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The wingless

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Everything posted by The wingless

  1. Does anyone else hear shades of Knight Rider in this piece? Ah well... I agree with everything said thus far. The empty space doesn't work as is. As a stylistic choice, it doesn't add anything, since the song is quite repetative by itself. If anything, the original begs for much more variation, not more repetition. For this and many other reasons: NO Work on more variation, and I don't mean with the same riff. I mean expound upon the riff. Change it. Smack it. Flip it. Rub it down.
  2. I'm with Zyko on this one. *gasp* Wait a minute, the resident piano guy likes a piano piece that has been demonized as "myseriously ookie"? While Malcos has a point with the midi-track, reforged. I think it works remarkably well here. There's all sorts of nice little bells and whistles here, and as much as I love looking at the big picture, I'm a sucker for detail. I applaud this piece for its non-conventional approach to the piano-solo and am more enamored with its texture, pacing, and structure than I am turned off by its few awkward notes. YES edit: Gotta love the ending. Seph - i - reeeeeeee
  3. The beat is great, but the problem lies in the quality and condition of those beats. The choice of synth is messy and tends to overpower the next note, creating a sort of haze where clarity would be much more effective. Try to distill your work down to its simplest elements. I've found songs that sound this cluttered are usually the result of the author going "Hrmm, I like a whole bunch of ideas, and I'm going to throw them in!". Work simple, and the good stuff will follow. NO har har, I still hit chu wif da big NO anyways!
  4. HAHAHAHHA. Oh my god. Vigilante has never looked more... Ally McAppealing?!?! ROFFLE! *sigh* I'd still hit it.
  5. Unbeknowst to some, Larry Oji has an unusual penchant for Tom Jones and dancing like a common shittyjudgefaggit. *think about it*
  6. I'm not a fan of this song. I think it's far too repetative, which gets into arguements of what are the trademarks of the genre (if we are to assume this is textbook techno). Not a whole lot of variation/development. Plus, on the purely subjective end of things, I just don't like it, especially relative to the complexity/tightness of the original. Whenever you remix a "fully-realized" song, such as a Sonic CD song, I think it has to either A.) outdo the original or what is more likely B.) reinterpret it in a way that is enjoyably unique. This song does neither of these things for me. So if I had my way, it'd be a NO STOP THE PRESSES, BITCHES!
  7. I missed a booty call?! BULLSHIT!
  8. Coma: Poor recording! Me: I agree. But it's not horrendous! pass! Coma: plinky performance! Me: sounded smooth enough for me. pass! Coma: no/poor development Me: I heard development! It wasn't grand or sweeping, but subtle and delicate. pass! Coma: flooded sound! Me: I agree! But it's well within reasonable listening! pass! End result: I cancel out Coma's vote. Democracy works. YES
  9. Too repetative Wonky sound quality Delay on the melody (aka the "echo" effect) wears out it's welcome. It needs something beyond the frail ornaments tacked on to it, be it a fuller sound, more interesting/daring variations, less repetition of the theme. Take your pick. No SUCCINCT!
  10. Stupifyingly easy to YES I could expound upon the particulars, but that would be like explaining why you need to look at The Mona Lisa.
  11. This song pisses me off for the simple reason that many people are just "not going to get it" and as such, they are going to be instantly turned off, and wont bother to hear all the really fascinating things happening in tandem with other fascinating things. So yes, this song enrages me simply because it will never be fully appreciated by the CounterStriking Ohh Emm Ehf Ghee people of the world. I weep for you, sir. I weep, and give you a YES
  12. Whoa. Vigilante YES'd a guitar track? Hell hath frozen over, and Larry Oji has a six-foot afro. I agree with Danny B. that there are some fairly rough patches here and there. However, I was not so mired in the errors and therefore, find that the heart and performance outweigh the general list of flub-dubbery. In other words, good enough for me. YES
  13. Original + phat sound fonts = this. You + more originality + something unique = YES else NO
  14. A couple points -The drums are predictably loopy. You need to throw in a lot more variation, or at the very least, change the last 8ths or 4ths of the loops. -wonky ending -sustained guitar notes maintain their volume during long phrases. I would assume guitars decay over time, or it sounds more natural to me that they would. -sounds cluttered. Clutter is multiple layers conflicting and/or fighting for dominance. Density is multiple layers working literally in concert with each other. Make it denser, not cluttered. -I think it needs something beyond the drums, guitar, vocals, and tinny piano. Sounds like a register is missing, mid-to-low. See about adding another instrument, or more likely, reworking an existing track to work more effectively. NO Ave Brutalis! House Julii
  15. Never heard the original, but taking this as a stand alone, I really, really enjoyed it. Others will expound upon why this version is better than the previous. But in the interests of time, I'll just say I really like the laid-backnessness and the above-competant composition. YES (read this aloud to the intro bass) "And now... coming to the stage to give his patented brand of smooth-vodka poetry... Mr. Hip-cat, tight-raps, Zangief." . . . "HELLO! I AM ZENGIEF! I STAND IN LINE FOR BREAD! IN SOVIET UNION, STREET FIGHTS YOU! THANK YOU! GOODNIGHT!"
  16. Kind sir, you mock the dead Assuming this is a rehash of the original (never got very far in the Master of the Blasters video game), I'm going to give boiler-plate Wingless speech #563. Verbatim mixes ain't going to cut it in 4th Era of Overclocked. Although this mix is clean and certainly pleasant to listen to... in the end, it's simply an "updated" version of the original. It is the bare minumum you could do, and I going to take it on good faith that you can do/add so much more. Make the song yours. Claim it. SIEZE IT! TAME THE VAGINA AND MASTER THE COCK! Ah... but Magnolia notwithstanding, for the sizeable length of this song, you need to incorpate more (original) material that will captivate the audience. If the people we're performing for collectively sigh "been there, done that"... then ultimately, we have failed in some respect as artists. Resubmit, and add some killer junk. No and see about taming the vagina too. Why would Cruise lie to me? What would he have to gain?
  17. So compressed... it has given me the Bends. Everybody else has laid out its problems. But I'd like to push for a resubmit, factoring all the criticisms doled out thus far. Beyond the post-modern-hewn trappings and the blackhole compression, there's some pretty tricked-out coolness going on, and it would be ashame to not have that coolness refined and posted. No
  18. When you put my name in, it's an automatic yes. I have nothing else to say. Oh wait... yes i do As per usual, I agree with everything said before. Great intro, but the wonky off-timed notes really irk me. "humanized" notes should still fall on some reasonable fraction of the beat, like 16th or 32nds, etc. These seem to fall in some nether region of the 4/4 scale. Thematically, there is a lot going on, and I think that's to the song's discredit. Pick one really good and strong musical idea and stick with that through the whole piece. One simple, strong, and clear idea translates infinitely better to the ear than 3 or 4 well-meaning but questionably-executed ideas. I actually don't want to give this a no (and not because of the shameless ego boost Ravi gives me). I really enjoy a lot of what's going on. The problem is that the bar we've set thus far really takes into account what's done right versus what's done... not so right. And in this instance, there are a few things wronger than there are right. My advice to the author would be to consider this piece, as it is right now, as a block of marble. The hard part is over. Now all you have to do is chisel away everything that isn't clear or anything that doesn't further the piece. Once you delete the unnessicary [sic], what remains, however minimal it may seem to you, will be gold to the audience. no The lower case no is my main party platform. That and wellfare reform... and fo' white ho's for evr'y black playa. HOLLA.
  19. A critique of "Mid Night" Post-structuralism versus Post-modernism in Overclocked Remixes By John Allen Burnett, Ph.D. Since time in memoriam, mankind has always gazed at the stars, and in that vast cosmic expanse, the stars have always peered back. The challenge, then, lies in identifying who is the watcher, and who is being watched. For was it not the Bard who said, "The fault, dear Horatio, lies not in our stars but in ourselves that we are underlings". Indeed, the overarching theme of the "gaze" is widely prevalent in the song "Mid Night". Though certainly not a sterling example of solo, or even duo-track guitar work, the underlying emotion, or vibe if you will, is pleasant enough. Yet the amicable undertones of the piece belies its rather irksome shortcomings. For one, the overall structure of the piece is a bit uninspired. Upon closer examination, one finds a verbatim recording of the original theme, followed by a largely unrelated solo. Perhaps if these two dichotimus elements were somehow integrated better... Secondly, the ending is abrupt to the point of disbelief, given the smooth and deliberate progression of the introduction. This work is reminescent of early Lacan or Kant, though that is really niether here nor there. It is the opinion of this Doctor that the song "Mid Night" be NO'd, until the followind conditions are met: A.) The author improves the overall structure, integration, and creativity of the piece and B.) the author greatly improves the ending. In closing, no man is an island unto himself. Why, even the dread Protricity was often heard on IRC as to say, "Sometimes, Wingless... I just need a fucking hug, you know? But don't fucking tell anyone or I'll fucking karate rape your mailbox." Indeed... truer words were never spoke. A-
  20. Perhaps it's because my standards aren't nearly as high as the rest of the panels, or perhaps it is because I am more ready to enjoy song X Y or Z, but I like this. Now, let's get some much needed disclaimers out of the way so people don't crowd around my windmill with pitchforks and torches. The samples are irksome. There are some issues with the composition (which really should be debated, as it keys us in on issues of arrangement versus jigsaw-editing). There are some really valid and honest points being raised with this song, and yes, I've taken them all into account. But when all is said and done, I have to focus in on the big picture of this piece. High, arcing thematic ideas like energy, emotion, passion, etc. And on these terms, I think this song is successful. I also think that the bad (and valid) points brought up by Port and Oh Danny Boy in no way outweigh or overshadow the goodpoints of this piece. I tend to work on the binary scale, and having said that: YES And so begins the Age of Rifts When the god-kings of Overclocked Squabble amoungst themselves for the mantle of Lord Shttyjujjfagt
  22. STFU CHEECH! Very soothing, most of the irksome parts have been retooled for '04. I agree with Vigi that alot of the guitar parts are so irresponsibly simple that even *I* could play it while having rabbid sex with Lindsey Lohan ontop of the Epcot sphere while the pope watches. Some complexity and, dare I say, daring (yes, I dare), would have really brought this piece out to a whole new level. But the level its at is more than acceptable, especially since I happen to be a sucker for live anything. YES Oh, and Lindsey, if you're reading this... roadtrip?
  23. I felt the exact opposite of the OJInator Where Larry heard a reverb problem, I heard a nice, sweeping effect that aided the ambient montage-effect going on in the piece. I felt the horn sample was appropriate enough, and the percussion wasn't too insensitive. I especially enjoyed it when all the instruments and ambient effects are thrown together. There's a very nice texture of sound there. It reminds me, however vaguely, of Aphrodite Oceanus. YES I dig it, and, as an added bonus, I get to cancel out Larry's vote. That's democracy, folks! VOTE NADER, BITCHES, or the planet will end up just like Waterworld!
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