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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. Haha you guys are pretty dumb sometimes.

    I think features-wise Logic and Cubase are the most diverse. I can't really say more on this subject.

    You can look at in-depth reviews of all the products all over the internet. The features in your wishlist are common topics in any well-written review, and I think you might find what you're looking for in either Logic, Digital Performer, Cubase, and Ableton Live. Reason doesn't fit all your criteria but you can check it out regardless.

    There are also demos available for at least some of this software!

  2. Doug, have you tried turning down your latency in Sonar? You might be able to turn it down without making the audio quality suffer.

    There's no large latency limit with USB, so you can turn it down in whatever sequencer you use to get a more accurate response time. However if you turn the audio latency down too much, the audio starts to crackle and become ugly. It's important to find the balance between quality and speed :)

  3. Well first of all check out the FL sticky if you have any specific questions.

    It takes maybe a few weeks or more to get used to the interface for a complete beginner. It took a few hours for GrayLighting D: but anyway yeah just poke around and see what shit does, the help file tells you the basics, enough to get you googling for some vocabulary terms.

  4. You can import a midi into most modern sequencers and add high quality samples, NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THE MICROSOFT GS WAVETABLE SW SYNTH AM I RITE

    Anyway, if you can convert something to .wav, you can convert it to pretty much any audio format ever. I like dbpoweramp a lot.

    But there's no way to just convert a midi with some tool that enhances the sound, it's not that easy. You need to find your own samples.

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