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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. You saw Elfen Lied and Blue Gender... and Blue Gender was the one that freaked you out?

    Well, I guess the vagina monsters were pretty weird. I didn't like the ending, it could've been way better.

    p.s. my buddy mDuo13 posted a review of "Chi's Sweet Home" over at Anime Remix

  2. Hey, go shave your ass, buddy. Take up a collection if you want me to go so bad - otherwise I'll be toasting New Years with a can of pepsi and that sex mannequin that FINALLY came in from Xiao-Lao province.

    all you had to do was follow the damn train meteo!

  3. http://machimischief.com/kb/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=636


    there's me down at the bottom with my ham drake lol. I would've done more damage to the pos but I was camping a station. Motherfucker undocked in a scorp and jammed me and my buddy out [took him like 4 undocks to figure that one out!], so I chased them to the tower and joined in on the pos shootan. If you wanna see what a desperate 0.0 alliance does to defend their high-sec pos, look at the main page and check out all the caracal kills :o

    http://www.myvideo.at/watch/6906758 huzzah, video!

    I even had a high fever while fighting, thanks a lot PAX! but we pulled through and wrecked their shit. The time came for the Hoodlums to renew the war but I guess they didn't. What a shame. At least I can go back to making money now.

    Also, is my sig awesome or is my sig awesome

  4. phoenixwrightholdit.gif

    you bought it and NOW you want to know if you can get a better deal on it? and you "think" it's missing "that aftertouch thing" ... you sure have a lot of money to burn don't you?

    at least you bought a decent keyboard, but damn, if I were spending that much money I would research enough to justify paying that much for anything. Aftertouch, btw, is how much pressure remains on the keys when you play them. Here's some more info on aftertouch.

    I'll refrain from talking about the MM8 since I've never actually seen one, but I can tell you that fiscally, if you just want midi sequencing, recording, and composing, and you already have a decent computer, you don't have to pay a single dime. You might be able to sync up the MM8 with your PC and some free software [and a few bucks for a midi interface with cables, unless your keyboard has USB out on it]. I'll tell you how if you're interested. Still, I don't want to get you on the wrong track if the MM8 has decent sequencing built into it.

  5. Yeah I got sick, lol

    but it's just a fever

    it did get up to 102.5° but it went down a lot today, so I should be fine

    a couple of shizzies got really sick though, but I'm guessing it was because they went to/performed at the concerts [super-concentrated geekswarm].

  6. Larry/Dave I'll try to catch you guys Sunday before the panel, I'll get there early in the morning so I can get my sunday badge and score some leftover sunday swag [and talk to the EVE Online guys!]. Maybe I'll even see you around inside there. I tried going into #ocremix to get your numbers but of course no one was available - if anyone from the OCR crew is there and also checking this thread, please PM me a number so I can find you guys easier :3 if not, I'll just sneak onto your panel.

  7. DJP kinda fudged when he started out calling them "ReMixes" because what everyone thinks when someone says "remix" is not actually what this site hosts, in fact remixes are not allowed. Lots of confusion for a lot of people.

    MY PERSONAL guideline is like... if the song contains your own style and you can still clearly hear the original song in there, and it sounds good, it's something to submit to OCR. Kind of vague terms, but this is not an exact science, really. Just do what you feel, man.

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