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Everything posted by Metasquares

  1. This is a great solo mix, and although I thought that adding a flute part at 2:20 and continuing would have added a lot to it, I still think it's great as-is.
  2. Quite an amazing remix, showing an impressive command of both choral harmony and production. To those not happy with the quiet dynamic, you can easily change that yourselves using something like Audacity.
  3. Nice work! There's room to continue both themes, perhaps as another movement.
  4. I like it... sounds kind of Baroque, but not exactly what I expected when I saw the description. The harpsichord doesn't stick out, which is good, since it hardly ever does in Baroque orchestral music (seems that it's usually brass or strings, which is how you orchestrated as well - I'm guessing you have lots of experience with this sort of music). The samples could be a bit better, but I was never one to quip over that, since anyone can perform it later on better instruments if you're releasing the sheet music.
  5. Overall, an excellent mix, but something kept irking me about this as a pianist - the balance between bass and treble that most pieces contain is absent for a good portion of this piece. The bass is right up there in your face, and it often drowns out the actual melody, which is being played much softer in the uppermost registers of the instrument. This is OK to emphasize the bass for a few measures, but do it too often and the melody gets drowned out - and most of the expressiveness of the song with it. That may be why people have complained that it sounds somewhat mechanical - lots of dynamics, but only the large crescendos are audible. Most of the subtle dynamic variations (and they are usually more powerful when you can hear them in the melody, not just the accompaniment) that make a piano piece sound more "human" are inaudible, whether or not they're actually present.
  6. I'm a little surprised that this song, out of all on the project, made it here, since some of the others are really fantastic. As for this song, it's decent, and the quality of the samples is good (but then, judging a song by the quality of its samples is nearly as bad as judging a game by its graphical content), but the arrangement just completely loses its energy around halfway through the mix (Around 3:40). The next 10 seconds are positively bombastic, and probably should have been thrown out of the mix. Overall, the first half is good, but the second needs work.
  7. This mix demonstrates considerable talent at arranging and piano playing. The audio quality is impeccable... did you record this live? (and if so, what type of piano were you playing this on so I know what to buy when I get rid of my current one? ) However, this really isn't my style of music... the melody is subdued and lost for most of the song, with too many notes packed together in the beginning and too few at the end. The melody itself broke into chromaticism a little bit too much for my taste as well, considering that the source material sticks to its key almost all of the time. That last chord is fine; it gives the song a reflective quality. It's good; it just isn't the sort of music I listen to.
  8. I heard this back when it was posted to VGMix. I replaced one of the Rise of Nations tracks with this, since it just seemed more appropriate
  9. I really like the woodwind arpeggios at the beginning. Very nice harmonization at 1:18, though I would have been a bit more daring with the harmonization from the very start (but then, that's a individual stylistic issue). The song lost a lot of its momentum at around 2:07. Some of that came back with the choral sound about 20 seconds later, but you didn't sustain it long enough. 3:18 went nice, but that could stand to be longer too. In short, I would try varying the harmony more and extend some parts that can go places, like the one at 3:18. Nice nonetheless; I'd give this a 70/100 if I had to rate it numerically.
  10. I was awestruck the first time I heard this. The entire Artifact of Power series is part of my collection. You may all be interested to know that this is one of a collection of four songs, all of which are on VGMix: http://www.vgmix.com/song_view.php?song_id=455 http://www.vgmix.com/song_view.php?song_id=620 http://www.vgmix.com/song_view.php?song_id=942 http://www.vgmix.com/song_view.php?song_id=1009
  11. Wow, this thing got a lot better since it was a WIP.
  12. Blak_Omen's right, it puts the forte in pianoforte I'd never play like this, but it is certainly an interesting concept and a nice mix.
  13. If you'd like, I'll send it to you - it was a pain to find. PM me if interested. Anyway, does anyone know of any good free GM soundfonts? I'm looking specifically for one to use with a softsynth (Fluidsynth), as I don't have a hardware synth on this computer. In particular, I'm looking for one with tuned instruments - some GM soundfonts seem to have particular instruments tuned differently than others, which makes for a very poor rendition when they're heard together.
  14. Very "clean"... I like it, and can't think of anything bad to say about it.
  15. The first 1:07 sounds almost exactly like a remix I eventually abandoned of this track. That said, I like the choice of instruments and the composition in general is great. However, this mix didn't really deviate much from the original piece, so it basically amounts to the original with different instruments. I suppose it's still pleasant enough to go in my collection.
  16. I'm not really into solo/almost solo guitar pieces, but this is a nice piece.
  17. Rosegarden and Muse are the two best music editors for Linux (IMO). Rosegarden is more of a notation editor, whereas Muse is less notation-oriented and more beat-oriented (I think - I don't use Muse much).
  18. I like it! It does seem to have a wavelike quality to it, which is probably a good thing for a calm piece such as this one. The background harmony gets a bit repetative around 1:30, but this is brief and doesn't really interfere with the piece as a whole. I like how the climax builds yet doesn't actually vary from the rest of the song much. Some might not like it because it's very "static", but it's a nice, peaceful song to listen to. Good job.
  19. The hymn itself sounds very out of place in this mix. I really don't see anything musically wrong with it - it just doesn't seem to fit the mood that the rest of the music sets. Otherwise, ths mix is fine.
  20. At first, I groaned and thought "Yet another Ice Cap Zone remix". Of course, I gave it a listen. The music has a very interesting flavor to it, but the samples used remind me more of Lava Reef Zone or Launch Bay Zone than Ice Cap. I particularly like how the woodwinds kick in around 2:00 and last for the rest of the piece, albeit not as powerfully as they were in 2:00. All in all, I like it
  21. I didn't like this one that much for a few reasons. Firstly, I'm a big fan of "get to the point" mixes, and having to wait 1:40 to hear a recognizable melody didn't go well with me. It gets a bit repetitive afterwards too, in that the notes seem to be confined to a small range. On the positive side, the arpeggio in the background would sound nice if it weren't there for the almost the entire length of the song. I think that's what made me consider this repetitive. The samples also sound very nice. All in all, a decent mix, but not one I'm going to add to my collection.
  22. I like the melody itself and the really nice way it was harmonized somewhere around 2:00. I can care less if you have cheesy sounding samples... I STILL listen to MIDI files and enjoy them
  23. It sounded, sans the screaming, a bit too near the original for me. The instrumentation did sound a bit chippish, and the screams were a bit too prevalent. Not bad, though. Brought back memories of a frustrating game that had 48 levels and didn't generate a password that saved your items.
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