Call me weak if you'd like but I found Velius in FFT amazingly difficult. I actually shut off the game and started a new slot because I could not beat that guy.
Pretty good ReMix overall. It definitely sounds like something they'd be playing during cocktail hour. I couldn't really understand what this was until about 1'07 when it cut straight into the song. I think that the background beat adds a little extra to the music itself, setting the lively mood of the music well. Even if this doesn't end up among your favorites collection, it's still well worth listening to.
I forgot if I previously commented on this or not, but it's worthy of two comments anyway. This has got to be, if not my favorite ReMix, high up on my list. It just creates so many different moods at once... really great music.
I honestly love this piece. The soft tone of the music and the river sounds in the background give it a very nice feel, and very suited to the name ('cept the AmIEvil part). I also love the way the song of time blends into the song of storms at about 1:40... Nicely done.