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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. YEAH

    Check the new song, "been there done that"

    Here's the whole votepack which may stop working soon, so grab it fast!


    [PLACE 1 -=> vistac <=- Done by -=> xerxes <=- with 116pts ]
    [PLACE 2 -=> fagrot24 <=- Done by -=> Nobuyuki <=- with 103pts ]
    [PLACE 2 -=> mollie <=- Done by -=> uncleBen <=- with 103pts ]
    [PLACE 3 -=> ltw.it <=- Done by -=> eKid <=- with 99pts ]
    [PLACE 4 -=> tyre <=- Done by -=> coda <=- with 97pts ]
    [PLACE 5 -=> stop <=- Done by -=> ToastyX <=- with 75pts ]
    [PLACE 6 -=> failed <=- Done by -=> QuategoryApl <=- with 73pts ]
    [PLACE 7 -=> goofy <=- Done by -=> weezl <=- with 62pts ]
    [PLACE 8 -=> beentheredonethat <=- Done by -=> soc <=- with 61pts ]
    [PLACE 8 -=> ploop <=- Done by -=> b-knox <=- with 61pts ]
    [PLACE 9 -=> iprettymuchwin <=- Done by -=> NightsB <=- with 55pts ]
    [PLACE 10 -=> 8bm <=- Done by -=> CivilizedSuicide <=- with 31pts ]

    Hey, I didn't get owned this time!

  2. Propellerheads Reason is easier for making decent sounding mixes. Fruity Loops (FLStudio) is easier for making something crappy to start with; to make Fruity Loops sound better than Reason takes a lot of work and knowledge about mixing, but it is very possible.

    So we can just throw mixing out the window when using Reason? SOLD!

  3. http://soundtempest.net/soc/mod/oc-sendtock.it


    Yeah, I got owned again, but imo it's not just some piece of shit. I'm actually kinda proud of it! Definitely one of my better mods.

    The entire votepack until CK takes it down [which could be whenever]. Here are the results:

    [PLACE 1 -=> cmag.it <=- Done by -=> troupe <=- with 81pts ]
    [PLACE 2 -=> lamelime.it <=- Done by -=> HyoChan <=- with 79pts ]
    [PLACE 3 -=> classy.it <=- Done by -=> Ceekayed <=- with 74pts ]
    [PLACE 4 -=> sticks.it <=- Done by -=> xerxes <=- with 71pts ]
    [PLACE 5 -=> meow.it <=- Done by -=> coda <=- with 59pts ]
    [PLACE 6 -=> erratica.it <=- Done by -=> Thrasher <=- with 45pts ]
    [PLACE 7 -=> maybenot.it <=- Done by -=> xaimus <=- with 44pts ]
    [PLACE 8 -=> face.it <=- Done by -=> eKid <=- with 41pts ]
    [PLACE 9 -=> freezeplease.it <=- Done by -=> DenseGoo <=- with 31pts ]
    [PLACE 10 -=> sendtock.it <=- Done by -=> soc <=- with 25pts ]

  4. http://soundtempest.net/soc/single/oc-Sunrise.mp3

    3.7 MB

    I discovered a neat moog sound, made a quick pattern out of it, and thought it was pretty cool, so I built a song around it. The song isn't really anything groundbreaking, just some average everyday OverCoat. Honestly, while making this, I didn't seem to be having very much fun. Dunno why, it's not really a BAD tune [well, by my standards], but it sounds boring to me. My whole imagination is shot, so maybe I need to change my life around a bit, eh? One thing I resolved to do though, is never go too long without releasing SOMETHING, or else the writer's block gets worse!

  5. *sigh*

    Okay yeah fuck Map 30, that thing has drained out all my inspiration, I turn into a vegetable whenever I even hear the song. I'd like to switch to the Waste Tunnels, if that's OK. Pretty sure I can come up with something awesome.

    Er rather take, not switch, as I was technically booted from the project, I guess! :S

  6. Is map 30 up for grabs? If it is, I got a remix I started for fun. So, i'd like to know if it's open for sure, or if Overcoat is still doing it.



    I'll have to think about this. I had a thought that maybe I should just drop map 30 and try another song, especially since it seems a bit of the soundtrack has now opened back up. I literally took Map 30 because it was the last one available [aka nobody wanted the piece of shit]. Track 5 sounds enticing...

  7. Anyone can start a remix project. Managing it is the hard part.

    You can also have huge projects like the Cave Story Remix Project and Bound Together that aren't necessarily "official OCR projects" or organized on these forums, but are just as successful if not moreso.

    So yeah, you don't need "qualifications" to do ANY sort of project over the internet, just be ready to deal with a lot of typical deadline excuses from project musicians, if you can even find any with free time [harder than you may think!], and people who think they know better/could run the project better than you.

  8. Egads, I've been dropped!

    Can you put me back on? I've actually been waiting for more feedback before I do anything more, since to me it's practically almost finished. Maybe I should start actively asking? I thought this project would be a little closer than the other one's I've been on, but nobody's really talking to each other so... I'm seriously unsure of where to go next with my mix, but I'll try and search out some other opinions myself.

    I'll hunt for stuff to fix myself, for now.

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