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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. You can set patterns to have a set number of beats.

    On the step sequencer [holy fuck it's actually useful?] at the top left there is a [--] box, when you mouse over it, it says "beats per bar for this pattern."

    I have an older song which takes advantage of this. One pattern is 4/4 and one is 5/4, and they're both playing at the same time. It actually sounded pretty cool.

    Of course now you have to adjust the playlist snap, which isn't hard. Go forth and make music, Radiowar.

  2. pixietricks in a babydoll tee....all i have to say

    ...someone would have to get a pic of that


    ...so glad I'm not Jill right now


    I already own and wear an OCR babydoll tee. Perhaps babydoll where you come from means something different? I dunno. :P

    In any case, I hope Dave will continue to carry them!

    I thought you'd be creeped out or something, but nevermind!

  3. ChipAmp is cool and all, but aren't SPC and PSF sample-based formats? Seems like a bit of a misnomer.

    This is a very debatable subject. Sites like Kohina.com's radio stream plays SNES tunes, as they are from a 16 bit system and just as oldschool and nostalgic as the Genesis, therefore they must be included in the chiptune scene.

    I, however, disagree that .SPC and .PSF should be callled chiptunes for the sample-based reason, as they are not using a built-in sound chip to synthesize sounds. Sure the SNES has a built in white noise maker [if I remember right] but that was only used as SFX [Chrono Trigger, FF6].

    For the sake of Chipamp though, I believe they should be included in the bundle. This pack was designed to play the source of all the arranged music on the site, and SNES/PSX accounts for quite a bit of that. And I just suggested that DJP include the BASS module plugin as well. Mods are all sample-based too, barring .s3m which can use AdLib/OPL-2.

  4. 2nd to last post in the old thread :( I'll just repost it:

    Hey, I like the chipamp, very cool! I don't think it necessarily needed to become a TAB on the remix pages though...

    Also, you forgot one thing, that I think is essential to WinAmp!


    "Plays XM, IT, S3M, MOD, MTM, UMX and MO3 modules using BASS Sound System"

    It's a solid player that will play XM and IT files properly, as well as adding UMX [The Unreal engine's music format] and MO3 [ogg-compressed module] support. I believe it's also necessary since the default winamp mod playback is horribly designed, it does not support midi macros or even the note-off command, which is DANGEROUS as it creates a wall of winamp-crashing noise :(


    If you feel that you need only UMX support, here is a plugin that will only play UMX:


  5. Basically you need a multitrack audio sequencer like Samplitude or ProTools, maybe even Adobe Audition if you wanna go on the cheap. If you also want to have virtual instruments, Sonar and Cubase come with some, you can download extra ones, you can also record audio into Sonar or Cubase. However, you also need a firewire or USB 2.0 audio interface to actually get your audio into the computer~ There's trillions of firewire/USB2 audio interfaces, and that's something you should ask ReMixing, I have very limited knowledge of all the brands and nuances of each interface.

    I'm assuming you have microphones already? :) And if you play live sets, you have your own PA system and equipment right?

  6. Do me a favor and ignore everything Skrypnyk says about computers forever.

    The buffer size to 256 samples? lol

    Some computers don't need Asio4all. I don't. I got my latency down to ~13ms and that's fine for me until I try to record live audio.

    Don't just randomly tell everyone to download 3rd party crap, please. Some soundcards already have ASIO drivers, and you only need Asio4all if you're experiencing EXTREME latency problems.

    Go into your audio options in FL and mess with the audio latency, unless you've already done that. The lower it goes, the faster the audio response time gets. This is a very crucial element when trying to record live.

    However, not all systems can go down all the way, even with Asio4all. You can't just set your latency to 256 samples [~5ms] and expect it to work. If the latency is set too low, there will be artifacts in the audio.

  7. consintarate


    And yeah, there's a multitude of reasons why the "volume race" is happening. Bands want their music as loud as possible without clipping, people don't have to adjust their volume EVER because the entire CD waveform is literally a brick, or it probably sounds better on the radio [though I believe most TV and radio stations run their own compressed signal!].

    Compression and overcompression has been used extensively in TV commercials, that's why their volume is so much louder than the actual TV show you are watching. Though I think the FCC made some regulations guarding against this. I wouldn't know, I don't watch TV.

  8. lol

    Well getting something to a decent volume is part of the whole "good mastering" part.

    What needs to happen is good EQ, normalization, compression, and good, balanced levels and panning on every instrument, then the same for the final waveform if you think it needs anything.

    There are a lot of different techniques to achieve maximum loudness, though I think most people here would prefer you go easy on the compression, I'm sure we all love dynamics.

  9. I still personally think that mackie mixers are good for the money. I almost bought an Onyx 1220 several months ago etc etc But I really don't think that getting a mackie mixer can ever really be considered a bad choice

    You were very close to purchasing one of Mackie's fuck-ups :) Though I heard it was good if you didn't have to route anything.

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