great music. Dj Redlight makes great music. Nothing but great things could come from such a pairing, and this song proves such. Glad to see the groove bias is still alive and kickin'.
  10. I can't connect to IRC either, but that's because someone on campus has a trojaned machine and Technology Services is too ineffective to do anything about it. I've been G-lined from two networks in the past month because everyone on campus is NATed through the same IP address, so if one person gets banned for having a trojan IRC bot, everyone loses access. At least I can still listen, though. I should fly to England and listen to it together with Rexy.
  11. I'd vote for Shnab if a male replacement were necessary. Otherwise it's pixietricks all the way for girl-on-girl action.
  12. I STRONGLY DETECT THE EXISTENCE OF A DOUBLE STANDARD You played Born with the 3 Inches, but not Terra's Bad News? If you had any integrity to begin with, I'd say that you just lost it.
  13. What, did you perform a biopsy on him?
  14. I really have to read this thread more. The stickyness confuses me because disregard those threads at the top. Hmm... I should come up with something to make reading this post not a waste of your time. ... Ooh! Tune in to VGDJ #019 for a REAL voice mail from me. None of that "Y'ALL SUCK" nonsense that I called in with because Rayza wanted people to "tell us the show is a piece of shit and you listen every week to how much worse it can get" (Rayza, #vgdj @ ETG, 9/13/05, 10:03 PM CST). Also, I'm recruiting volunteers to raid pixietricks's college and force the network guys to allow her access to IRC so she can join in on the #vgdj madness. Is anyone interested in joining a noble cause?
  15. Check http://speeddemosarchive.com/Solstice.html; it has a 100% room run in fifteen minutes. Also, this remix kicks my face in. In a good way. The only complaint I have is that of the sax sound, but that's minor because the interplay is awesome enough to make me forget about it. And the synths are rad. If it weren't for the crippling nostalgia I have for The Guardian Legend, this might be my favorite Shna mix.
  16. I was recording the aftershow, but my damn network died around 5:00 Central, so it cuts off when Trenthian was talking about the factual errors in Medal of Honor.
  17. Good to see that VGF is back on the air since, without it, you know, there was no real reason to keep Larry as a judge.
  18. That seems pretty inefficient, seeing as she can already do it en masse with pictures on the internets. <3
  19. You threaten to kill a lot of people. You're about as gangsta as this fellow:
  20. I don't think there's any centralized place. But Larry has the hook-up on every single remix ever created, so I suggest stealing his Winamp playlist. Also, I protest this poll for not having an "All of the Above" selection.
  21. Catholic clinical study technicians, perhaps.
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