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The wingless

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Everything posted by The wingless

  1. I was expecting something at the level of the Street Fighter III tournament level. Kinda disappointed, but your point is well taken
  2. alright, so we've identified the problem. What are your plans to alleviate or even rectify the situation?
  3. No it is MOTHERFUCKING not. If you want Darkesword to hate and be fed up and bored with Diablo III after the first hour or so, then by all means, let him play Titan's Quest. if however on the off chance that you actually WANT him to look forward to Diablo... cut that shit out!
  4. All I have to say is: Stay awhile and listen!
  5. Blacks with whites?!?!? Wait until Larry "Don't mix them races" Oji hears about this! alternatively, congrats!
  6. Um... I believe everybody's heard of this game by now. My "friend of a friend" lent it to me, and I played about 30 minutes of it. It's alot more fun to watch than it is to play. youtube that shit and glean all the entertainment value you can from it.
  7. To Chicken: ...I like that. I like that alot! To Friendly: I roffled hard, and seriously considered making that like a huge easter egg dialog for Planetfall for a good hour or so.
  8. FriendlyHunter's interpretation is... unique, but it's not the most outlandish I've heard. I'm surprised the Planetfall "fanbase" hasn't made more of an effort to talk all high-fallutin' about the piece. There's a fair bit of the story to deconstruct. Now a part of me is seriously considering some sort of sequel or spin-off, since all the art assets and code are firmly in place. Hmmm... but what to write about?
  9. I'll play the games that are, by design, meant to be played over and over again. Typically for me, this means games that are extremely high in adaptation and improvisation. For example, Smash Bros, most noteably in its latest incarnation, I play all the time. It's depth and breadth are, by design, infinitely replayable. Oblivion I play constantly. I liken it to a very peculiar MMO, whereby each person who plays *adds* something new and unique to the world. One of my favorite things to do is leave the game alone for a month, come back and binge on all the new mods. Unreal tournament 2004 is in that same glorious vein of high adaptation, high improvisation. It also shares the same constantly evolving structure as Oblivion's mod scene.... I just wish ut3 was a better game :/
  10. Zircon, you took everything from me. My woman. My life. And now, I will not rest until I have taken it all from you. also, hap birf!
  11. Goddamn! Those Eternal Champion finishers are brutal to the point of being disturbing. If young Wingless played that game, I'd like the *idea* of the ultra violence. But in practice, I'd probably be too wrecked to play it for long. Latter-day Wingless can appreciate the game from a statutes and standards viewpoint. But still, the body's still alive without its skin and its lower torso. THAT BODY FEELS EVERYTHING HAPPENING TO IT!!! arhghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  12. I'll die before I let Harmony on the panel or this thread die. Besides, me and Zircon talked about the ending on AIM (much to this thread's chagrin!)
  13. Are you sure Zircon, I mean really really sure you want to know the terrible secret of space!?
  14. Firstly, EA pays the bills around here, so shut your goddamn mouth Secondly, you know what baffles my shit? The fact that everyone sites Madden as the biggest complaint about EA. But really, how much can you iterate and add on to a football game? Madden was probably feature perfect around the oughts. How much more do you need before you can be satisfied year after year after year? Jesus corporate-merging Christ!
  15. Good, the ball is rolling Your interpretation is... interesting. To me (as a consumer and not the author), West is that archetype that means to do well, but in that desperate need to do well, she ends up doing terrible things. That lack of purpose and vision to do malice, in my mind, absolves her from being the villain. Sure, she fucked up and fucked up big, but that's what makes her so human. She's trying the best she can, and it's all going to hell in spite of or because of those best efforts Meanwhile Diego is just a completely malevolent force. He sees an opportunity to A.) not be a victim and B.) come out on top and he seizes it with all the slow viciousness he squeeze. You've made this rather alarming logical leap to making the Commander out to be some sort of... megalomaniacal douchebag. When I think she's really just a horrified child in a incredibly frightening world. As for the ending, I know what I wanted to come across, but I'm interested in hearing more before I tell
  16. ...sooooooo I'm guessing that was the extent of our critical analysis on the nature of man vis-a-vie Planetfall.
  17. see also: Ender's Game
  18. Remember to grab those sigs and throw them in your forum of choice! Edit: Um... do we have SPOILER tags on OCR?
  19. do you accept Midi-rips? EPIC LULZ. ...no seriously. Cuz I have nothing in the pipeline for music. It'd take like two-three weeks to put out poop, let alone a decent mix :/
  20. Given how the story ends, I can't imagine a proper sequel. I did, however, give some fleeting thought to alternative versions of the story. Maybe with Diego as the Commander or if the Lottery never existed, etc, etc. A sort of Planetfall alternate universe But as a cohesive narrative? It's pretty finished.
  21. (Lawrence, you may merge this at your earliest convenience. Thank you, my African American) So for those of you who haven't seen the original thread posted by the well-meaning but impetuous dee-shu (lolz, thanks anyway!), I wrote a sci-fi novella. More than that, it's an epistolary sci-fi novella, which is just a fancy way of saying "story told through messages" Planetfall is told through back-and-forth emails between the various crew members of the NSEA Demosthenes. After nearly a year in space, the ship suffers a critical equipment failure, forcing the crew to grapple with a crisis that may kill everyone on board. ----------------------- screenshots! http://www.thewingless.com/planetfall/planetfall_ss1.jpg http://www.thewingless.com/planetfall/planetfall_ss5.jpg http://www.thewingless.com/planetfall/planetfall_ss4.jpg http://www.thewingless.com/planetfall/planetfall_ss6.jpg =============================================================== And without further ado, Planetfall www.thewingless.com/planetfall =============================================================== Why make the official thread now? Cuz I put it up on Digg. So if you like it, go ahead and point it up. here's the digg article (hastily written description FTW!) http://digg.com/comics_animation/Planetfall_a_sci_fi_epic_told_entirely_through_messages --------------------- I also took the liberty of making some small sigs if you want to show a little support and whatnots. thanks, and keep reaching for da starz and whatnots.
  22. I was thinking about that. There is minor precident since it's epistolary, which System Shock and Bioshock have done. Plus, I'm in the game's industry. Lastly, I'm interesting in experimenting with "Gamey" narrative structures. So... yeah... I guess!
  23. I'll still die before I let Harmony on the panel
  24. I'll bump this a bit before making an official announcement. OCRemix forums is a fickle bitch! for those of you who have read it, do you know of any place ever remotely related where I could showcase this? Thanks, and keep reaching for the staaaaaaaaaaars! p.s. oh, and if you like Planetfall, go ahead and grab the sig and the link and spread the word.
  25. it wasn't! This project really drew into sharp relief how terrible I am at editing my own writing. :/ Good thing I can get by on a little help from my friends.
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