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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. I'd enjoy a video of someone rocking out with Renoise+VSTs from scratch

    As of v2.1 there's a pattern queue function geared towards live usage.

    There's a couple videos of people using renoise live on youtube right now.

    Here's an in-depth video showing what renoise can do, it's not live but he definitely drives the thing hard - lots of automation everywhere:

    also: spot the bioshock sample :D

  2. preregistered

    doing the same thing as last year

    I think I always end up with Xerol. Last year was awesome because we had room 128, I basically never needed the elevator until the last night when I slept with starla

    I mean

    in her room

    you know

  3. I remember back in 2001 after discovering OC Remix, thinking... wouldn't it be great if the opera from FF6 was perfomed live? Well, that's one life goal off the queue for me. Shit was soooooooo cash.

    The whole concert was amazing and performed well, and the arrangements didn't suck balls [sorry, PLAY!, make them closer to the original next time], and even though I was by myself I had a pretty good time watching the performance. A little too much FF8 [like, half the concert, come on!?] and I think they skipped FF4's theme of love due to lack of time which was a shame. I think they neglected that game entirely, I would've liked to have heard that or Rydia's theme.

    Also, what's the story with Nobuo's salmon? Also, during the video credits - why did Amano get a light clap and Nomura get a cheer... FFFFFFFFF

  4. In Rens?

    War target or you chose to get concorded?

    Chasing War Targets

    One of these guys ran all the way to Syndicate space for some reason, then back again. I think they're just trying to lead us on a wild goose chase.

    Also I don't think I'm that cautious - that may be my first kill but I still have 10 ship/pod losses to make up for, lol

    Running into a Triumvirate fleet a while back in 0.0 didn't help me much. Bye bye pod :V

  5. Thought I'd update this thread since it's been a while

    finally got my first goddamn kill


    dude melted like ice [lol stealth bomber], and I even got his pod. For some reason he was sitting 100k off of a gate uncloaked and seemed to not notice me until it was too late, and torpedos do shit damage to frigates. I even had a warp scrambler, not a disruptor. Unfortunately, that scrambler's lack of distance made me lose a couple runaway targets today ;_; at least I learned my lesson!

  6. First the hikkikomori and now this. hahaha

    what crazy sociopathic micro-culture will japan churn out next?

    Still, they're on the right track with the "not having sex" thing. Less people need to procreate. Too many stupid people walking around.

  7. i thought my song was gonna get posted on anime remix

    I just checked the submissions forum and I hope you don't mean the submission from 2007!

    I feel like a douche for saying this, but I don't actually remember what your song was like, much less have a link to the mp3. If you'd link it to me I'll personally take a look at it, and if I like it I'll just post it :) I believe 2007 was before we were just like "fuck it" to the whole judges panel thing, which was creating more confusion than anything else. A panel isn't necessary for a site that gets maybe 3-5 submissions a year!

    Thanks for the support Ferret! Yeah right now I believe if we get more submissions the forums might get a little more activity as well.. or is it the other way around? Either way we just need more of a community at this point. We've gone through a lot of problems [mostly technical] which I think kept a lot of people away, but since we have a new host there should hopefully be less downtimes. Also with anime always becoming more popular and music software becoming more readily available to anyone, one only needs to do the math :) I know you're out there, I just need to find you!

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