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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. As our dedicated fans will already know [all 3 of us], Animeremix.org, your one stop for all things anime music, is finally back up after some hosting problems!


    So yeah, the link in my sig finally works again :D

    If you're new to this whole Anime Remix thing, think of us as like the OCR for anime and cartoon music. Very important! Come check us out, we have some fantastic music.

    Right now the site is still in a transitional period but it'll be 100% pretty soon. Xaleph's starting to get really good at site migration :(!

  2. I've been playing this recently.

    It's like Castlevania's gone back to being Castlevania, particularly in the art department. I mean, just look at this:




    I really like the music too I should remix it one of these days.

    Also I've notice that the game is very liberal with sound effects.


    Should be some sort of meme but it is not popular enough. I was going through the sound test and I think this is one of the few times where the english voices top the japanese ones.

  3. Well we were in the machi mischief alliance and I was having a lot of fun with these guys, a lot more fun than with Quick. It's also quite a bit larger. This is a very different kind of corp so it's going to take a lot of getting used to. I basically have to practice being more adventurous and being more of an asshole :D

  4. I am leaving the rednecks for Xeno Tech Corp


    kind of a sudden move and I feel semi-bad about it but my ceo was kinda being an ignorant baby :P plus I'm not even a redneck what's the point

  5. I'm still with the rednecks :D

    we joined the Machi Mischief Alliance lately and those guys are a lot of fun. We've been sabotaging wormholes, farmer missions, and there was a nice T1 frig/cruiser roam they all did on saturday but I had to work :(

    and I swear one of the brits on Teamspeak is Alan Rickman.

    Also me being a huge faggot am going Minmatar, so I've been trying out the stabber and should be able to fly a rupture in... a few hours. Whee! Still working towards the jag, still prefer rifter for PVP

    last night I tackled a megathron and lived. I feel proud of myself :D

  6. Basically we're switching hosts because we think 1stStrike [our host] may be dead. Matt has backups but we don't know how recent, but probably recent enough that only a few of Flash Strife's [wonderful!] angelgirl/catgirl posts may be lost. Sorry Flash! Xaleph says "I'm pretty exhausted right now, but I'm going to try to get this thing up again this week and point the new dns"

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