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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. DC was here, marvel and image are for scrubs.

    If I had to read a superhero comic it'd definitely be DC, but I tend to favour the non-superhero comics though, like Transmetropolitan or Sandman. Or does Sandman count as a superhero? He does meet the Martian Manhunter once!

  2. There's a lot of tricks you can use to make GPO sound better. Make it sound real? Some asshole will always tell you it doesn't have x or y so it doesn't sound real at all. It's impossible to please some people regarding this. Samples have gotten better since GPO, however, and shit can sound almost real. Many composers I know will actually use a mixture of samplebanks to create their productions. They'll use, for example, GPO glockenspiel, QLSO horns, Miroslav strings, or whatever unholy orchestral sample mickeymouse formula they've developed and gotten comfortable with.

    Am I wrong or did GPO get an update to its samples recently, though? I still think of the GPO from 1997 or something and sounding slightly better than a Roland SC-88

  3. Silent Hill pads and sounds don't always come cheap. They are complex sounding and it would take some real skill to get them that way.

    Actually, that synth I mentioned? STS-33? You get instant silent hill pad if you press the "lazy" button on the gui.

    Try it. And yes there is a "lazy" button.

    Also yeah I know I'm kind of a jerk about payware synths but I think it was the way they were initially presented in this thread that triggered my rage. Seeing a problem that could easily be solved with stuff I know will work and cost nothing, then seeing words like "omnisphere" and "absynth" tossed around.

    It's not like I'm completely cheap though. On the sample side, I have QL RA and QLSO Silver, but that's because there is no good free solution to certain samples I need. Synths are a different story for me though, I like to keep it simple. Most of the time the only difference between freeware and shareware is that there are no builtin effects on the synth, but that can be replicated easily with external processing. Also, I think this topic is worthy of an entirely separate discussion, but I'm too damn tired to keep this debate going. Sorry for turning this thread into a trollfest guys


  4. Seriously man, just because you like making music a certain way doesn't mean you have to talk down on everyone who doesn't adhere to *your* system.

    I just think Meteo's suggestions were a bit ridiculous. There's a lot more solutions than "buy $1000 of this shit immediately." Maybe I am just biased because I am so damn cheap, but I think it's better to try the freeware out first before plonking down cash, only to find out later you could've done the same thing with free stuff.

    I find it a little irresponsible to suggest to a newbie that he should buy something like omnisphere [$500 for a synth? jesus fucking christ] without considering any other options first. This is directed at Meteo though, not you. And yeah, it could be useful later on, but I'm pretty confident in my free synth collection.

  5. Meteo your suggestions are inappropriate. Buying ANYTHING like Omnisphere just for an ambient pad is just overkill and unnecessary. Also, Absynth is actually a very good synth, it just takes some patience to get a good sound out of it, since the interface is horrible.

    as always I'll recommend the free STS-33 for ambient pads, if you're lazy


    but if you have imagination, sometimes all it takes is a stretched out .wav sample, clever looping, and some [or lots of] processing. then it will be a unique sound that only you can create

    BGC are you suggesting this man use presets? :/

    Having CotMM bust into this thread and talk some sense would be the best course of action at the moment. Also Goddamn I sound like such an elitist troll right now

  6. I ain't gonna lie, good luck finding an Atari 2600 that works, the miniaturized system has all kinds of problems, my recommendation, look for either an original Atari, or an Atari 7800 Master System, the 7800 plays all of the old games and also has some of the bigger titles released just before the NES came out.

    I have a working 2600, but the damn UHF/VHF adapter burned out...

    You could always do what I do and play your 2600 games on the Colecovision, a much superior system.

    I was lucky enough to find a Colecovision recently, with the Atari 2600 expansion module, and lots of games. Plus it was only a little over $20 for the whole thing. Also it works.

    brb playing superior version of Mr. Do.

  7. TJ&E 2 is still great though - the music being the strong point

    also yes The Coop that is a fantastic list

    and I have about half of it, plus a bunch that aren't on there, but not good enough to mention

    you need California Games, Zool, and NBA Jam on there though. How could you forget NBA Jam T.E.? I am disappoint

  8. windytalesscare.jpg

    THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS! It's that time again! Halloween is one month away and Anime Remix needs scary awesome music to post for Halloween! The rules are simple: Arrange or remix any tune from an anime or cartoon, and make it scary. All songs are due on October 30th, so we can listen to the songs on Halloween, and after that, for one week we will cast our votes for the best song. The winner of the competition gets the coveted REMIX #100 DESIGNATION! How cool is that? I hope to get lots of entries this year, as this is our most popular compo [OK, our only compo] and it's a good time to remind people that we're still around, and hopefully I'll get to see some new faces remixing anime music. When you finish, let me know either by email [overcoat at gmail.com] or by PMing me on the forums, or coming into #soundtempest on irc.esper.net and letting me know what's up.

    Good luck!

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